Scandinavian walking poles: reviews, overview, description and specifications

The choice of equipment for sports should be approached with all responsibility. The service life, ease of use, and human safety depend on the quality of the product. For Nordic walking, you will need special sticks called Nordics. In order for walks to bring only benefit and pleasure, it is important to pay attention to the choice of Scandinavian walking poles, reviews of which can be found on the net.

nordic walking stick height

Nordic walking and its benefits

This sport is a universal way to improve the body. People of different ages and sex can deal with it, regardless of the level of sports training.

Nordic walking is a good way to prevent and treat various ailments.

Such sports loads are useful for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • lung diseases;
  • pain in the back, shoulders, neck;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • neurological diseases;
  • excess weight and obesity.

Features of inventory selection

When choosing the optimal model of a sports equipment, the following important parameters must be considered:

  • product dimensions;
  • design features;
  • the material of the shaft and handles, the shape of the latter;
  • view of the tip and locking device;
  • design.

There is no single model that has ideal characteristics. No less important is the price of the product.

how to walk nordic walking with sticks

To engage in Nordic walking with sticks and walk correctly, it is important to evaluate the sports equipment in all respects and choose the best option for yourself.

Stick length

This is the most important parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a Nordic, because if it does not fit in length, then full-time classes are impossible, since it will be inconvenient to move around.

When determining the appropriate size of a stick for Nordic walking, the growth of the student is important, since during training the athlete's hands should be bent at the elbows at an angle of 90⁰ or more. If the angle is acute, then the load on the elbow joint rises, and this becomes the cause of pain and inflammation. In addition, the ability to control posture depends on the length of the Nordic walking sticks. If the sticks are not long enough, then the person will stoop while walking or try to keep his back straight, while violating the walking technique.

For convenience, you can refer to the table in which the necessary parameters are indicated depending on the person's height. But some athletes calculate the length of the product on their own, taking into account growth, the degree of physical fitness, the expected intensity of the classes.

The height of the sticks is calculated by the formulas:

  • for the elderly, women bearing a baby, children, those who recover from an injury, the following formula is used: height (cm) x 0.66;
  • for medium-intensity classes without health restrictions, another formula for determining the length of a stick for Nordic walking: height (cm) x 0.68;
  • for athletes with a high level of training, calculations are carried out as follows: growth (cm) x 0.7.
stick nordic walking push

Product type

There are two types of products for Nordic walking. Nordics can be:

  • Telescopic. Such a product consists of a system of tubes with clamps for fixing, it is laid out like a telescope. This design allows you to adjust the length at your discretion, but of the minuses can be noted the severity and unreliability of such models. After some time of use, the device at the connection points starts to become loose, therefore its service life is short, compared with models that do not fold out.
  • Capless. This device is more reliable and lightweight, will last a long time. Since it is impossible to adjust the length in such a model, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice, given this parameter.

If you plan to practice regularly, it is better to give preference to monolithic Scandinavian walking poles, user reviews say that they are lighter and more reliable. In the event that the sticks will be used when traveling, you can purchase an additional folding pair, which is convenient to transport in a suitcase. Such models will be more convenient if all family members are engaged in Nordic walking, since you can adjust the height for each.

Stick material

Buyers are offered 4 product options:

  • Models from aluminum alloys. They are distinguished by reliability, low cost, but they will be heavy. This material is not elastic, is not able to dampen vibration when walking, which will be transmitted to the wrist and elbow joints.
  • Carbon products. Such models cost a lot of money, but at the same time they are light and elastic, which makes classes comfortable and tireless.
  • Fiberglass sticks. They weigh a little more than the previous ones, but not as heavy as aluminum models. Affordable, but not popular due to the fact that they are not resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Mixed. The composition of the products includes fiberglass and carbon in various proportions. A variant of the telescopic model with sections for the manufacture of which different materials were used is possible.

Handles: material and shape

To choose the optimal shape of the pen for yourself, it is better to try a little walk with a stick. This will allow you to understand how comfortable the pen is in your hand, whether it is comfortable for you.

what are the poles for nordic walking

When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account that in the process of walking the palms constantly sweat, since the brush works all the time.

Handles can be made of:

  • Plastic. This material will not absorb sweat, therefore it is not suitable for long or intense training.
  • Traffic jams. The material is pleasant to the touch, perfectly absorbs moisture.
  • Mixtures of rubber and cork. In appearance it resembles porous rubber. The material is able to absorb moisture well, wear-resistant, popular among professional athletes.

Lanyard type

A lanyard is a design that resembles a fingerless glove. It is necessary to fix the stick to the palm and ensure its grip after release.

By type of lanyard it happens:

  • Basic. It is universal, it is not divided into right and left, which is not very convenient, since the anatomy of the palm is not taken into account, and this can lead to rubbing during use or impaired blood flow as a result of constriction of blood vessels.
  • Differentiated. It is made for the right and left hands, has the corresponding notes. The length of such products can be adjusted by adjusting to any palm size, you can choose a model for both women and men.
  • Professional. It is made for those who play sports professionally. The fabric of the product absorbs moisture well, it can be adjusted to fit the brush, and it is also possible to unfasten it from the stick without removing it, which makes it convenient to perform additional exercises during the session.

Tip selection

The tip may be:

  • Metal. It is resistant to deformation and abrasion. Use it during classes on the ground or in the snow. For walking on asphalt, a removable rubber tip can be included.
  • Karbonov. Universal durable material, can be used on unstable soil and on asphalt.
  • Kevlarov. Has a built-in rubber cushion, dampens blows well.
Nordic walking poles

Product Manufacturers

The best Nordic walking poles are produced by the following manufacturers:

  1. Exel. The models of this Finnish company are made of carbon fiber. They have a long service life.
  2. Ergoforce. This manufacturer produces telescopic products, the size of poles for Nordic walking can vary depending on the needs. Models are of good quality and inexpensive.
  3. Leki. The company from Germany offers a variety of sticks with the ability to adjust the length.
  4. Realstick Models of the Finnish manufacturer are known for their lightness and fixed length.
  5. Marko. This Estonian manufacturer is famous for the production of aluminum sliding sticks, which have a low cost.
  6. Gabel. Products of Italian production are presented in a wide range, can be adjusted in length, have belts made of soft material.
  7. Karhu. The company produces monolithic Scandinavian walking poles, customer reviews indicate their high quality.
  8. Komperdell. Products of this Austrian company consist of three sections.

Which models are best for the elderly

Since people in old age usually already have many different diseases, you need to choose sports equipment for them very carefully, having studied the information about which Nordic walking poles are best suited in this case. In addition, it is necessary to visit a doctor to make sure that the patient has no contraindications for such physical activity, as well as to choose the optimal regimen.

which Nordic walking poles are better

For older athletes, it is better to choose:

  1. Lightweight products, with good fixation of the hand and vibration suppression, so as not to overload the joints.
  2. Carbon models. Such sticks can be used even in the recovery period after injuries and illnesses.

Classes are useful for people who have problems with the joints of the lower extremities. In addition, physical activity saturates the body with oxygen, helps lower blood cholesterol, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and normalizes metabolic processes.

The choice of sports equipment for children

According to scientific studies, such exercises are useful for children to develop a sense of balance and coordination of movements, and also help maintain posture and learn to keep your back in a normal position. Classes are possible from the age when the child is able to observe safety precautions.

Features of the choice:

  • If the child is engaged in Nordic walking, the height of the sticks should be adjustable, so it is better to give preference to telescopic models.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the handle, which should completely fit the hand. In addition, it must be rubberized to provide good grip.
  • Composite carbon materials should be preferred; they are safe for children.
  • It is important to ensure that the lanyard fixes the hand well and does not twist, which is fraught with injuries to the child’s fragile limbs.
  • Before starting classes, you must explain the safety rules to the child.

General recommendations

In order for classes to be useful, and a sports equipment to last a long time, some recommendations must be followed;

  • Purchase goods only in a specialized store.
  • Before buying, consult with a specialist or professional athlete to understand which Scandinavian walking poles are better to choose.
  • Decide what kind of stick you want to purchase and from what material.
  • Check the equipment on site, pay attention to the presence of removable tips, lanyard and other important details.
Nordic walking stick size

There are many resources that are dedicated to this type of physical activity and in particular the choice of poles for Nordic walking, and reviews on forums from real people will help determine the variety of models and purchase a sports equipment, classes with which will be not only useful, but also comfortable.


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