How fast does a person run? World Record for Running

There are legends about what speed a person can develop while running. If it is rational to approach the issue, then the speed of running depends, as psychologists say, only on the task facing the person. Goal is paramount. But health, endurance and distance are just the accompanying characteristics. For example, wellness running does not require work to the maximum and is not aimed at new records. The situation takes a different direction when it comes to running sports. Here the goal is the same - to overtake the opponent, break the record, here you need to give all your best. So how fast does a person run?

wellness run


If you are a beginner runner, then wellness run is just what you need. Preparation for training begins with a normal walk. When a quick step is perceived by the body easily and without discomfort, you can start running. In such a variety, speed is completely unimportant, the main thing is to feel good. This is usually a regular jogging. If it becomes too difficult to move, then you can alternate walking and running. There are a considerable number of programs specially developed by experienced trainers that are based on the alternation of intensity and are suitable even for beginners. It is only necessary to switch to normal walking in order to restore breathing. Once it returns to normal, you can return to running again. At the same time, the speed of walking and running should not be too different. The average person’s speed when running in km / h is 20 if he regularly trains and is ready for such races.

If running is easy, the best option is to run the entire race at the same pace. Doctors say that just running without stopping allows you to achieve better results, train your heart and lose weight. The speed of such jogging is usually about 6-10 kilometers per hour.

If physical activity is not new to you, it is better to arrange such exercises as elastic running. This kind of running is a powerful energy-consuming process. Wondering at what speed a person is running at this time? Indicators can reach 12-14 kilometers per hour. The most important thing is the lack of discomfort: monitor your pulse with the help of special devices. The modern world offers a huge number of fitness bracelets, mobile applications that can count not only the number of kilometers traveled, but also the pulse, calories and speed. All this is necessary solely in order to make the run truly healthy. Wellness during regular training is the key to success and good results.

how to run


If jogging is based on well-being, then in sports, speed and endurance come first. The length of the distance is just an accompanying factor, based on which the runner adjusts his speed in order to break the next record. The rule of training is as follows - running speed is inversely proportional to distance. Simply put, the more an athlete needs to run, the slower he will do so, so as not to run out of breath in the middle of the path.


Based on the rule described above, marathon running can rightfully be attributed to the slowest type of running. The length of the standard marathon is 42 kilometers, and the main task of the runner is to distribute his forces in such a way as to overcome four tens of kilometers. It is important not to run to wear and tear in order to give everything at the finish line and overtake your rivals. How fast does a man run a marathon? On average, a trained runner can run a marathon at a speed of 15-17 kilometers per hour. And if you are a beginner, then you should start at eight kilometers per hour. The slower you run, the more likely you are to complete the marathon with better results.

wellness run two

Middle distances

This category includes distances from 800 meters to 3 kilometers. Despite the fact that the distance is much less than the marathon, the principle does not change. It is still important to distribute your forces as competently as possible for each kilometer, so that you can give your best at the finish line. But due to the fact that the distance is several times shorter, runners can reach speeds of even 22 kilometers per hour. The maximum running speed of a person is 45 kilometers per hour.

marathon run


The fastest and most emotional - sprinting. There is no place for the distribution of forces at a distance, the goal is one - to give everything in full. It is only important to have an endurance and be able to develop high speed. At this moment, the body works in extreme conditions, and its work is aimed only at overcoming the stress that occurs due to a lack of oxygen. Here, not only endurance, but also the correct breathing technique plays a paramount role. The most popular area is anaerobic respiration. The average speed of the best short-distance runners can reach ten meters per second.

Usain Bolt is rightfully recognized as the best of the best. The athlete’s world record for running is 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. If you translate over long distances, then this is as much as 37 kilometers per hour! Impressive, isn't it? Bolt's record is the maximum speed that a person managed to develop at a sprint distance.

Of course, such indicators do not mean at all that athletes run in ordinary life at such speeds. On average, in training, the indicators are 15-20% lower. All in order to give all the best to the competition and show the maximum result. Short distance runners spare no effort from the start.

competitive run

Interesting Facts

Human capabilities are an unexplored area. To find out what each of us can do only by testing our strengths in practice:

  • Scientists claim that the maximum running speed of a person is 60 km / h. True, no one has yet been able to confirm these assumptions.
  • Running is not only an exercise based on endurance. This is also a mental process, because you need to correctly calculate how to run, for example, a marathon to the end and not run out of breath in the middle of the way.
  • How fast does a person run? General indicators of an average adult can reach from 16 to 25 kilometers per hour. You can hold out at this pace for a couple of hours, not more.
  • The fastest people in the world are skaters.
  • Scientists are firmly convinced that the ability to develop speed when running at 60 kilometers per hour is limited by our feet. They are able to take only a certain degree of load.
  • The longer the distance, the slower the person runs.
  • The fastest jerk during the start of a run is considered to be 48 km / h.

One thing is for sure - human possibilities are endless! It is difficult to answer the question of how fast a person can run as fast as after all, records can be broken at any time, and new goals can be achieved.


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