Economic information systems: definition, concept and structure

The modern development of the world is impossible without the widespread use of information technology. They play a significant role in all spheres of human life, including economic.

With the help of information technology, a whole range of tasks is solved. They help to increase the competitiveness of the economy, as well as expand the possibilities of its integration into the world economy. And this is not to mention the thousand enterprises, millions of taxpayers, shareholder registers and stock quotes! All of this represents large information flows that need to be processed, evaluated, and certain conclusions drawn to enable an optimal decision to be made.

Similar work is assigned to the modern economist. That is why such a specialist, in addition to traditional knowledge, such as banking, the basics of management and foreign economic activity, taxation and administrative management, must have the ability to build information systems.

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Today, the processing of such data is an independent area with a variety of methods and ideas. Moreover, the individual elements of this process have achieved a high interconnection and a good degree of organization. This makes it possible to combine all the means of information processing at a specific economic object, which is called the "economic information system" (EIS).

A bit of history

In the 50s of the twentieth century. The first computers were developed and introduced. They were intended to solve individual economic problems in which the need arose to process an impressive amount of information. This concerned, for example, compiling statistical reports, payroll, and so on. In addition, computer operators performed various optimization calculations. An example of this is the solution of transport problems.

A decade later, an idea came about, suggesting the creation of integrated automation in the field of enterprise management, as well as the integration of obtaining information based on existing databases. The introduction of such systems became possible only in the 70s of the twentieth century, after the creation of the 3rd generation of “smart machines”. With these computers, computer systems began to be created with a distributed terminal network. However, such machines had insufficient reliability and speed, which did not allow them to become the main tool that allowed to increase the efficiency of enterprises.

In the 80s, the process of introducing personal computers began. They began to use management workers. At the same time, a large number of automated workplaces (AWPs) were created. However, such dispersal of EIS was a local implementation of this tool. That is why the ongoing work also did not allow integrating managerial functions to increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

In the 90s of the 20th century. telecommunications facilities began to develop. This process has led to the creation of global and flexible local networks that allow solving computational problems. It was with their appearance that the development and further implementation of corporate economic information systems became possible. They combined the capabilities of integrated automation of the 70s with its local developments introduced in the 80s.

Today, the use of economic information systems allows you to connect the activities of managerial employees in the enterprise, provides the opportunity for collective work of all employees. At the same time, managers making managerial decisions can, based on available data, review the basic principles of their work.

Concept of information

This term comes from the Latin informatio. Denotes this word "statement", "awareness" and "explanation". If we consider the concept of information from the point of view of materialistic philosophy, then it is a reflection of the real world, obtained with the help of information. They, in turn, are a form of providing certain data in the form of images, text, spreadsheets, graphs, etc.

In its general scientific understanding, the concept of "information" includes the exchange that occurs between people and devices, and only between people, as well as the exchange of signals between objects of inanimate and living nature.

The most widespread today is the concept of information as a resource similar to money, labor and material, while allowing to improve processes that are associated with the conversion of energy, matter, as well as information itself. In addition, by this term we mean new information that has been accepted, understood and evaluated by the end user as useful. At the same time, they expanded his information about the world around him.

Economic information

By this term we mean one of the varieties of general information. Its distinguishing feature is the connection with the organization and processes designed to manage the team.

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Economic information constantly accompanies each of the processes of production and distribution, exchange and further consumption of services and material goods. Most of it has a connection with social production. That is why economic information is also called production information.

What is the definition of this concept? Economic information is understood as information that reflects socio-economic processes and serves to manage them, as well as the teams of organizations in both the production and non-production sectors. At the same time, it must be accurate, which will ensure its unambiguous perception among all consumers, reliable, allowing only a small level of distortion, and operational, that is, relevant for making the best decision under changing conditions.

EIS concept

Economic information systems and economic information are closely connected with each other. What is EIS? This is a system whose main task is to collect information, its storage, processing and further dissemination. These data relate to a specific economic object that exists in the real world.

The main purpose

EIS solve the problems of data processing and automation of management work. They search for information and are necessary in solving individual problems. All the work of economic information systems is based on the methods of applying artificial intelligence.

Fulfillment of the tasks set for EIS allows people to avoid routine data processing. At the same time, the figures and information received are deposited, from where they are issued regularly or upon request for managing the organization.

Economic analysis information systems can be created for various purposes. Among them:

  • analysis of one of the economic objects;
  • assessment of the work of structural units of the enterprise;
  • comparative analysis of the activities of units at several business facilities.

Information support of the economic system is certain information, including:

  • about company data and their history;
  • indicators of economic activity in the current period;
  • about employees;
  • about deals and partners;
  • about credit history, income, expenses, etc.

Information systems of economic analysis allow you to quickly make optimal decisions in the field of:

  • forecasting;
  • data processing;
  • operational search for the necessary information;
  • automation of operations of office workers;
  • implementation of techniques created for working with artificial intelligence.

Using EIS allows you to replicate professional experience in information processing. At the same time, complex intellectual and production economic problems are quickly being resolved. These include, for example, data analysis and storage. Such information is important for enterprise management. Economic management information system provides for the implementation of such operations of office workers:

  • Database creation.
  • Formation of a file cabinet.
  • Construction of reports, graphs and analytical tables.
  • Work with presentations and graphics.
  • Processing data received by email.
  • Establishment of communication channels.

Creating an economic information system allows you to easily find the necessary data in it. This helps to solve the integral task facing the employee. But the use of artificial intelligence helps in managerial issues of long-term planning. They are key in making decisions regarding the operation of the enterprise.


In general, two types of economic information systems are distinguished, each of which is nothing more than a combination of channels, resources and means intended for the collection, storage, further processing and subsequent dissemination of data. Their main purpose is to perform functions related to the economic management of the enterprise.

office workers

One of the varieties of EIS is a system that has an independent purpose and scope. The second is a human-machine complex that has an automated technology for obtaining information. It is called AIS. This is an automated information system that includes economic and mathematical models and methods, technical, software and technological tools. It also includes specialists who process the received data and make management decisions.

There are other classifications of types of economic information systems. So, they are differentiated according to the main goals that are pursued during their creation.

  1. By scope of application. In this case, the information system of the economic object can be accounting and banking, insurance, tax, etc.
  2. By degree of automation. EIS for this purpose are manual, automatic, as well as automated.
  3. By the nature of the tasks performed. There are systems for solving structured, unstructured, as well as partially structured tasks.
  4. By processing modes. The enterprise’s economic information system can operate using both batch and interactive technology.
  5. By the type of programs used. This can be mini-bookkeeping designed for small businesses, accounting designers, customized to the specifics needed to perform the calculations, complexes of accounting workstations, as well as centralized systems, decentralized and intended for collective use.
  6. By scope. In this case, EIS are commercial and state, administrative, industrial, etc.
  7. According to the mode of operation. Based on this direction, information systems in economic activity are continuous and discrete.

There is also an AIS classification. So, an automated economic information system, based on management processes, can be of the following types:

  1. AIS designed for process control. It is a man-machine system that ensures the smooth operation of machine tools and automatic lines.
  2. AIS, created to manage organizational and technological processes. Such systems are multi-level. They are a combination of enterprise management and technological processes.

Sectoral and territorial, intersectoral AIS are also distinguished. The first of them operate within the boundaries of agricultural and industrial complexes, in transport and in construction. Such systems are created to provide information services to the management personnel of the relevant departments. Territorial AISs stand a notch in the hierarchical ladder. With their help, reporting is generated, operational information is issued for local economic and state bodies.

gear mechanism

Specialized systems are intersectoral AIS. They operate in the work of statistical, procurement, financial and banking bodies that manage the national economy. With the help of such AIS, economic and economic forecasts, the state budget are developed, the work of all enterprises is regulated, and the availability and distribution of resources are monitored.


To create or further develop an economic information system, it is necessary to go through the process of developing technical documentation. Creating a project will allow you to organize EIS with the receipt and conversion of raw data into effective. The purpose of such work is the selection of technical, as well as the formation of legal, software, mathematical and information support. What should these elements be?

First of all, when designing economic information systems, technical devices are selected. According to their characteristics, they should be such that with their help it was possible to make timely and uninterrupted collection, as well as registration and transmission, storage and processing of data.

The next stage in the design of economic information systems includes the choice of information support. It is necessary that it provides for the creation of a single base and its reliable operation. It is also desirable that this element be represented by a large number of arrays, sets, and databases.

woman works at the computer

The economic efficiency of information systems is ensured by the optimal formation of mathematical support. In this case, you will need to decide on a complete set of algorithms and methods for solving existing functional problems.

Organization of economic information systems will require the formation of software. When considering this issue, special attention should be paid to the creation and selection of the most effective products.

The design of EIS pursues the following objectives:

  • providing a direct impact on improving the organization of planned, accounting, as well as analytical work at the enterprise;
  • selection of the necessary equipment with the simultaneous development of information technologies of economic systems that allow rationally solving the tasks and obtaining the resulting data;
  • the ability to schedule indicators both within functional and production units, and between them;
  • creation of a database related to the planning, accounting and analysis of economic activities and capable of ensuring their optimal use;
  • development of regulatory information.

Work on the creation of an automated information processing system should be carried out in the order established by the technical design. First of all, the problems of accounting and analysis, as well as the operational management and planning of those decisions that are most amenable to EIS processing, are considered. In the development of further stages, the existing complex is being built up. It will require the expansion of mathematical and information support with its simultaneous integration. Simultaneously with these works, there is a need for the modernization of technical means. Thus, the tasks of economic information systems will be solved more efficiently.

EIS equipment

Organization of information economic systems is impossible without the installation of the enterprise:

  • computers of any models;
  • devices designed to collect and accumulate, process and transmit, as well as output information;
  • devices of communication lines and data transmission;
  • office equipment, as well as devices for automatic data collection.

For the operation of this complex will need a variety of operational materials.

The organization of EIS can be carried out using:

  • freestanding computers;
  • computing systems or networks of various sizes.

For the operation of EIS, installation of both universal and specialized computers may be provided. In the latter case, it may be a database engine that implements relational mathematical functions.

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For office work, an integrated package of interacting software products is offered. In addition to a text editor and spreadsheet, it is based on other developments. But at the same time, all the programs included in the integrated package have a common user interface, which allows specialists to apply similar techniques when working with different applications. This nuance can reduce the time spent on training employees.

One of the software products used in EIS is the DBMS. These are systems that enable database management. They are intended for data entry, their accumulation, deletion if necessary, filtering and effective search.

In economic information systems, a fairly wide range of DBMSs is used. They are used for applications of various scales. There is also an international standard, the application of which allowed creating a universal interface for the query language, which greatly facilitates the work of specialists.

The EIS also employs an expert system (ES). It is a software package that accumulates the knowledge of specialists in a particular subject area, while performing the functions of an expert. The feasibility of using ES is caused by:

  • narrow specialization of tasks and a small spatial framework of possible solutions;
  • the need to obtain the most optimal answers that do not depend on universal knowledge, as well as considerations of common sense.

An important role for the technological support of AIS is given to integrated and neural network technologies. The first ones are programs:

  • "Client-server";
  • Allow sharing of resources on a global network;
  • universal user communication (email).

The concept of “neural networks” includes groups of algorithms endowed with the ability to learn from examples and extract hidden patterns from the incoming data stream. Such computer technologies make it possible to solve a wide range of problems. Working on the principles of neurons that function in the human brain, they recognize people's speech and abstract images, classify the state of complex systems, manage financial flows and technological processes, and solve analytical, research and forecasting tasks that involve extensive information flows.

Neural network technologies are today quite a powerful technological tool. With their help, it becomes much easier for a specialist to make important and unobvious decisions in the face of a shortage of time, uncertainty, and limited data.

EIS Security

Information systems should be protected from intentional or accidental interference in the process of their functioning. Destruction of its components and data theft are also unacceptable.

Information security of economic systems is created using various methods and means. All of them allow you to protect data, including that available in banking institutions.

Information security of economic systems is created when:

  • physically blocking the path to protected data;
  • managing access to information in the form of user identification, verification of his credentials, registration of calls to resource bases, system response when attempting to carry out an unauthorized action;
  • using the encryption mechanism;
  • regulation, that is, the creation of conditions under which the norm of the standard for protection is fully present;
  • forcing the user and personnel of the EIS to comply with the rules for processing information and transmitting it under the threat of responsibility;
  • the use of moral and ethical means of data protection, which include the standards of conduct adopted by the company.

EIS Efficiency Assessment

When implementing a software product, it is necessary to adhere to the concept of system balance. It is advisable to lay out the minimum amount of funds for its organization of the company, while receiving the maximum benefit.

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Economic evaluation of information systems is carried out using certain methods, which are conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Traditional. These are financial methods by which economic attractiveness, net present value, total cost of ownership, etc. are determined.
  2. Qualitative. Among these valuation methods, we can single out the information economy, a system of balanced indicators, asset portfolio management, etc.
  3. Probabilistic. These valuation methods are fair pricing of options, applied information technology, etc.

Each of the groups listed above has its own field of application, a share of constructiveness and the possibility of integration into the enterprise development strategy.


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