How to become more purposeful: effective methods, the necessary motivation and the advice of psychologists

Each set a task related to how to become more purposeful. If itโ€™s hard for you to complete the work you have begun, you should use the search for motivation to achieve the desired result. Or maybe you just have your priorities set incorrectly and you waste time in vain?

Motivate yourself for the result

How to become more purposeful? Look for motivation. For example, you want to go to the gym to lose a few extra pounds. Such a motivation already dooms the fulfillment of the goal to failure. Due to the fact that there is no specifics.

It is necessary to clearly articulate your desires. For example, you want to lose 5 kg of excess body weight or reduce your waist by a couple of centimeters. And itโ€™s better to imagine a picture in which your lover admires your corrected figure.

Goal achievement

Or maybe you have stunning outfits that lie on the top shelf and are waiting in the wings.

Therefore, every time you move towards a goal, you need to reinforce it with motivation. Write down each phrase on the way to achieving the result in a notebook, and as soon as you give up, open it and re-read it.

Believe me, the taste of an achievable goal is much nicer than eating your favorite cake.

Make an action plan

When the question arises of how to become a purposeful person, advice becomes superfluous and consciousness automatically begins to search for global goals. But are they so good? For example, you want to buy a car of a certain brand in six months. And here the fears associated with finding money begin. And you suddenly realize that six months to achieve such a goal is a very short time.

The goal is to buy a car

And you just need to break the target into small steps. Examine the offer, perhaps some car dealerships have promotions. Or maybe itโ€™s better to consider a loan option. Then calculate the budget. And start saving a certain amount, based on your own abilities and the term of the goal.

Than multitasking is bad

Each of us often thinks about how to become a more purposeful person. And we are beginning to actively come up with many goals. At the same time we raise the bar to heaven. In an effort to achieve everything at once, we forget that most of the goals spelled out in a personal notebook are imposed by society. That is, you want to live in an apartment, and private home ownership is not for you. But a friend has his own house, and you automatically set a goal to get a small mansion.

Goals and Priorities

The goals of such a plan are meaningless, you should strive for what you yourself want. Formulate desires according to your priorities, and achieve each in turn.

Working on willpower

To decide how to become more purposeful is only half the battle. Each of us needs to regularly work on our own willpower. Otherwise, sooner or later, almost right before the finish, you can give up and give up. This is especially true when there is an obstacle in the way.

Therefore, every time something fails, you should gather all your strength into a fist and clearly see in front of you the result that you have been going for so long. Train yourself. Start with sports. Donate an extra ten minutes of sleep in the morning for push-ups or squats. Limit yourself for a while from your favorite product, because it does not bring benefits, etc. Through time, your willpower will be at an excellent level.

Concentrate on business

In the age of the Internet, itโ€™s very difficult to focus on a specific business. Itโ€™s hard to resist, so as not to read letters from โ€œMailโ€ once again or to come in and reply to messages to friends on social networks. And all this, despite the fact that the bulk of the work has not been completed. As a result, succumbing to the temptation, we lose a huge amount of time, and gaps remain in the work.

Focus on work

Make it a rule to log into social networks and instant messengers at a specific time for a clearly defined period of time. Thus, you will have time to answer all your friends and acquaintances. And the quality and amount of work done will not be affected.

Enjoy your work

For some, your work and activities may seem completely elementary and worthless. But you must be clearly aware that, despite any features of your work, you are among the important links of one large system.

And each time, answering your question about how to become more purposeful, you must remember that you need to be proud of what you are doing. This quality is well developed among those people who value themselves. In addition, they love their work, are proud of it and give all the best.

Focus on results

It doesn't matter if you are cooking dinner or meeting business partners. The main thing is to complete your task as well as possible. Try to always make such statements when you ask yourself the question of how to become a purposeful person.

Psychologist's advice

  • Go cycling. This type of active passion reflects a peculiar model of life. When moving on a bicycle, you must constantly look around. In addition, you will be waiting for a lot of obstacles that must be overcome so as not to be a participant in a traffic accident. Constantly need to pedal. And even when it becomes difficult, you still can not stop. After all, you have a certain route, according to which you must move in order to reach your destination. So in life!
To destination
  • Get a pet. You must keep an eye on him, even when you are reluctant to do so. You must be aware of your responsibility for those you have tamed. So in life, you must remember that you live for a reason. That you have goals that you need to achieve, despite obstacles and fatigue.
  • Read books! Each of them, which you read to the end, is a kind of trophy. Even if, after reading several pages, you do not want to continue reading this literature, you need to get together and bring it to the end. So in life, how often do we give up half the way, just because we decided that we no longer need it. And then we return again to this goal and start from the very beginning. So, it is very important not to stop, but to complete the work begun.
  • Do not spare time for what brings you pleasure. If you are still rushing about choosing a profession, then give preference to the work that you like. Unloved work has never brought anyone pleasure.

To be purposeful, develop abilities! Become focused on practice, train willpower, be proud of your work and set the right goals! Do not leave the case halfway, as in the future, you may want to return to this idea, but you will have to start again.

And what secrets do you have to follow your path to your goal?


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