Beer "Riga": description, composition, types, manufacturer and reviews

Beer is a unique, hoppy drink that quenches thirst, improves mood and helps improve appetite. Who would have thought that his origin goes back centuries? As it turned out, they knew about him in Russia. For many times, the recipe and composition of this drink changed. Here are just the names due to tradition almost unchanged. One of such immortal species is Riga beer. What kind of drink is this? What does he look like? What types are there? And what is its composition?

Riga beer

A brief excursion during the Soviet era

For some reason, many people associate memories of the well-known unification of the USSR exclusively with Zhigulevsky beer. But only in those days there were other types of this intoxicating drink, which some admirers of the Soviet era forget for some reason.

So, after the war, the Union underwent a number of production changes, including those that affected the brewing industry. At that time, “Russian beer” was distributed, which after the introduction of the all-Union state standard (GOST 3473-46) received a new name. From this day on the labels began to write - "Riga beer." The USSR, to the surprise of many, supported the change of names. It's time for a change. And the Union understood this, although shortly before that, for a rather long time, everything foreign was considered "bourgeois."

Riga bar beer

What was “Riga” in the USSR?

According to historians, the composition of beer, the amount of sugar, yeast and other ingredients changed not only over time, but also depending on the implemented quality standards. For example, after the introduction of the new GOST 3473-53, “Riga beer” began to add special yeast that did not lead to sucrose fermentation. As a result, the drink acquired a pronounced hoppy taste.

In the late 60s, the beer "Riga" (according to GOST it corresponded to the standards of 53 years) received an additional prefix "Original". As a result, another species with a characteristic hop flavor, a specific aroma and pleasant bitterness was added to the assortment line of an alcoholic beverage from light varieties.

beer Riga reviews

A brief extract from the Soviet directory

If you believe the old Soviet reference books, publications of which date back to 1974, then “Riga” at that time was characterized as a bitter beer. Here's what they write about it: “Riga” is a light beer made from one malt. In his taste there is a special hop bitterness, comparable to the wonderful aroma of hops. For its preparation, 3.2% alcohol, 30 g hops were used, and the fermentation process lasted 7-8 days.

Reference books also mention the beer “Riga Original”. It is described as a drink with a more pronounced hop flavor and rich aroma. Based on the data, the highest grade of malt was used for the production of this beer, 35 g of hops were used, and the fermentation process lasted 8-9 days.

General information about the modern Riga

Over the years, on the shelves of our stores are still found names from the bygone Soviet era. Including in almost every supermarket and store you can meet the already beloved by many bright "Riga". According to the manufacturers, its composition includes the following ingredients:

  • water;
  • light malt;
  • hop.

Beer “Riga” light is most often brewed according to the current GOST R51174-98. This means that the percentage of alcohol in it is not more than 4.5%, and its density is 12%. You can buy a similar drink in a glass bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters and in a plastic container of 1.5 and 3.0 liters.

draft beer

What varieties of Riga beer can be found today?

If earlier the production of Riga was limited to one or two types, now at the moment there are a huge number of them in the beer lover's menu. For example, it is not only light, but also filtered, unfiltered, bottled, bottled, live, pasteurized. His choice depends on the taste preferences of connoisseurs of a foamy drink.

Manufacturers of Riga beer: Kirov and Tomsk factories

The number of producers who can offer several variants of Riga beer at once is simply huge. For example, the Kirov factory Vyatich offers Riga beer of light varieties with a sweet malt aroma and a soft, clean taste. According to many users, this drink contains a little bitterness. However, all of it remains on the larynx, where it stays for a long time.

Tomsk Beer also has its own “Riga” - it is a light foamy pasteurized drink from barley that does not contain preservatives. According to the manufacturer’s idea, it is produced in 0.5 L glass containers and manufactured in accordance with GOST R51174–98.

Riga three-sosensky beer

Manufacturing companies: Lyskovsky, Krasnodar and Trekhsosensky plants

Liskovsky Brewery located in the Nizhny Novgorod Region has “Riga Bar” beer . According to the manufacturer, this drink is produced since 2012. In addition to the ingredients already known to us, it includes corn grits and light barley malt.

This drink is a filtered pasteurized and lager beer, which due to corn grits does not contain the usual bitterness. Present "Original Riga" at the Krasnodar brewery, where it has been produced since 1957. This beer is light and slightly bitter. The three-sosensky factory also has Riga beer. Trekhsosenskoe, according to many users, has a sweet, sugar, if not lemonade taste. Moreover, some beer lovers indicate a fruit and berry aftertaste. According to their stories, they managed to catch the delicate taste of gooseberries, apples and even plums, but not rye bread and hops.

Riga light beer

Draft or bottled: which is better?

As we said earlier, Riga is bottled and draft. Which beer is better? A moot point. Here, as they say, a matter of taste and habit. For example, some users are sure that there is nothing better than a real “live” drink, which is recommended to be consumed ready-made (and the sooner the better).

According to them, a can or bottle beer underwent a number of treatments. So, if you are holding a bottle of foamy drink in your hands, be sure that the beer in it is either filtered or pasteurized. Therefore, in its composition there are preservatives that extend the implementation period. The Riga draft beer, on the contrary, is not stored for long and does not contain harmful impurities and substances.

As a rule, such a drink is bottled 1-2 days before its implementation and is brewed using a special technology that allows to reveal and preserve all the taste qualities of beer.

How “live” beer is better than unfiltered?

In addition, the beer "Riga" is filtered and unfiltered. Undoubtedly, a drink that has undergone less processing is healthier and safer. In addition, it is distinguished by a wealth of taste and a special aroma. In this case, “live” beer looks the most advantageous. Recently, however, even it has begun to lose ground in front of an unfiltered drink.

By the way, some beer lovers are still sure that these concepts are identical. Just unfiltered beer passed pasteurization, therefore, it is far from always being “live”. In addition, many manufacturers add preservatives to it in order to extend the shelf life of products. As a result, healthy and tasty yeast bacteria die.

What is pasteurization of beer?

According to the employees of one of the breweries where Riga beer is produced (reviews and opinions on it can be heard both from experienced consumers and from novice fans of this drink), pasteurization is necessary for artificially increasing the time for product sales.

It is carried out according to the following scheme: first, the beer is subjected to rapid heating, and then cooling. After that, the drink is bottled and tightly closed with a lid. As a result, the fermentation process is frozen, as it were, and the beer partially loses its original taste.

Riga beer USSR

Reviews and opinions: what do they say about Riga beer?

Like any other alcoholic beverage, Riga has its loyal fans and people who for some reason did not like beer. For example, one user liked the products of the Velikoustyugsky Bavaria brewery. According to them, I was impressed by the pleasant taste, the absence of bitterness and the presence of natural products (without any additives).

Others liked the light “Riga” filtered and unpasteurized from the Kirov “Vyatich”. In their opinion, it smells nice, "like freshly cut grass on a mow." Others noticed a little bitterness in the same beer and were disappointed. Still others, on the contrary, spoke of a pleasant aftertaste and weak bitterness.

Some liked the bar beer of the Laskovsky Brewery. In their opinion, they liked the amber color, transparency, pleasant taste and magnificent foam. Other “Riga” from the line of this plant did not like. To a greater extent they were not satisfied with the “sugary malt-caramel, too sweet taste”.

Met and users who rated Tomsk "Riga". According to their story, it resembled the painfully familiar taste of Soviet-era beer. Others complained about the large amount of foam. From their words, it became clear that it was she who occupied 2/5 of the entire glass.

In a word, “Riga” is a tribute to the bygone Soviet era, which will be talked about with nostalgia for a long time to come. That's just it, like any other product, has both its supporters and ardent opponents. Fortunately, the choice of beer products is huge, therefore, everyone will be able to find their own “Riga” in it and evaluate its quality.


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