Clefthoof Root: recipe for preparation, use and reviews

This plant is otherwise called the "emetic root". Hoofed meat does indeed cause such symptoms, due to which it is very often used to treat alcoholism. The hoof has a characteristic appearance resembling the hoof of an animal. This poisonous plant is not only used to treat certain diseases, but also to decorate a homestead.

Description of appearance

How do hoofs grow

The plant belongs to the Kirkaozonov family and grows mainly in the tropics. Only one species of hoofed grass can be found in European forests. Description of appearance:

  • His height barely exceeds fifteen centimeters. This is an evergreen and fairly cold-resistant plant, wintering well under the snow without dropping leaves.
  • He has amazing spherical leaf plates of a saturated green hue with light veins.
  • The hoof blooms in small purple bell-shaped inflorescences.
  • The stem is creeping, and the root is quite branched and cord-like.
  • Thanks to the glossy and shiny leaves, hoofs are very often used to decorate the garden and the garden.
  • One leaf is able to live more than twelve months. Young leaves are covered with villi.
  • The pleasant aroma of vanilla, which is exuded by the flowers of ungulate, is very attractive to ants. These insects also participate in pollination.
  • Over time, inflorescences form seed boxes. Thanks to the ants, the seeds are carried over quite impressive distances. Sometimes in the forest you can meet whole glades covered with ungulate.

The leaves of this plant have a rather specific bitter taste. That is why an aqueous infusion of leaves and roots causes a gag reflex. In the olden days, it was often used to clean the stomach after eating poisonous mushrooms.

Action on the body

Beneficial features

The healing properties of the hoof root are presented as follows:

  • It causes a fairly steady gag reflex.
  • Acts as a diuretic and laxative.
  • It is recommended to take it in small doses during colds, as it prevents the occurrence of fever at a very high temperature.
  • Hoof (root) has proven itself as a grinding or compress for radiculitis. All products from this plant have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It constricts blood vessels, thereby causing an increase in pressure.
  • Clefthoof has a calming and relaxing effect on the body.
  • During bronchitis, the hoof of root helps to expand the bronchi and get rid of cough.

In a word, it can be used to treat many diseases, but only very dosed. In addition, the hoof has long been considered an excellent tool for the expulsion of worms and other parasites.

Chemical composition


Azaron was found in the roots of this plant. This substance reminds everyone of the well-known camphor. And also in many parts of the plant there are bornyl acetate, pinene and eugenol. Due to the presence of a large number of tannins, glycosides and resins, the leaves of the plant are used to prepare the preparation β€œAkofita.” In addition, due to its medicinal properties, the root of the ungulate has proven itself in the treatment of radiculitis and arthritis. Also, quite a large amount of starch and sugar are present in the roots and leaves. , trace elements of calcium and potassium.

How to apply

Hoofed Inflorescences

At one time, the hoof was used as snuff, and also an excellent brown paint was made from it to dye the fabric. Hoofed broths are drunk during severe poisoning in order to remove toxins from the body. Clefthoof tincture has proven itself in the treatment of asthma or bronchitis. With it, you can make compresses for arthritis and radiculitis, as well as water infusion from the root or leaves to wipe the wounds in which pus has formed.

Today, recipes of traditional medicine based on the hoof for the treatment of the liver and kidneys are known. Despite the fact that this plant is still poisonous, it can be consumed inward during colds. It perfectly disinfects the stomach with upsets. Tincture of the plant is able to expel parasites and helps to cope with a headache. Reviews about the root of the hoof are often found positive.


Do not use products based on the hoof of pregnant women and children. In addition, decoctions and infusions cause an increased heartbeat and increase blood pressure. Therefore, people with cardiovascular diseases are strongly discouraged from consuming European ungulate root without prior approval from the attending physician. The course of treatment should not exceed ten days, so that the accumulated poison does not cause severe poisoning. According to folk healers, the hoof of the grass root showed the best qualities in the treatment of alcoholism.

How to make an infusion

Hoof root

As medicines, a water decoction is made from the roots of the plant. For infusion, you need a half-liter jar and three teaspoons of dry or fresh root, which is pre-crushed. Raw materials are poured into a jar and poured with hot water. Next, the container is closed with a lid and left to infuse in a dark place for four hours. After the composition is infused, it is filtered and mixed in vodka, which is given to the alcoholic to drink. They do this, as a rule, unnoticed. You can add one tablespoon to one hundred grams of a drink or immediately pour into a bottle. The ratio of vodka and infusion should be at least one in ten.

Usually, immediately after drinking a drink, the alcoholic develops a gag reflex. In order for persistent disgust to arise, one should regularly be next to the drinking person in order to mix herbal poison in time. If you skip it once, the treatment process will slow down. He should develop a clear connection between drinking and poor health. If once he feels good, then this will be a big minus. During treatment, it should be borne in mind that the norm of the drug should not be exceeded, since ungulate is a rather poisonous plant and, together with alcohol, harms the already unhealthy alcoholic liver.

How to cure chronic alcoholism

To do this, you need a less concentrated infusion, since it will take a long time to apply. Therefore, no more than ten grams of the root is taken and poured with one full glass of boiling water. After the composition is infused, it can be used. As in the previous method, the tincture of the hoof is poured in small quantities into all alcoholic beverages that the drinking person consumes. Usually, the effect is so strong that even persistent alcoholics quickly become disgusted with drinking. This is evidenced by reviews of the root of the ungulates from alcoholism.

Tincture on the leaves

The leaves also contain many useful substances and toxic compounds. They are recommended to dry and mix with green peeled walnuts. After which the mixture is added to red wine and allowed to infuse for twenty minutes. The composition is filtered and offered to drink an alcoholic. Typically, in the composition of red wine, the taste and smell of leaves and peel of green nuts is practically not felt. If such an infusion is made on vodka, then it will have a specific green tint.

Harvesting raw materials

Harvesting raw materials

Any roots are harvested either in early spring or late autumn after flowering ends and seeds are formed. The roots are carefully dug up, shakes off the soil and, if desired, washed under running water. Then they are cut into small pieces and dried in the shade. Do the same with leaves that can be harvested throughout the season.

Dry roots are usually ground through a coffee grinder. The use of a powdered product is considered the most effective way. Firstly, you can carefully measure the amount of raw materials, which are often indicated in teaspoons or tablespoons in the recipe. Secondly, the crushed roots give nutrients much faster and more completely into the water.

Raw materials are stored in fabric or paper bags for three years. Moisture or direct sunlight is detrimental to such workpieces. In the pharmacy, the root of European ungulates is sold in the form of alcoholic infusion.

Treatment options

Alcoholism treatment

Sometimes an alcoholic asks himself to find some remedy for treatment. Such people can themselves prepare a decoction and add it to alcohol. It is much worse when you have to mix the composition unnoticed. The fact is that the root of the ungulate has quite a few side effects. For example, it can damage the stomach, strike the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Frequent vomiting acts negatively for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Relatives of an alcoholic should take into account all the nuances and, if possible, consult a doctor.

A person who voluntarily decided to be treated for alcoholism with folk remedies should also pass the necessary tests, examine the condition of the internal organs and consult a therapist.

User reviews

On the Internet you can find both positive and negative reviews about the treatment of alcoholism with the root of the ungulate. He helped a lot of people to get rid of addiction forever. Judging by the reviews of relatives of former alcoholics, they mixed the infusion not only with alcohol, but also with coffee, tea, soup and borsch. In a word, in any liquid food or drink. According to them, it is extremely important to use the infusion exactly when the alcoholic drinks. For example, if it was not possible to mix in vodka, then you can add a decoction of the root to the food that the alcoholic will eat. The main thing is that everything happens simultaneously with the feast. Thus, an alcoholic will associate his poor condition with a drink.

Sometimes the vomiting feeling is so pronounced that the drinker becomes ill right at the table. Next to him should be a close person who will prevent the entry of vomit into the nasal passages. Among the side effects, users note abdominal pain, increased pressure and, as a result, headache. An alcoholic may have a depressed state, dissatisfaction with life, and signs of depression. As a rule, such symptoms quickly disappear.

At the next stage of treatment, attention should be paid to the mental state of the patient. It is advisable for relatives and friends to take something with him, help get a job, and so on.

Sometimes users themselves prepared a tool and used it. Judging by their words, by the end of the course of treatment a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages developed. This feeling has not left them for several years. Thus, hoofed (root) is a great way to change your life and finally get rid of addiction. Many people are not able to stop drinking and are coded with potent drugs, while traditional medicine offers a more affordable and less dangerous way to get rid of alcoholism.


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