5 reasons to make a bridge for the back every day. Technique and recommendations

Strong back muscles, buttocks and abs have many benefits. This is not only wonderful any bikini or jeans sitting on the figure, but also a feeling of the strength of your body in everyday life. Exercise bridge for the back trains all of the above muscle groups.

What is the use of the bridge?

There are at least 5 reasons to do this exercise every day:

  1. Reduced back and knee pain. The gluteal muscles and hamstrings are rarely involved. When doing most of the exercises or doing ordinary household chores, quadriceps take over the bulk of the work. Unfortunately, this scheme of work leads to excessive overstrain of one muscle group, which can cause pain in the knees and back. The bridge for the back fully utilizes the back muscle chain (lower back, buttocks and hamstrings), compensating for the quadriceps.
  2. Improving all athletic performance. Fortified hulls and buttocks are a key factor when it comes to energy use. The strength in these muscles allows you to run faster, jump higher and be more mobile both in sports games and in everyday activities.
  3. Well-fitting clothes. On a figure with a flat stomach, round and tucked buttocks, almost any clothing looks great. The visual effect of the exercise on the gluteal muscles is especially noticeable. When practicing with a weighted version, you should not be afraid to work with heavy weight - this will only improve the tone and elasticity of the buttocks.
  4. Core muscle training. They are located deep in the center of the body and support the spine. Training this group forms a strong support around the spine. Almost all exercises for the press are unable to reach so deep, and the bridge for the back copes with this task perfectly.
  5. Beautiful posture and healthy back. Strong muscles of the body and buttocks make it easy to keep your back straight, even with prolonged standing or sitting. This exercise is considered safe for people with a problem back. It is prescribed during the rehabilitation period, to strengthen and stabilize the spine and core muscles. It will also be a good workout for people who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle.
The bridge for the back trains the muscles of the core

Despite the fact that they like to call this exercise “gluteal bridge”, it involves most of the muscles of the middle body. Performing it every day, you can maintain your health and fitness without trainers and fitness clubs.

Gluteus bridge

Exercise technique

It is very important to carry out the exercise correctly in order to avoid injuries and achieve maximum results:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, both hands on the sides along the body, knees bent, feet on the floor.
  2. Make sure that the feet are vertically below the knees.
  3. Do not keep the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks relaxed, otherwise they will not work as they should.
  4. The next step is lifting the hips to form a straight line from the knees to the shoulders.
  5. The internal muscles need to be squeezed as much as possible, and the navel should be tried to push back to the spine.
  6. If your hips begin to sag or fall, you can return to the floor.
  7. The goal is to maintain a straight line from the shoulders to the knees for 20 to 30 seconds. You may have to start with a few seconds until the muscles become stronger. It is better to keep the correct position for a shorter time than to continue longer, but forgetting about the technique.
  8. Repeat the bridge for the back ten times, in 2 sets.

Throughout the exercise, you should leave your shoulders on the floor, not trying to connect them to work. In no case should you try to push yourself with the muscles of your hands. All work is performed by muscles located from the ribs and below.

For extra balance, you can spread your arms wider.

Running bridge for the back


  • It is not necessary to raise the hips too high, as this can lead to damage to the spine. Continuing to do abdominal exercises, do not bend your back much.
  • With discomfort in the knee or difficulty in bending the legs at an angle of 90 degrees, you can first take your legs further.
  • If you can’t raise your hips to the desired level, a few centimeters from the floor is enough. This will help the muscles begin to work. With the continuation of classes after some time, it will be possible to rise higher.

Progressive exercise options

If the basic exercise has become too simple and does not give the required load, you can go to more advanced options:

  • Bridge for the back on one leg.
  • Weighted bridge, holding dumbbells or other hand weight on the hips.
  • A bridge with a ribbon. The exercise belt is located across the hips and held in both hands to provide resistance.
  • High bridge. For this type of exercise, you will need a training ball or other elevation. Feet rise to fitball, the rest of the exercise is performed, as in the base.
Advanced exercise

Additional equipment for the back

For soft spinal stretching, there is a special simulator - a bridge for the back. The device not only stretches, but also massages the muscles of the back. It works on several levels, allowing you to gradually increase the stretch. The massager bridge for the back is good because you do not need to perform any exercises, just lie on it, the simulator will do all the work itself.

The implementation of the bridge will help strengthen the main central muscles and, as a result, improve the general condition of the body. After strengthening these groups, it is much easier to do other exercises, since the body holds the whole body. It is possible to be healthy and fit, without gyms and personal trainers!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45969/

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