How to make wine from viburnum at home

Alas, grapes do not grow in our latitudes. But you can make low-alcohol drinks from other berries! Russian nature presents us every fall with record harvests of viburnum and mountain ash. These berries are very healthy. Guelder-rose, for example, perfectly strengthens immunity. At the end of winter, the population often mows generalized flu. It's time to improve your health and uncork your own home-made wine from viburnum. Read on for his recipe .

Wine from viburnum at home

This wine has a slightly unusual tart aftertaste and an amazing fresh aroma. However, unlike an alcoholic drink made from vines, this one cannot be stored for a long time - the bottles prepared in autumn should be drunk within a year. Yes, and how can they be left? After all, wine from viburnum at home is so delicious! In addition, experimenting with a different ratio of berries, water and sugar, you can get stronger or lighter options.

The recipe for homemade wine from viburnum is not much different from any other method of preparing a berry alcoholic beverage. The whole technological process can be characterized by a brief formula: sourdough, filtration, rapid fermentation, clarification. Now about these stages in more detail.

The main problem that specialists face is to figure out how to make wine fermentation bacteria work in a drink. There are very few in berries. Therefore, it is advised to add a handful of raisins along with viburnum. It will serve as a catalyst for proper fermentation - because in grapes, albeit dried, such bacteria are in abundance. In addition, it is recommended not to wash the berries of the viburnum too hard. All beneficial wine fermentation bacteria are on the skin.

Recipe for homemade wine from viburnum

So, the leaven period. We sort through the berries, mash hands, put in a bottle, add a handful of raisins, a glass of cold water and 100 grams of sugar. We tie the neck of the container with gauze to avoid getting into the midges. We put the future wine from viburnum at home for three to four days in a warm place. If you see that the thicket has risen, and a light foam has formed, then everything is going according to plan.

Now we separate the wort from the pulp (that is, the juice from the grounds). After filtering, you must decide what kind of wine you want to get: table, semi-sweet or dessert? Depending on this, the proportions of sugar and water will change.

So, for table wine per liter of juice, you need to add 300 g of granulated sugar. Dilute the mass in 1.7 liters of water.

Dessert wine from viburnum at home preparing, needs 350 g of sugar and half a liter of water.

A liquor requires 400 g of sand and 150 ml of water. We add the liquid all at once. Sugar is divided into three doses. They need to be added on the fourth, seventh and tenth days of fermentation.

homemade wine from viburnum recipe

During the next stage, which lasts a month, it is important for us to prevent acetic fermentation bacteria in the must. Therefore, we remove the gauze and install a water lock on the neck of the bottle. It will allow carbon dioxide to be removed, but will not allow oxygen to penetrate inside, in which acetic bacteria live. If you do not have a water shutter, fasten a medical glove tightly on the neck of the can. Do not forget to pierce a microscopic hole in one of your fingers. When gas bubbles stop filling the gauntlet or pass through the gate water, the viburnum wine, made at home, is filtered into another container for settling. After a month, the drink is ready.


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