A tuft is not a flaw, but a feature

The hair on the head grows in one of three directions: forward, backward or sideways. But there are "tangled" in the orientation of the strand. A tuft is hair growing in a different direction. Some resigned to this reality, others are constantly struggling, while others were able to use the tuft in their interests. Nothing attracts attention like features.

Unequal struggle

Is it possible to correct the direction of growth of this hair? Definitely not. Hair follicles begin to develop in utero. This means that the direction of growth is determined before birth. The tuft often conflicts with the desired haircut, and it is annoying. There are several ways to tame it. The problem will be solved by a professionally selected combination consisting of the correct haircut, length, used hair products and styling techniques. The tuft is most often located on the top of the head or in the bangs area.

Most hairdressers know how to deal with this problem. It is worth starting with thinning the hair so that it becomes less in a whirlwind.

Men's haircut

Make sure you turn to a good specialist, because an incorrect haircut can make the tuft more noticeable than it is.

How to fight?

Not sure how to tame the whirlwinds on your head? What are these ways that can make them invisible? Here are just a few:

  • Style is negligence and artistic mess. One strand to the left, one strand to the right. The main goal of this style is to divert attention from the whirlwind. Moreover, the sloppy style does not imply a bad haircut, it only hides the flaws in a peculiar way.
  • Hair cut short and weighted with gel will look great and will not require long hair styling.
  • Haircuts with thick long bangs are so popular. Long, flowing hair on the forehead and short hair cut on the sides and back emphasize the face, and the tuft is not visible.
A long bang will hide a tuft
  • A cardinal way to make it invisible is to cut your hair naked. Recently, this haircut does not scare most men, but only adds brutality to the image.


A variety of hair products that are available on store shelves in unlimited quantities will help in the difficult struggle with vortices. Gels are good for giving a β€œwet” effect, but at the same time the hair acquires a certain stiffness, far from natural. Styling mousses or volume sprays are also a good option. It is important to style your hair wet to ensure maximum fixation and ease of procedure, which cannot be done when the hair is already dry.

David Beckham

For example, David Beckham, with his hair far from always smoothly laid, was able to distract attention from a whirlwind that no one notices.

Find the perfect hairstyle or haircut for yourself and embrace the beauty of your hair! A tuft is not a flaw, but a feature. Remember that in the end, it’s important to love yourself as you are and be confident in yourself. Personality is always attractive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45914/

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