How to withdraw money from the current account of LLC: methods and procedure

In the article, we will consider how to withdraw money from the settlement account of LLC.

Any payment in organizations with the legal form of LLC in excess of 100 thousand rubles under the contract should be made by bank transfer. Such is the requirement of the state, confirmed by law. But in the course of the company’s activities, situations may arise when cash is required.

Many are concerned about the question of how to cash out money from the settlement account of LLC and the legality of such operations. In fact, the law allows withdrawals from accounts, and there are several ways.

So, we will figure out how to withdraw money from the LLC account.

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Cash cashing process

Non-cash payments are not always beneficial for company owners. In some cases, cash is required. It is in such situations that LLC owners think about ways to legally withdraw money. There are several such methods.

Cash withdrawal for business needs

It should be noted that for this purpose no more than 100 thousand rubles can be cashed. When withdrawing money from a bank with a current account, it should be indicated in the settlement account that the funds will be used to purchase household goods. Undoubtedly, the expense report is not mandatory, but if a dispute arises with the tax authorities, it will be better if supporting documents are available. It can be checks or invoices.

Still how to withdraw money from the current account of LLC?

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In order to receive such income in cash, sometimes the founders of firms are registered in the staff of their own company. However, in this case, 13% must be deducted to the state in the form of taxes, as well as 30% in the form of contributions to extrabudgetary funds. That is, almost immediately lost half of the money withdrawn, and this is extremely disadvantageous. In addition, the payment of salaries must be confirmed by the statement.


The founders of the organization have the right to expect to receive dividends (a certain share of net profit). Dividends may be paid no more than once a quarter. You should also pay 13% tax on this income. There is one more nuance: dividends are paid exclusively from net profit. This means that the company should not have debts to the state and staff. The amount of dividends is determined at the meeting of the founders. It is permissible to send all earned money for payments.

Travel expenses

How can I still withdraw money from the current account of LLC? The law gives the right to accrue travel at the maximum daily rates and receive them in cash. The basic rule is that documents confirming the business trip should be available - tickets, hotel receipts, etc.

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Hospitality expenses

These funds, as a rule, are directed to certain events. For this purpose, you can even purchase expensive clothes, but later you will have to confirm in the tax office that this purchase was really necessary and is an important part of representation expenses.

How to withdraw money from the current account of LLC, it is interesting to many.

Loan agreement

An organization may issue loans to its employees or founders. In addition, the repayment period can be specified absolutely any. But if the lending rate is less than two-thirds of the refinancing rate, then the borrower will have to pay taxes in the amount of 13%. It is also worth noting that an LLC can forgive a debt to an individual. In this case, it is counted as income, which should also be taxed.

Issuance of accountable money

Amounts can be given to an employee for various purposes, for example, for the purchase of goods and materials. In this case, the entire amount spent should be confirmed by relevant documents, and the balance should be returned to the bank account.

How to withdraw money from a current account ooo

Management expenses through an individual entrepreneur

It is assumed that the founder of an LLC may also have IP status. In this case, an agreement should be drawn up in accordance with which the individual entrepreneur will carry out managerial functions in the LLC. Most of the profit of the organization is transferred to the IP account as a reward. That is, the founder gets the opportunity to withdraw money from the IP account. Such schemes raise many questions from tax authorities. If there is a need to use such a scheme, then it is worthwhile to understand that government agencies will turn their attention to this. The legality of this method is in question. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to correctly draw up a contract. In this case, 6% of the tax will have to be paid from the income received when cashing out the money from the current account of the LLC.

Sometimes founders use illegal methods of withdrawing funds, for example, through an organization conducting fictitious activities. The founders of one company transfer money to the account of another organization for allegedly sold goods. Then the buyer cashes the funds and returns them minus the commission. Such schemes are quickly identified by tax authorities, the consequences will be dire for both organizations.

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Cashing Features

How to withdraw money from the current account of LLC, is now clear. An important feature of the functioning of the organization - its founders, unlike individual entrepreneurs, cannot cash out funds for personal purposes. However, registration of founders in the organization’s staff allows you to circumvent this restriction legally and quickly enough.

In this case, it is important to indicate in RCO account the purpose for which the money is withdrawn. The ideal basis for such a procedure is “Spending on the needs of an economic nature.” Quite often, founders in RKO indicate such a reason as “For employees' salaries”. The bank does not have the right to refuse such an operation, in connection with which it issues money without problems at the request of a legal representative.

After receiving the money from the bank, they should be capitalized at the organization’s cash desk. In this case, one should not forget about the limit at the end of the day, which is established by the internal documents of the company. If there is a surplus at the cash desk, it is subject to surrender to the bank.

The key to the success of the organization is the correct cash accounting. If cash is received at the cash desk, then they must be carried out according to Dt 50.01, Kt 51. After the issuance of capitalized funds to employees as a salary, the operation should be performed according to Dt 70.01, Kt 50.01.

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Documents required to withdraw money from the settlement accounts of the organization

To withdraw funds from the organization’s bank accounts, a checkbook is required. Usually it is issued at the time of opening the account. In addition, you will need a card with samples of signatures of persons with access to the account.

The following information must be indicated in the check:

  1. The date of cashing.
  2. Amount.
  3. F. I. O., passport details of the person receiving the funds.
  4. Signature of the payee.
  5. Assignment of expenses.

The accuracy of the check is checked by bank operators. In the case when all the fields are filled in the rule, the check is torn off, leaving a spine in the book.

A person applying for a withdrawal of money must have a passport, any other identification document with him. Large amounts should be ordered in advance by contacting the bank's hotline or branch, writing a statement.

After the money is received, it is necessary to draw up a FFP to deposit it into the organization’s cash desk. The issuance of funds from the cash desk is also carried out in the presence of documentary evidence. If salary is paid, then a payroll must be issued. If it is assumed that the funds will be directed to household needs, it is necessary to draw up a cash register. All transactions must be reflected in internal reporting documents.

Responsibility for illegal withdrawal of money from the current account of LLC

If the organization cashes money through an IP or another LLC, then the consequences arise in relation to:

  1. Founder of LLC (customer service).
  2. The head of a fictitious company.
  3. Groups of persons (for example, if the transaction was conducted with the participation of several founders or an accountant was involved).

Responsibility for illegal actions committed will depend on the amount of money withdrawn and the number of people who participated in the transaction. The following preventive measures are taken for such violations of the law in Russian practice:

  1. Conditional term.
  2. Imprisonment (maximum 11 years).
  3. Fine.

Any cashing operations always pursue tax evasion as their goal.

To cash money from the current account of LLC, the interest will have to pay. What is its size?

withdrawal of money from the current account ooo

Withdrawal transaction cost

Any bank charges a commission for cash-out transactions, the amount of which depends on the purpose of the expense and the amount. When funds are withdrawn for several purposes, they charge a single commission, which amounts to a certain percentage of the amount.

The percentage for each operation may be different. If the bank provides for such transactions with a minimum fee, then the minimum is used. Commission can be expressed both in percentage terms and in ruble equivalents.

For example, the bank fees may indicate a commission of 1.2% of the withdrawn amount, but the minimum fee should be at least 200 rubles.

It is important to remember that withdrawal fees are not final expenses. There are also taxes levied, for example, on the amount of salaries or dividends.

You can find out the amount of commission for withdrawing money before opening a current account. This information is always reflected in the tariffs, information on which can be obtained when contacting the bank or on the official website.


Many banks have a one-time withdrawal limit. For example, less than 250 thousand rubles can be withdrawn at a minimum rate or without commission. In some cases, the value of the commission can reach 10%, and its size is determined by the policy of the bank.

Minimum commissions banks provide for the issuance of money for salaries. As a rule, its size is 0.5-1%.

We examined how to withdraw money from the current account of LLC.


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