Ephemeral - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

On the one hand, dreams are so sweet, and on the other hand, if you dream constantly, you can skip something important. Indeed, urgent tasks do not wait and require solutions. Consider today the word “ephemeral” (this is our object of study), which characterizes what usually distracts a person from his everyday life and makes him look thoughtfully into the distance.


Hourglass on a background of the sea

The adjective is consonant with the noun "ether". Of course, this is not about television, although the latter for the average Russian plays the role of a "dream factory". We are talking about the meaning of ether when it is understood as “volatile colorless liquid”. Our dreams are also volatile, unstable. All right, enough to yearn. It’s time for the reader to learn the true meaning of “ephemeral”. It sounds ambiguous, but so far it's only about the dictionary:

  1. Transient, fragile.
  2. Imaginary, ghostly, unreal.

In other words, the adjective, of course, sets up a philosophical twist. The reader probably knows that in relation to joy or success, you can apply the object of study and thereby reduce the achievement. True, people usually do this with other people's joys and sorrows, and they protect their own from tenacious hands and harsh statements of others.

Money as a symbol of ephemerality

Money is falling on a man from the sky

Yes, most often it is gold that falls into disgrace to man. But today people are not rich in precious coins, but when a person receives a salary for the work done, then here he can feel the semantic content of the adjective “ephemeral” to the fullest extent, it is quite easy to verify.

A person really changes time for money, and when he is compensated for with a lifetime, a feeling of deception and ephemerality arises. Do you think that all this depends on the size of the salary? There is no certainty about this. Because many myths and legends speak of the deceitfulness of wealth.

We recall the Indian fairy tale about the golden antelope. In her rajah greed destroyed. But another less-anticipated example is Vadim Shefner’s short story “A Palace for Three, or Recognition of a Bachelor”. In a wonderful work by Shefner, people also pay for greed, but in the center of the plot are not money or gold, but things, human egoism and unwillingness to help others. We will not say a word to the reader. The story is small, so it is worth reading in full.

Such associations arise when one thinks about the first possible sense of the adjective “ephemeral”, and this is not the end.

Is it worth the dream?

Money, like things that are transient. When people remember the highest values, then goodness, beauty, truth come to us. But all these are abstract concepts that still need interpretation. A dream, it seems, too, but still the latter is more specific.

A person from an early age is told that it is harmful to dream, because it distracts from solving everyday problems. First, these are lessons at school, then couples at the institute, and then performance indicators suffer from the fact that a man or woman thinks about heavenly cakes. But is the dream so bad? Legends of loyalty to a dream go. And those who find a loophole between the world of their own dreams and social demands, even, they say, are happy.

This is all to the fact that the concepts of the unreal and the ghostly are deeply subjective. For one, something is a feat, and for another, everyday life. In other words, “Be realistic - demand the impossible” (the authorship of the phrase has not been established, disputes are ongoing). Yes, of course, this reasoning is devoted to the second value of the object of study.


An oasis in the desert, usually a mirage

When the meaning of the adjective “ephemeral” is clarified (and this is quite obvious), the final chord of the narrative should be semantic analogues, that is, synonyms. Let's not disappoint anyone. Here they are:

  • imaginary;
  • ghostly;
  • fleeting;
  • unreal;
  • deceptive.

There are, of course, others. But enough of these to firmly understand the meaning for yourself. What about the forecasts of people who claim that nothing will come of the venture? Gloomy predictions sometimes come true, and sometimes not. But the criterion of truth is only practice.

But at least the reader knows perfectly well the meaning of the adjective “ephemeral” and its synonyms. This is a great start to your dream journey.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45919/

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