The best books on psychology for women. The best books on the psychology of relationships

If you have free time, and you decide to devote it to reading, then do not rush to pick up a second-rate press or romance novels, where everything goes perfectly and always ends with a happy ending. You better learn how to build your life in such a way that it has fewer problems and more happy moments. In this article, we will present you books on psychology for women that will help you understand conflicts with the opposite sex, analyze problem situations and find the right way out of them. This literature is in demand among readers, and professionals recommend reading it. So, to your attention the best books on psychology for women.

psychology books for women

"Male acquisition"

In this wonderful book, Natalya Borisovna Rybitskaya tells not only how to get to know a man, but also how to keep him in any situation. She does not speak about humiliation before the opposite sex or supplications and requests, it is a whole complex of psychological techniques that are accessible and effective, especially when performed correctly. The author reveals the secrets of proper "self-serving", and if you add to them the mind, ingenuity, the wise use of "stage effects", then happiness in your personal life will not take long. If you are interested in books on the psychology of relations between a man and a woman, then be sure to replenish your bookshelf with this interesting tool.

"The basic Instinct"

Sex, business and love ... How many difficulties and problems cause this so-called "Bermuda Triangle." Igor Vagin (sexologist) and Antonina Glushchay (journalist) are the authors of the work. They will immerse readers in the most incredible secrets of this triangle, which attracts and scares people off at the same time. The book is written in a new interesting genre that is easily perceived - talk shows. The authors describe the sexual and love experience of hundreds of people. They do this in order to make it clear to readers what the psychology of men and women is. The book will seem shocking to many, but the authors simply describe the various relationships as it happens in life. The comments of specialists to each individual case will help you better understand not only the partner, but also yourself, deal with incredible desires and thoughts. If you are looking for the best books on the psychology of relationships, then be sure to study this material.

best books on relationship psychology

“You don't know anything about men”

Steve Harvey is a writer specializing in relationship psychology. Many women are looking forward to the release of each of his books, especially after the stunning success of the work “Act like a lady, think like a man”. In the presented work, he laughs at female illusions and fabrications, at male fears. First of all, the fairer sex is recommended for reading this book. Male psychology for women is described here very clearly and in detail, taking into account the age of the stronger sex. Steve Harvey advises how to better communicate with a man, how to push him to marriage, how to make family life fun and eventful. Books on psychology for women, like this one, will give a different look at eternal problems, find solutions and create harmony in relationships.

psychology of man and woman book

“3 main questions. Family happiness"

Andrei Kurpatov is a well-known psychologist and psychotherapist who can very easily explain things that at first seem to many incomprehensible. From this work, women learn about how to live happily and longly in a marriage. However, as the author said: "Of course, it is better to study the book before going to the registry office." But if you are already a family man, then all the same for you it will be a unique revelation. How to build a strong and serious relationship? How to live without conflicts with a partner? Is a “master" necessary in a house? How to separate sex from family affairs? How does a wife lose her lover in advance? Not all psychology books for women contain answers to numerous open-ended questions. Kurpatov not only answers the most piquant questions, but also gives the necessary recommendations. So the best books on relationship psychology must definitely include this bestseller on the list.

book male psychology for women

"Traumatology of love"

Vladimir Levy is a psychologist and psychotherapist who specializes in various aspects. The author wrote this book for those women who are looking for love in life, for those who hope or dare not hope, who believe in good things or are afraid to do it. He says that it is almost impossible to live life without love, loss, disappointment. However, you can turn these "injuries" into levers for self-development or try to get around all the problems. What is right for you - decide and read.

the best psychology books for women

"Psychology of a modern woman ..."

Alena Libina very interestingly built the plot of the work. Opening a book, you find yourself in a kind of psychological training. Together with her and other participants in the work, you will make a complete analysis of your life path, which will help you find mistakes already made, study them and prevent their occurrence in the future. If some books on psychology for women teach only how to build relationships with the opposite sex, then here the author is not limited to this. Here for you there are unique techniques for the development of self-esteem, and tests, and games, and stories from life.

“A man from Mars, a woman from Venus”

John Gray does not say in the work that someone is better, and someone is worse, and therefore problems arise. He looks at the root of the difficulties. We have conflicts with the opposite sex simply because we are really different, from "different planets." Men and women have a completely different approach to solving certain problems, they think differently, analyze things, see the same situation. Hence the difficulties. As the author says: “It is necessary to look for a special common language.” Indeed, without this, nowhere. And just in this manual, he suggests “learning a language” so that problems in the family, in love and other relationships disappear.

books on the psychology of the relationship between a man and a woman

"Relationship of love"

Otto Kernberg is a doctor of medicine, a modern authoritative psychoanalyst. In this book, he talks about how love should be normal and in the case of pathology. Citing personal experiences as an example, Kernberg explores and explains how the unconscious fantasies, worries, and experiences that relate to the past have a tremendous impact on the relationship between men and women today. This unique book is popular not only among ordinary women, but also among professionals.

“I chose the wrong man”

Dilya Enikeeva is a candidate of medical sciences, a psychiatrist, whose books are published in millions of copies. This book is for those women who regret that they once connected their lives with a certain man. Here she describes men with a difficult character - egoists, tyrants, nerds, grumblers, despots, mean-spirits and many others. You will learn to recognize loafers who believe that women's shoulders can withstand absolutely everything; "Chameleons", changing depending on the circumstances; imaginary patients who will lead their lives all their lives by the nose. Knowing the signs of certain types of representatives of the stronger sex, you will figure out who is next to you. And for those who are only going to bind themselves with a serious relationship, this book will be irreplaceable at all. Read, develop and be happy!


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