How to write an explanatory note?

The organization’s internal workflow is a complex system of relationships between different departments, managers at various levels, subordinates, and task performers. Despite the fact that most organizations seek to translate this work into electronic form, certain documents are traditionally filled in by hand. This rule is not strictly enshrined in the legislation of our country, but the fact remains, and some of the papers are drawn up in handwritten form.

Such a measure is more aimed at ensuring that in case of a dispute the employer or employee does not have the opportunity to replace the original document. Such "insurance" often justifies itself. As a rule, the employer prefers applications for employment, leave or dismissal in the "author" execution. However, they, like all other documents, are not prohibited to be carried out in electronic form, confirming the accuracy of the stated signature of the author or responsible persons.

Explanatory document. When and how to write

Being a part of official correspondence, an explanatory note is a document of a reference and informational nature. As a rule, this document is drawn up in cases of violation of labor discipline or the occurrence of non-standard situations in the workplace or during the execution of orders. Usually, before writing an explanatory note, the employee may try to give explanations verbally. If the administration is satisfied with this form, then the paper will not be required.

Most often, an explanation is required in the following situations:

  • failure to appear or be late for work;
  • untimely execution of the task;
  • failure to fulfill the plan;
  • the occurrence of shortages or surpluses of cash or goods and materials;
  • clarification of the provisions or sections of another document.

Issuing an explanatory note

Before you write an explanatory note, you need to understand what data it should contain and display. At an enterprise that carefully approaches the correctness of document management, as well as in state institutions, quite specific requirements are presented to the explanatory note on the design and content of the necessary details.

This background document traditionally includes:

  • name of organization and official to whom the document is addressed;
  • position and data of the author of the explanation;
  • Date of document
  • the actual name of the type of document;
  • heading to the text;
  • text is an explanation. Usually it consists of two parts: a statement of the situation and an explanation of the reasons;
  • data compiled and his personal signature.

Raising the topic of how to write an explanatory note, one cannot but mention how the information should be presented. Often, performers forget that they do not write an essay on the topic: “Who is to blame and what to do”, but fill out an official document. In view of this, it is necessary to exclude any emotionality in the presentation. The text should be as «detached’ as possible and contain only specific facts and information. How to write an explanatory letter if there are certain problems with a coherent statement? You can ask for help from a staff worker or use a text editor on a computer that will highlight the main errors.

I would also like to note that the employee may reject the requirement of the management to submit this document, since it is not specified in any legislative act that this procedure is mandatory. However, in the event of a refusal, the administration may apply administrative sanctions to the employee, having previously drawn up an official act.

Traditionally, this document is written on plain letterhead or blank paper of standard size. How to write an explanatory note to avoid misinterpretation or double interpretation of all the above? Here the answer is obvious. If your handwriting is far from calligraphic, then it is better to use a computer or typewriter.


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