Cause time, fun hour: the meaning of the proverb

The Russian language is rich in various proverbs, sayings and aphorisms. Absolutely for all situations, you can find a proverb in which there is a very deep inner meaning. Each saying of the people is imbued with great wisdom, which was collected from the life of many generations. Many proverbs exist for various kinds of work. One of these proverbs is “business, time, fun hour”, the meaning and origin of which is very curious and informative.

Origin of the proverb

Many historians refer to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who during his reign wrote the words of this proverb in a book with the rules of falconry. In those days, this type of joy was very popular. It was the falconry that the king implied as fun, specified by the words of the proverb.

business time fun hour meaning and origin

However, deeper studies have shown that Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was not the author of these lines, and a saying with a similar meaning already existed among people. In addition, other peoples already had sayings with a similar meaning, and if Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich lived in our time, these words would be considered plagiarism. And he inserted them into the book in order to increase its significance and make it more accessible for understanding. One way or another, but it is the king’s merit that this proverb has survived and is used so widely.

Proverb meaning

After it became clear the origin of the proverb “business is time, fun is an hour”, meaning is the second most important thing to know. Understanding the meaning is necessary in order to use a proverb or saying in the right context, in the right situation.

business time fun hour value

Initially, during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, when people said that the matter was time, a fun hour, the meaning was as follows: do the thing, but do not forget about fun or, in other words, about entertainment. Later, in the 19th century, the syntactic structure of the proverb changed, and the opposing union “a” appeared, which radically changed its meaning. The proverb began to look and sound differently, namely: business is time, and fun is an hour. This already meant that work or some kind of business should be given more time than fun, for which allot an hour, which is not comparable with the rest of the length of time in length. By the way, the concept of an hour is rather arbitrary, the main thing was to show exactly the contrast.

Cause time, fun hour: the meaning of the proverb for children and parents

Our life consists of many different situations that sometimes turn into problems. Of course, many of them are due to our irresponsibility and laziness. That is why a lot of proverbs were born among the people who warned in advance about possible complications that might appear due to these vices.

matter time fun hour value

That is why you can often hear from parents who say to their children who do not want to do homework, but who want to watch TV: "I’m doing time, fun hour!" The meaning of the proverb is no longer necessary to explain to anyone, it is understandable without unnecessary words. The fact that the constant delay in doing homework for later will cause many problems at school and, as a result, difficulties with self-esteem and further implementation of the life path will appear, is obvious.

Why do we use proverbs?

What is the reason for the popularity of proverbs? Why are they so "tenacious" and many people completely unconsciously use them in their speech, sometimes without even thinking that these are the most famous words that came to us from antiquity? The fact is that the proverb is usually a very intelligible and capacious interpretation of the desired situation. Proverbs are alive in the memory of the people, and therefore, if someone is told that the matter is time, a fun hour, the meaning becomes clear immediately without further explanation.

business time fun hour proverb value

Proverbs and sayings are also an adornment of a language that becomes even better, richer and more colorful from them. We do not hesitate to use various proverbs in conversations, but all because we ourselves grew up in an atmosphere filled with these winged expressions.

Cause time, fun hour: value in examples from the classics

Various writers and writers have always willingly used folklore and winged expressions in their work. The reason is that folk wisdom adorns any work and brings it closer to the people. Therefore, quite often on the pages of books of different writers you can find proverbs and sayings.

For example, Vincent Veresaev, in his work “Memoirs,” wrote that during his studies no one went to visit or receive guests. After all, time takes time (fun - an hour). The importance of training was very great in the family of the later famous writer.

The Soviet writer Boris Izyumsky, who is not very well known to a wide circle of readers, but who has written many works for his life, also addressed this proverb in the novel "Scarlet Epaulettes". And Nikolai Akimov, a famous director and playwright in his book "On the Theater" also referred to this proverb. Why engage in lengthy discussions rather than simply expressing your thoughts in a light simple phrase, consisting of only four words, but lurking so much wisdom and knowledge.


If you look at the words of the proverb separately from each other, then they are unlikely to make much sense. Case, time, fun, hour - the meaning escapes and becomes foggy and vague. It is in conjunction that all these words acquire a new meaning. This proverb belongs to the category of educators who teach and instruct on the right path. We immediately gather internally and switch from any entertainment to a working mood when we hear: “Enough rest! Business time, fun - an hour!”. The meaning of phraseologism becomes understandable through the images that it gives. In this case, the image of a hardworking person appears before his eyes, who devotes almost all his time to work, leaving only a small part of it for entertainment.

business time fun hour meaning of phraseology

We often underestimate the wealth that we possess thanks to our mother tongue. The ability to speak beautifully and concisely, convincingly and eloquently is all available to us. It is only necessary to learn how to use the resources of the language to the maximum, reading classical literature and studying the heritage of our ancestors.


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