Beard: how to grow if it does not grow? Tips for guys

From time immemorial, a thick male beard has been a symbol of power and masculinity. This fact confirms the presence of it among the great emperors, kings, presidents, and many of the stars of show business, which we observe on the TV screen. Celebrities such as Leonardo di Caprio, Matthew McConaughey, Johnny Depp and other successful stellar men lead the weak half of humanity to delight and admire their careless stubble and brutal stylish beard. Our domestic celebrities, such as the well-known Black Star Mafia, are not inferior to foreign stars. Its founder is the bearded man Timati. Currently, facial hair is considered an icon of fashion and style.

beard how to grow if it does not grow

That is why most representatives of the stronger sex dream of having a stylish courageous beard on their face. "How to grow if it does not grow?" - The question immediately arises for many guys aged 18, or even 15-16 years. Of course, it's too early to strive for dense facial hair. The boy’s appearance in composition with a beard looks ridiculous and funny. But if a young guy understands by looking in the mirror that it’s time, then there are some tips on this.

how to grow a beard

First stage

So the guy wants him to have a beard. How to grow if it does not grow? Note that the process of growing is a very long and requiring special attention. Therefore, you need to be patient.
If a young man has firmly decided on this matter, then the question immediately arises: "How much to grow a beard?" Wait at least a month without shaving and trimming the bristles. Even if it seems that the face began to look terrible with fragile weak hairs, do not touch them. Despite the condemnation of loved ones, persuading to shave everything, ridicule of others that you do not face, do not pay attention to it. Since after all that remains to be done, men and young men with a smooth-shaven chin will envy your new look.

Second Stage - Trimming

After successfully waiting for time, you can already see a small result: a natural hairline appears. Feel free to start trimming. The first time to do this is desirable in a hairdressing salon. Since if you do it yourself, there is a risk of shaving something wrong and wrong. Subsequent beard trimming can already be done at home with a trimmer.
But often the facial hair stops growing or begins to grow unevenly.

Special products and scrubs

how to grow a beard at home

So how to grow a thick beard? In this case, there are many recommendations. You can find special tools for growing a beard. But you should not use helpers such as burdock oil or red pepper. Thus, skin irritation or allergic reactions can be provoked. There are special dye sprays that add visual density to the beard, which can be purchased at cosmetic stores.

Beard: how to grow if it does not grow?
how can a man grow a beard if she does not grow

And for those who do not want to visually, but really decorate their faces with dense and tough vegetation, the following tips will help.
How to grow a beard at home? First you need to remember to cleanse the skin on the face, you need to wash yourself often, use various scrubs, mousses to prevent hair from growing into the skin and redness. Then the hairs themselves will grow faster. From growing in, it will not be superfluous to steam out the area on which the hair has grown. You also need to drink at least 6 glasses of water per day. The liquid improves the general condition of the skin and the natural course of life processes, a healthy sleep will also improve the well-being and growth of the desired hair. Sleep should be 6-8 hours. It is also advisable to give up bad habits.

How to grow a beard at home? It is worth starting to play sports. Since physical activity activates male hormones, which are also responsible for the vegetation on the man’s body.

how to grow a beard at home

Nutrition and Vitamins for Men

How to grow a beard? If you want a greater effect, you need to take a vitamin complex, perfectly suitable for vitamin B, A and E. They contribute to the growth and density of hair. Avoid stressful situations and do not overwork, meditation is an excellent way to relieve stress. You should also eat fully: less harmful snacks, more protein. This will help eggs, white poultry, fish, dairy products. Such food helps strengthen building tissues and is the basis for muscle and hair growth.

how to grow a beard at home if it does not grow

Proper care

You know how to grow a beard, now let's talk about leaving. You need to take care regularly, trim the hairs on the chin and cheeks, observing the contour, cut in places where it is required. Girls are completely delighted with men with careless brutal bristles.

But this does not mean that you can just grow a one-year-old beard and not shave at all. The effect of careless bristles is not so easy to create; special skill is needed. If a man is inexperienced in this matter, then you should trust a professional to go to the salon for such a haircut or trim. The type of beard can be selected by consulting with the master.

Give up the razor

how to grow a thick beard

It is also recommended that forever abandon the razor. Do not believe the rumors. Shaving only slows hair growth.

how much to grow a beard

Now you know how popular a beard is, how to grow it if it does not grow.


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