Despise - what is it? Meaning of the word

Self-dislike causes negative feelings towards other people. Each person is unique and represents a combination of various negative and positive qualities. It is impossible to despise this, because, not respecting the other person, you, first of all, do not value yourself. Unwillingness to realize the motives of another person’s deviant behavior, inability to compare oneself and others and the lack of self-motivation reduce the emotional intelligence of a person.

The nature of the word "despise"

It owes its origin to the Church Slavonic language. This is an imperfective verb. Perfect is designated as "despise." The meaning of the word “despise” is described in several dictionaries and is reflected in the books of Russian classics.

For example, in Ozhegov’s dictionary, a description of the words is given below, not in a literal translation, but with some amendments:

  1. Contempt is a negative feeling that causes disdain for an object, person, or action.
  2. The second description of the word sounds something like this: a pronounced reluctance to build a deep opinion about something and anyone. Simply put, indifference to a particular act, personality, or something else.

Dahl value

In the explanatory dictionary of the famous lexicographer and collector of the meanings of various words, the word "despise" is described in sufficient detail with many epithets and different spelling words, but identical in meaning. Because of this, the description is reduced to reasonable limits in the article, and also simplified.

Despising is experiencing a negatively colored feeling that causes indifference to the surrounding reality or the actions of other people. In another understanding, it is considered not worthy of a separate concentration of attention of a person, subject, action, and the like.

Haughty gaze

The importance of the correct use of words

Most people did not receive philological education and often make mistakes in the use of many words. As a result, this causes misunderstanding between individuals and, as a result, can lead to verbal or physical conflict. It’s not worth despising, you have to fight with yourself.

In order not to cause such confrontations between the two representatives of homo sapiens, it is worth thinking about the meaning of the word and the need for its use in conversation or correspondence.

The man is unhappy


Despising is treating someone with disrespect and indifference. Negative feeling caused by not recognizing another person’s deed as being right. In relation to material objects we can say "despicable metal." In the novel "Ordinary History" in this way, Alexander Aduev called money.


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