Lamp DNaT: device and application

The DNaT lamp is a light source whose operation is based on arc burning in the high or low pressure region. This process takes place in a special tube (burner) made in the form of an aluminum oxide cylinder filled with sodium vapor, mercury and xenon gas (necessary for ignition). The DNaT lamp also consists of a glass bottle in which the burner is located, and a threaded base E-27 or E-40, depending on the power.

lamp dnat


To ignite and burn the arc, additional equipment is needed. This ballast apparatus (PRA) and a pulse ignition device (IZU). Some companies produce lamps of a special design that do not require IZU. Recently, more often used electronic ballasts (ballasts) instead of ballasts. Its use allows stabilizing the power consumption of electric energy, which positively affects the extension of the lamp life. Electronic ballasts increase the frequency of the current, thereby eliminating the flickering effect of 50 Hz. During operation, the DNaT lamp burns with a bright orange light, this is due to the presence of sodium vapor in it. It can heat up to 300 degrees, so the cartridge is used for it only ceramic. It is installed in lamps for various purposes. It is powered by an alternating voltage of 220 V.


The DNaT lamp has the following positive characteristics:

  • A powerful luminous flux that is more than two times the flux of the DRL lamp (this parameter does not deteriorate during prolonged use).
  • Long service life. It is about 20,000 hours, while alternative light sources will last a maximum of 10,000 hours.
  • Small starting and operating currents, which gives good energy savings.
  • Application in various climatic zones.
  • Reliable ignition at low ambient temperatures.
  • High efficiency, which reaches 30%.


sodium lamps

The disadvantages of the DNaT lamp include the following:

  • quite a long time for reaching the operating mode, which is about seven minutes;
  • poor color rendering (in bright orange light, other colors are very poorly visible or distorted).

These factors significantly limit its use.

Application area

lamp dnat Price

Lamps sodium DNaT currently have a fairly extensive field of application as the most cost-effective and efficient source of lighting. They are mainly used for outdoor lighting of roads, pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, parks, production areas, tunnels, etc. Vehicle drivers know how to strain in the dark, when precipitation occurs or when driving in fog when Lighting is carried out using DRL lamps. Light from sodium sources eliminates these negative phenomena due to the powerful light flux, which increases the contrast of visible objects. They are also used to illuminate the facades of architectural structures. Sodium lamps are used as a source of additional illumination in greenhouses, greenhouses, etc. For this, DNaT with a special spectrum of light radiation, useful for plants, are produced.

The DNaT lamp has a higher price than the alternative DRL. But it will pay off over time and in the future will bring significant cost savings.


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