The largest clock in the world: tower, flower, wrist

We look at them, getting out of bed in the morning, we look for them with our eyes, getting ready for work, they are the companions of our everyday life, which we can not do without. Who are they? The answer is simple and suggests itself - an ordinary watch.

The biggest tower clock

The largest of the existing watches are in the center of the holy Muslim land, namely in the city of Mecca. The grandiose in scope construction is a complex of seven towers, 4 of which are mounted clockwise, located strictly on the cardinal directions, in the central one. The diameter of each of them is 46 meters.

The biggest tower clock in the world. Mecca. Saudi Arabia

This monstrous mechanism weighs about 36 thousand tons; it took a little less than 100 million mosaic pieces to decorate the dials.

Largest Flower Dial

The largest clock in the world, made of flowers, adorns the Heroes Park in the Ukrainian city of Krivoy Rog. To implement such a grandiose plan, about 22,000 plants were needed, but how could it be otherwise, because the diameter of this living fragrant dial is as much as 22 meters!

The biggest floral clock in the world. Krivoy Rog. Ukraine.

These floral watches appeared relatively recently, in 2011 as part of the “City without Outskirts” program. At night, the mechanism is highlighted with colored lights, in winter it is covered with artificial needles. For 6 years, this watch has become the hallmark of the city, lovers make appointments around them, and tourists are led to them on tours.

Giant Watches

The famous Diesel company, which is brutal in its collections, has developed the largest watch in the world that can be worn on the hand - the Diesel Grand Daddy.

The biggest wristwatch

This is a chronograph with 4 dials with a diameter of 65 mm and a thickness of 15 mm. The mechanism protects the mineral glass, which is difficult to scratch, the case is made of stainless steel. This accessory weighs no less, 490 g. These largest watches in the world are incredibly popular and bring fabulous profits to the manufacturer.

World famous clock

Each country has its own special watch, the existence of which they know beyond its borders. It is difficult to imagine at least one Russian who would not know how the chiming clock sounds. The whole country freezes on New Year's Eve with a glass of champagne in hand, when they count the last seconds of the outgoing year.

The history of this watch originates back in 1491. For such a long century, chimes have seen everything: numerous breakdowns, artillery shelling, fires. Although they long ago lost the title of “greatest clock”, there are few people in the world who do not know about the clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, in the heart of Russian land.

In London, the building of the English Parliament in Westminster is decorated with no less famous watches - Big Ben. The year of creation of this symbol of the Misty Albion is considered to be 1859, the clock mechanism is the most reliable and reliable in those times.

In his own name, the clock on the Big Ben tower owes the construction manager Benjamin Hall. So they called a huge 2-meter bell, which is located in the center of the open area and to which a narrow spiral staircase leads to as many as 334 steps. Ordinary mortals, for obvious reasons, are not allowed into this sentinel stronghold.

Germany also did not remain aloof from the rest. On its famous Alexanderplatz square, the World Clock flaunts - amazing both externally and with its history and symbolism. A huge cylinder 10 meters high with 24 plates on which the names of the socialist countries are written appeared before the public in 1989, the day the Berlin Wall collapsed. At the top of this building is decorated with a composition of planetary orbits, but the most memorable thing in this watch is the inscription that reads “Time will destroy all walls”.

Indeed, time puts everything in its place, it flows continuously, whether we want it or not. Epochs, rulers are changing, the states are being wiped off the face of the Earth, and the hours you know are running, measuring this inexorable run, like impartial witnesses of our busy life.


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