Don't know how to cook eclairs at home? I can tell you ...

Eclairs ... airy, gentle pleasure, the mention of them makes you close your eyes and remember the delicate taste of the cream and light soft dough. They are different, these eclairs: with chocolate icing, sprinkled with coconut, with custard or caramel. But whatever they are, eclairs are a taste of childhood, an opportunity to feel lightness, carelessness and joy. So why not skillful housewives to give this joy to their guests by treating them with home-made cakes? After all, in fact, it is not at all difficult! So how to cook eclairs at home? What can we need for this? We will answer these questions together with you.

So, first, prepare yourself a workplace. You will need enameled dishes in which you will knead the dough (choose a deep heat-resistant model), a whisk for stirring the dough or a mixer, a wooden spatula, a pastry syringe with a bag and a baking tray.

What are these wonderful cakes made of? How to make eclairs?

The technology for baking eclairs in professional pastry shops is very different from simplified, home-made. Therefore, products for the manufacture of goodies are also used in a different order and in different proportions. If you are interested in how to cook eclairs at home, then here is one of the most popular recipes.

First make the choux pastry. For this we need one standard package of butter, one and a half glasses of flour, a little salt (no more than a teaspoon), eggs - 9 pcs. and a glass of water. Melt the butter over low heat, mix with water and salt. As soon as all this boils, pour the flour in small portions and immediately stir with a whisk so that nasty lumps do not form. Then for two minutes we brew the dough, stir with a spatula. From the walls began to stick? Wonderful! It was the turn of the eggs, one at a time we drive them into the dough and stir. All is ready? Then we transfer the dough into our pastry syringe bag and squeeze out sausages 15 centimeters long. These are our future cakes.

In the oven preheated to 200 degrees, put the dough for half an hour - voila! The dough has risen, it is rosy and airy. Remember only one rule, dear mistresses! Even if you are very curious about what is happening in your oven, in no case do not open it until the specified time has passed! Otherwise, your cakes will not rise and will remain flat unleavened sausages from the dough, in which you can not put the filling. Speaking of stuffing.

When we are faced with the question of how to cook eclairs at home, for many women, the most difficult thing is to cook, not a dough, but a cream. I assure you, ladies, it is not difficult to do it. Here, for example, this option:

Beat a pack of oil in a mixer with a can of regular condensed milk. Add some vanilla or cinnamon for taste. That's all!!! Most importantly, do not leave such a cream within the reach of your children, otherwise there will be nothing to fill the eclairs with.

Here is another easy way to prepare a delicious cream: take three washed lemons, squeeze juice from them - about 100 ml. Now in a separate bowl, beat 3 eggs and 150 grams of sugar, pour lemon juice into it, put in a water bath for 15 minutes, stir constantly. Now that the mass is thickened, add 50 grams of butter and lemon zest, if you like it. Let the cream cool and the beautiful, refreshing and healthy filling is ready!

Now we just have to fill the syringe with our favorite filling and fill it with the basics for the cake. Everything, the question of how to bake eclairs, is closed. They are already laid out on a dish, fragrant and give joy with one look.

Well, if you want to know how to cook eclairs at home so that no one can distinguish them from cakes bought in the Ot Filippov confectionery, I’ll tell you one little secret: add a little crushed fresh cranberries and cranberries to the lemon cream , and top just lightly oil and sprinkle with candied fruit. I assure you, their fresh taste will delight everyone, it is advantageously different from the standard sticky version of chocolate-coated cakes. ... Try to cook eclairs so once, and you will be asked to make them "just like then" all your life. Such cakes will help you stay in the hearts of many people for long, long years.


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