The secret of lush pancakes: tips and tricks

What is the secret of lush pancakes? This question at least once, but any housewife asked herself. After all, itโ€™s a sin to hide, some pancakes turn out to be magnificent, like donuts or crumpets, while others have to be content with flat cakes.

Perhaps someone will say that it is all about the experience and skill that comes over the years. But in this case, it turns out that the secret of magnificent pancakes to an inexperienced mistress will not yet be revealed? Is it really so? Today you will receive all the information on how to make pancakes lush and tasty. Your homework will be just happy.

kefir pancakes

Great breakfast option

Many mothers and grandmothers are well aware of how difficult it is to feed a baby in the morning. How much effort, time, energy should be spent on this. And the result is not always positive. As a result: adults are exhausted, and the child is all in tears and in a terrible mood. What to do? Is there really no way out? And why not cook for breakfast not annoying porridge, but lush and tender pancakes? After all, with them you can serve any jam (which your child likes), condensed milk or jams. In order for pancakes to be hungry, they must be magnificent. We will tell you more about this later.

the secret of lush pancakes in milk

The secret of lush pancakes on kefir

Each dish has its own cooking secrets. Record or remember the secrets of making lush pancakes on kefir:

  • It would seem that could be easier? We open the refrigerator, get kefir and one or two eggs, break it into a pan ... That's right! Only, first of all, kefir should warm up slightly at room temperature. Sour milk and milk must be used for baking in a warm form. This is one of the prerequisites for making baking the most magnificent.
  • Chicken eggs should also be kept in warm water or at room temperature for some time.
  • In order for the pancakes to be magnificent, we need soda. Some housewives believe that the larger the quantity, the more successful the baking. Absolutely wrong opinion. Soda should take no more than one teaspoon (you can get by with less or not at all).
  • Kefir and all other ingredients should be mixed very quickly, and then immediately start the oven.
  • For these purposes, it is necessary to pour sunflower oil in the pan and heat it slightly. Take a small amount of the mixture with a spoon (it should not drain from a spoon) and put in a pan.
  • Fritters must be fried on both sides. When you turn them over for the first time, you can close the lid.
lush pancakes

The secret of lush pancakes in milk

Delicious pastries can be made not only on kefir, but also on other drinks. If you decide to take milk, then here too there are secrets of cooking:

  • The liquid must be slightly warmed up before use. Milk should be warm.
  • We will take flour only wheat and necessarily the highest grade.
  • Add two teaspoons of sugar and half a tsp. salt. Pour in flour, the dough should not be liquid. The approximate consistency is like thick sour cream.
  • But what if the milk is a little spoiled? No problem! We will make lush pancakes in sour milk (read more about the secrets of their preparation).
  • You can not add soda. But be sure to take a baking powder, which mix with flour. Break eggs into sour milk, mix well. Now you can add flour and a small amount of salt and sugar. Do not mix the resulting mixture for too long. You can leave it briefly and close the lid. And then start the oven.

Some more tips and tricks

  • The dough for pancakes should not be too thick, so that the spoon could hardly crank it. Therefore, be especially careful when taking flour. Its amount per half-liter of liquid should not be more than three glasses.
  • Flour should be sifted, thanks to this simple procedure, pancakes or pancakes are more airy and tender. And itโ€™s best to do this procedure twice.
  • Do not forget to add oil to the pan where the pancakes are baked. An insufficient amount of it will also not lead the finished product to the desired shape.
  • In no case do not add baking soda to the liquid, especially kefir (it will immediately extinguish it and the effect of obtaining a curvy form of pancakes cannot be achieved). Soda should be mixed with a little wheat flour.
  • The secret of magnificent pancakes is quite simple - the desire to please your loved ones with delicious pastries. Of course, you canโ€™t do without the required number of products. Delicious and tender pancakes can be prepared not only for breakfast, but also served for afternoon tea or dinner. They are simply adored by both adults and children.
the secret of lush pancakes in sour milk


We think that after reading this article, you have discovered the secret of magnificent pancakes. Most importantly, always remember that any cooking depends on your mood. The hostess, who is in an excellent mood, takes the pancakes, will always get an excellent result. And, conversely, if you are in a depressed mood, is it any wonder that the baked goods are not at all so aromatic and tasty. We wish to receive only pleasant emotions, and then loved ones will certainly appreciate your culinary efforts, and all the pastries will be incredibly magnificent.


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