How to remove film from beef and pork liver: useful tips and tricks

Many housewives faced such a problem when, when the instructions for cooking pork or beef liver were fully followed , it still turned out to be dry and tough. The reason for this is a thin translucent film that covers the surface of the liver. It will be quite difficult to get rid of it without improvised means. The film adheres tightly to the surface of the liver and if it is simply pulled together, then good pieces come off at the same time. Therefore, you will have to study recommendations on how to remove the film from the liver. Moreover, they are very simple and affordable.

How to choose the right liver

The taste of any dish is influenced by the quality of the products from which it is prepared. This truth, verified over the years, also applies to the liver, regardless of whether it is pork or beef. When choosing this offal in the store, be sure to use the following recommendations.

how to remove film from the liver

  1. A quality liver should be fresh, not frozen. As a result of prolonged freezing of the by-product, vitamin A, which is so important for vision, is lost.
  2. The smell of a fresh product will be slightly sweet, and in a low-quality one with unpleasant acid.
  3. High-quality beef liver has a rich ripe cherry color with a slightly brownish tint, and pork liver is much lighter.
  4. The liver should be elastic to the touch, and the hole formed when a finger is pressed on it, quickly restore shape.
  5. In addition to the film, bile ducts, which also need to be removed, can be seen on the product. In addition, there should be no spots or other damage on the surface.

How to easily remove the film from the liver with salt

The real problem for many is the film. Usually, an ordinary kitchen knife is used to get rid of it. To do this, the edge of the knife must pry off the film and, slowly, pull it in one direction. But sometimes difficulties arise. Either the film does not stretch at all, or it begins to tear. What to do in this case? How to remove a film from beef liver using improvised means?

To simplify the task of removing the film, you need to rub it with coarse salt. Then perform all the same actions as when removing with a knife. However, a positive result with this method can be achieved much faster.

How to film a frozen liver

It is not recommended to freeze the liver, because in this state it loses some of the important vitamins. But if you still got such an offal, then you should know that the film can be removed from it without waiting for defrosting. How to do it right?

Remove the frozen liver from the freezer and transfer to the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Here it will begin to gradually thaw, and after a while you can proceed to remove the film. This can be done with the help of the same sharp knife and in the same way, but several times faster.

how easy it is to remove the film from the liver
If the offal was purchased fresh, then before removing the film from the liver, it must be sent to the freezer for half an hour. This time will be enough to freeze the product, but at the same time preserve all the available vitamins and nutrients.

How to remove a film from the liver with lemon juice

Another reliable assistant in the kitchen is lemon juice. How to remove a film from beef liver with this fruit? All actions are performed in the same way as when using the method with salt, but here the liver is rubbed or watered with lemon juice.

how to quickly remove the film from the liver
The result should please every housewife. A thin film literally slides off the surface of the liver and in a matter of seconds it will be in your hands. Everything is simple and fast. There is no doubt that the liver after removing the film with lemon juice will turn out to be the most tender, literally melting in the mouth.

Pork liver

In pork liver, in contrast to beef offal, the film is very thin, almost transparent. But it’s much more difficult to pry off with a knife and remove it. How to remove the film from the liver in this case?

To do this, first wash the pork liver under running water and put it in a clean bowl. Pour the offal with hot water and leave it in this position for 15 seconds. Then take out the liver, put it on a cutting board and carefully remove the film, without waiting for cooling.

how to remove pork liver film
Similarly, a film is removed from beef liver. However, the time it is left in hot water should be increased to three minutes. Now it’s clear how to remove the film from the pork liver.

Pre soaking

This is another way to remove a clear film from the surface of a pig’s liver. To do this, you need ordinary milk. This product not only softens the fibers of the liver, but also helps to quickly get rid of the by-product from the hard film. Proportions for the preparation of such a marinade: for 1 kg of pork liver, 0.5 liters of milk will be needed.

How to quickly remove a film from the liver? Take a deep bowl and pour milk into it. Rinse the liver under running water, lower it in a bowl with milk and leave it in this position for 2 hours. After that, get the liver, dip it with a paper towel and you can remove the film. She will depart very quickly.

how to remove a film from beef liver
The milk method is ideal for pork liver, as it is characterized by some bitterness in taste. It is because of this that many people prefer to buy beef liver. Along with this, you can get rid of bitterness not only with the help of milk, but also thanks to soda. To do this, cut the liver in portions, then sprinkle with soda, mix and leave to β€œrest” for 1 hour. After the indicated time, the offal is washed under cold running water, dried with a towel and sent to the pan.

Beef or pork liver without film and bitterness turns out to be very tasty, fragrant and healthy.


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