How to kick the ball in football?

The game of football consists of many components: a technique of reference, a pass, vision of the field, etc. But the most important quality that a football player should possess is a hit. Indeed, thanks to a strong and accurate strike, the most basic goal in football is solved - to score a goal. Many novice soccer players ask themselves the question of how to kick the ball.

How to kick the ball

With today's development of football, there are many techniques for hitting the ball. It’s impossible to master everything, so you need to know the basic rules, and you will develop your own technique. With each game your goals will be improved and acquire unique, characteristic features. In order for the development to proceed in a quality manner, it is important to know the rules well, which I will describe to you. Before describing the rules, I want to indicate that there are several types of strokes, so I will describe the simplest one - with the help of a leg lift.

Lifting kick provides contact with the ball of most of the legs, which significantly increases its speed and accuracy. This direction is the most difficult, but the most popular in football. If you master the technique of hitting a lift, you will learn how to hit the ball correctly.

The strongest hit on the ball

Before describing the rules, I want to indicate that there are several types of touches, so I will describe the easiest hit with a lift.

Football players often call it cannon because of its high speed and distinctive β€œswivel” during the flight. When asked about how to kick the ball, any football player will answer that it is the kick that is the most correct and useful. If you pay attention to the goals of professional football players during a football game, you will be convinced of the correctness of their words.

Ball Kicking Technique

So, in detail about the rules.

  • Before hitting you need to move away from the ball at the correct distance. This distance should not be very short, but not too long, about 1-1, 5 meters.
  • You have to take the right position, it depends on which foot you are beating. If the beating leg is left, then you need to stand on the right, if the right - then on the left.
  • The run must be prepared carefully, with a uniformly calculated number of steps.
  • The supporting leg must be placed so that the center of the foot coincides with the center of the ball.
  • The kick should be done sharply, placing the leg lift exactly in the center of the ball.
  • After touching the legs with the ball, you need to lead it in the desired direction, because it will fly in that direction.

To inflict the strongest blow on the ball, you need to make a good swing and break through sharply. Sharpness in this case is of great importance, because it is it that controls the speed of the ball.

Using all these rules, you will understand how to properly develop the technique of hitting the ball; this requires more than one day of practice. It is on the football field, during the game, the science of scoring goals in the goal is mastered. Do not stop when faced with failures, practice strikes every day, and you will get the result very quickly. For more effective training, it is better to use the advice of trainers or experienced comrades. And we must not forget that football does not consist of penalties, penalty kicks and corners, you need to be able to give a pass, it is good to see the opponent and your partners on the field. A good football player must be able to calculate the opponent a couple of steps forward. With all this, you will familiarize yourself with time and learn how to kick the ball.


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