A set of exercises for flat feet: step-by-step instructions, regularity of execution and results

Flat feet causes a lot of problems when walking. If the movement of the foot is correct, it evenly distributes the load, and the entire foot area is proportionally assumes the entire weight of the body, significantly softening the impact force that necessarily occurs when interacting with the ground. It is worth knowing in more detail how the pathology is manifested, and what exercise therapy complex of exercises for flat feet is used.

a set of exercises for flat feet in children

What are the symptoms?

But if a person has a pathology, then the spring mechanism does not work at full power, the support function of the feet is violated. Because of this, a person has many problems:

  • swelling appears;
  • pain in the feet is manifested not only during running or walking;
  • fatigue of the legs is noted;
  • gait changes significantly, plasticity of movement is lost;
  • clumsiness and heaviness appear, especially with fast movement, posture is bent.

If therapeutic measures are not taken during this period, the discomfort will increase, capturing the ankles, lower legs and knees, and then back pain will begin. This disease can be the cause of persistent headaches. A significant limitation of movement will appear, often flatfoot develops to such a stage that a person becomes disabled.

Only healthy and properly developed feet will be the real support of any person. And it is possible to fight pathology with the help of the developed special gymnastics, and it is she who is assigned a key place in the treatment. You need to do it constantly, only in this way you can achieve excellent results by strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the foot. You will also need a special massage and other procedures.

Of course, you need to be prepared for the fact that the fight against such an ailment is a long, difficult process. However, this is the only way to defeat him. A set of exercises at an early stage of the development of the disease gives a particularly good effect, so if discomfort occurs while walking, it is better to immediately contact a medical institution for help. The faster the diagnosis is made, the easier it is to make a correction.

a set of exercises for the treatment of flat feet

A set of exercises for the treatment of flat feet

The therapeutic complex of exercises consists of simple movements, which will not be difficult to master. To complete some, you will need a chair and some devices and objects: a ball, a piece of cloth, a tennis ball, a wooden beam (can be replaced with a thick book), a stick or a pencil.

The set of exercises to correct flat feet includes the following:

  1. Stand behind the chair. Necessarily socks and heels are closed, and hands need to hold on to the back of the chair.
  2. In slow motion, climb on toes.
  3. Then, counting slowly to "4", also slowly gently dropping down, leaning on a full foot.

Chair exercise

Sitting on it, spread your feet shoulder width apart. Try to pick up any pre-cooked items from the floor. It can be a piece of cloth or a handkerchief. Holding the object with your fingers, you need to move it in different directions - to the right / left. An important condition: do not tear off the heels from the plane.

Not far from the chair to sit on, put a tennis ball. Try to grab it and be sure to hold it with your toes.

set of exercises for flat feet

Chair exercise

Feet and feet brought together. You need to try to raise the knees to the sides, but be sure to tear the heels off the surface. Turn the soles inward, squeezing the feet.

Bar exercise

Place a wooden beam on the floor. A voluminous book will be able to replace it. To stand on it so that the toes are on the floor, and the heels rest on the beam. With the score "4" slowly climb up, and with the same score to go down.

Walking around the room

A set of exercises for flat feet in children begins with this exercise. You need to move for several minutes, always on toes, so that the weight of the body falls on the forefoot. Walk for 30 seconds / minute on the outer arches. Keep your hands on your belt.

longitudinal flatfoot exercise complex

Some more exercises

This complex is performed in a standing position:

  • It should rely on the outer feet. Do half squats 5-8 times.
  • Stand up straight, hands on the belt. Pull the toes up to 15 times, returning each time to its original position.
  • Legs apart, but so that the feet are parallel to each other. Hands spread apart. Do squats up to 8 times. You can not take your feet off the floor.
  • In a standing position, take a pose so that the heels are outward and the socks inward. To rise on toes, stretching up as high as possible. Take a starting position. Perform the exercise up to 10 times.
  • Standing to put the right leg so that it is in front of the toe of the other leg, that is, a trace in the trace. In this position, climb on toes up to 10 times. Then put forward the left leg. Repeat the exercise the same number of times. With longitudinal flat feet, a set of exercises is carried out several times a day.
  • Again stand on your toes, but now you should turn your heels outward, returning to the starting position. Perform at least 8-10 times.
  • In a standing position, toes, slightly lifting, toes. An exercise is effective if you try to play the piano with your fingers. This lesson is classified as complex.
  • To stand so that the feet are parallel, and at a distance from the palm of one another. Try to bend your fingers, lifting the inner edge of the foot up to 10 times.
  • To stand so that the feet are turned inward. You should slowly rise on your toes, and at the same time bend your knees. Then, as slowly straighten your legs, returning to its original position.
  • Like half-sowing, for 30–40 seconds.
  • This exercise is performed at a faster pace than the rest. To stand upright, lift the right leg first, begin to unbend / bend the foot, while stretching the toe straight first and then towards yourself. Repeat movement 10 times. Change the leg, perform the same actions with the left foot.
  • To stand upright, lift each leg alternately, alternate movements, turning the foot outward, then inward. Repeat exercise 5 times.
  • Standing, alternately raise each leg, performing circular movements with each foot. If it’s hard, you can hold on to the back of the chair.
  • This exercise not only strengthens the feet, but also has massage properties. To get up, put a tennis ball under the foot, and then, with the force of the fingers, roll it to the heel, without raising it high.
set of exercises


Effective is an exercise that mimics the movement of a caterpillar. It is performed as follows: sitting on the floor bend your legs. Bend the toes, moving the heel closer to them, then the foot straightens and contracts again. Both legs participate in the movement at the same time.

The pose is the same. Knees are divorced, but at this time the soles of the legs are connected. Then the legs need to be moved forward. They straighten up until it is possible to keep the fingers and heels in a closed state.

flat foot exercise complex exercise

The pose is the same, and near the legs lies a fabric on which a small but heavy object is placed. Task: with your fingers to grab the fabric and move along with the load under the foot. Necessarily the heel should stand motionless. Exercise is performed first with one, then with the other leg.

Now you can walk around, imitating a β€œsneak” gait, that is, slightly bending your legs. Socks should be kept inward.

Measures such as a goose pace and walking with clamped toes with sticks or pencils are also useful. Time: 30-40 seconds.

a set of exercises to correct flat feet

Lying exercises

The legs must be bent at the knees, the feet are brought together and rest on the floor. It is necessary to vigorously raise and lower the heels. Then alternately tear off the heels from the floor surface alternately, and then at the same time, but so that the forefoot always remains without movement on the floor.

Without changing your position, start pulling your socks off. Be sure to turn the feet inward. Then pull the socks at the same time.

On the back

Therapeutic gymnastics in a complex of exercises with flat feet is also carried out in this position. It is necessary to make a leisurely sliding motion with the foot on the opposite leg, fingers can be bent. You can do the manipulations while sitting. Legs should be straightened. You need to start with the fact that the big toe is at the other's big toe. Movements are made up to the border of the knee. The legs change in turn, four approaches are done. Then you need to make rotational movements with your feet, different directions - both inward and outward.

This exercise is performed on the side, with outstretched legs. If you lie on your left side, the left leg bends in the area of ​​the knee joint. Sock must be pulled. You can improve the movement a bit by supporting the leg with your hand. The same movement must be performed, turning on the other side.

Roll over on your stomach, put your hands and socks on the floor. Turn the feet inward, at the same time with this movement to raise the head and body.


The set of exercises for flat feet in adults and children includes the following exercise. The knees are bent and pulled to the torso. Objective: grab a handkerchief with the fingers of one leg and try to take the fabric with the fingers of the second leg. Repeat the movement several times.

It is imperative for those workers whose profession forces them to remain standing for a long time, it is advisable to do this exercise several times a day: place the feet in parallel, transferring the weight of the body to their outer edges. Stay in this position for up to 40 seconds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45946/

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