Meaning of the word “salt”, etymology and examples

Polysemy in modern Russian is a fairly frequent phenomenon. Different definitions of the same word appear as a result of the historical development of the original meaning. These include the word "salt", which in addition to its main meaning also has secondary figurative definitions.

what we eat

Meaning of the word “salt” from the explanatory dictionaries

D. N. Ushakov in the dictionary leads 7 definitions to the word "salt". Similar definitions are also found in the dictionary of T.F. Efremova: the author gives 6 interpretations. The authors of the explanatory dictionary S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova consider only 5 meanings.

take salt

So, D. N. Ushakov points to the following meanings of the word "salt":

  1. A chemical substance that is the product of the substitution of a hydrogen atom by a metal atom in acid molecules.
  2. Sodium salt, the same as rock salt (used only in unit hours).
  3. In the figurative meaning: feature, zest, uniqueness of something (only in units of hours).
  4. Mockery, subtle graceful wit (only in units of hours).
  5. Creative representatives of some society, people (only one hour).
  6. Muses term unshakable: one of the keys of a musical scale.
  7. Zoology: marine fish, wide and flat, eatable. R.
the best salt of society

According to the author of the explanatory and derivational philological dictionary T. F. Efremova salt is:

  1. The best minds of society.
  2. In trans. znach., dec .: words, phrases, expressions that add brightness, a peculiarity of someone’s speech.
  3. Neskl. noun: 5th note on a stave starting from note to.
  4. See definition 1 in the dictionary of D. N. Ushakov.
  5. See Definition 2 in the dictionary of D. N. Ushakov.
  6. See definition 3 in the dictionary of D. N. Ushakov.

S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova give the following meanings of the word "salt":

  1. Only in units including a transparent solid, soluble in water.
  2. A food product used as a seasoning for food.
  3. In trans. value, unit h. Interest, feature in something.
  4. In trans. value, unit h. Cream of society, an elected representative of a community, social group.
  5. In chemistry: a compound in which a metal replaces a hydrogen atom of an acid.

More definitions

There are other meanings of the word salt. As a historical term, salt is a medieval French coin, the currency of Peru, equal to 100 centavos.

In Roman and Scandinavian mythology, the solar deity is called Salt.

If, for example, we consider it as a computer term, then we can find out that salt is a random number or sequence of random numbers used in cryptography to complicate decryption or initialization of a pseudo-random number generator.

Etymology of the word "salt"

There are several theories about the origin of the word. According to one version, it came from the Indo-European basis on sal-, which became the source for the Old Russian and Old Slavonic words.

Other sources put forward a version about the origin of the Russian word "salt" from the pre-Indo-European basis sal-, which, in turn, is tracing paper from English salt.

The meaning of the word “salt” as a musical note comes from the Latin name for the note sol.

It is interesting that in many languages ​​the spelling and pronunciation of a given word practically coincide. Compare: Russian. (salt), bulg. (sol), Slovenian. (sọ̑l), Slovak (sol), Polish (sól), Latvian. (sā̀ls), lat. (sāl).


Below are sentences with different meanings of the word "salt."


The nitric acid salt is practically insoluble in water.

Add a pinch of sugar and salt, 2 cups flour and 3 eggs.

Hardworking people make up the salt of the earth.

But the point is that before him there were other researchers who tried to succeed in this, but all their attempts were in vain.

The singer on the second verse of the song took the top salt.

How can you eat without salt?

What is the salt of the slogan of the Indians?

A large salt of the corrupt government began to revive the conversation.

They ate a lot of pounds of salt together.


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