Drin is ... Definition, meaning and use of the word in modern speech

"So it became dark that you have to walk with drin." Now the word "drin" is practically not used in colloquial speech, and if it is used, it certainly attracts attention. However, in the past such expressions were familiar to the ear and did not surprise anyone. The article will talk about the word "drin" that has lost its relevance, the term is given definitions, all its meanings are indicated, and it will also be about the origin of this word, its synonyms and use in modern speech.

drin it

Origin of the concept

The root "drin ", from which the word is formed, is of Old Slavic origin. Many philologists believe that this concept has related pro-Slavic words “dervo”, “tree”, therefore this word is ubiquitous in East Slavic languages, for example, in Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian. It should be noted that in Ukrainian and Belarusian it is still actively used in speech.

There is a version that the root has a pre-Indo-European origin, from “dru” - “tree”.

In addition, the root is present in the Persian “daruna” - “rainbow, arc, onion”, in Ossetian - “ardyn” - “onion”.

The word "drin" is also used in German, but in a completely different meaning - "here, there, inside."

Definition of the term “drin” in the explanatory dictionaries

In the dictionaries of the Russian language give the following interpretations and definitions of this concept:

  • In the dictionary of Elistratov V.S. The following meanings of the word are given:

- a long club or stick for a blow;

- male genitalia of impressive size;

- a man of very high stature.

  • In the Encyclopedic Dictionary - drin - this is a big stick with knots.
  • In the dictionary of expressions - this is a large, rumpy club designed to strike at something, to someone.

definition of the term

Synonyms "drin" and related words

In the dictionary of Russian synonyms edited by N. Abramov, the stick and cudgel are indicated as the main synonyms of the word, but the synonyms of the second order word are also given: bastard, bobbin, cudgel, twig, drin, squat, spine, pole, shingles, trick, oryasin, cudgel, dryuchka, king pin, mace.

Drin is a heavy club or club that serves as a weapon and means of self-defense.

Meaning of the word and jargon

Despite the fact that the word is attributed to archaisms, it is actively used in youth slang meaning any club or club that was found in the forest or made without a knife, an ax. It is able to withstand only one blow of a sword or other weapon, after which it becomes worthless. It can be used for stunning.

dryn synonym

It should be noted that this word is used in role-playing historical games or in slang when it comes to computer games. Be that as it may, the meaning of the term is not distorted, and perhaps this is the new life of the word.

In addition, a verb derived from this word appeared in the youth language, but it has an altered meaning - “clink”, which means to sleep soundly.

In Belarusian, the word means "stake" or "big club". Huge drin and a big club are equivalent concepts.

It should be noted that this word is used in criminal jargon, where drin is a crowbar for breaking doors, constipation, opening any padlocks.

In the camp-thieves language, drin is a stick or club. The derivative verb “tear off,” that is, trimmed, beat off with a club, appeared from the word.

Dryn is a weighty, heavy, thick wooden stick, which in critical situations becomes a means of protection against dogs, hooligans, enemies.

stick club

The use of the word in fiction and art

The word "drin" is used in the literature in the form of jargon. For example, Solzhenitsyn A. in the “GULAG Archipelago” uses this word with the meaning “long stick”, and even the derivative verb “drunk”, that is, to beat, to beat.

Chernavin in the novel "Notes of the pest" is such a conversation between the workers:

- What is it - drin?

- This is a stick. They will bang you with this stick, they will go in the face, the lid is on your teeth.

Some art historians believe that in the hands of Ilya Muromets in the picture "The Heroes" Vasnetsov initially depicted a club (drin, staff, club) - a strike weapon that comes from a regular wooden stick, but is less weight and more adaptable to battle.

There is also a popular proverb - “Ask somebody drina”, which means punishing, beating someone.

huge drin

Instead of a conclusion, or how to recover what was lost

There are a lot of words “veterans” in the Russian language, they have gone out of use, having served their own, such words are called archaisms. However, many of them did not disappear, but became a passive supply of language. They can and should be used, but only if you know their true meaning.

Life is constantly evolving and something new always appears in the place of the old. So in the language, outdated elements that have become obsolete have been replaced by new equivalent words that have the same meaning. So the word "drin" was replaced by "club" and "stick".

But the word has not lost its meaning and has not disappeared from speech, it is actively used by adolescents in their slang, during role-playing games, it is found in thieves and prison slang, in fiction. Moreover, the world of literature is generally very archaic, especially with regard to classics. It is works of art that help convey the spirit of the past and do not allow forever to forget many, already archaic, words.

It should be noted that recently a fashion for archaisms has appeared. Many people use out-of-date expressions in their everyday speech: “for,” “sir,” “not at all,” “very grateful,” “complaining,” and so on. Speech from such a lexical device becomes more emotional and colorful.

The Russian language is many-sided and colorful. The word-formation process in it goes on all the time, but at the same time the old is not forgotten.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45892/

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