Sharpening a knife to perfect sharpness is a purely masculine art.

"Are there dull knives in the house? Well, therefore, there is no man in it." Where did this "sign" come from, now no one will say. However, is it really in her? Sharpening the knife to perfect sharpness will save you both time and health.

If you have ever tried to use a blunt knife, you know that such work is long, uncomfortable, heavy, and in addition dangerous. You don’t have to cut with such a knife, but saw. At the same time, the knife, having broken, can injure the owner himself. However, it happens that even an unspoken rebuke about the owner and blunt knives hurts much more.

Sharpening the knife to perfect sharpness
"Sawing" is a sure sign that the knife is dull and it’s time to sharpen it. Test yourself by arranging good lighting and looking at the blade along; if light glittering strips are visible on it, these are blunter sections, and the conclusion is clear. There is also a test from professionals who always need only sharpening a knife to perfect sharpness. And they resort to it every time if the blade is not able to shave the hair from the forearm or cut a sheet of writing paper in weight.

Do not confuse knife sharpening and straightening. That is, if you are told that diamond knife sharpening is the best in the world and they offer diamond-coated musat for this, do not give in to provocation. Musat, like any metal or ceramic disk devices, is also a useful thing, but it only helps to straighten the knife, and after that sharpening it will still have to be worked on.

The ideal knife sharpening is done on sharpeners, or grindstones. They, which is important, are of varying degrees of granularity, and are used for different operations. The coarse grain sharpener restores the correct sharpening angle and the shape of the cutting edge. Average grit is suitable solely for edge restoration. Finally, fine-grained fine-tuning and straightening of the blade is performed.

Diamond knife sharpening
It is better to choose the length of the whetstone equal to the double length of the blade of the knife you are working on. So that the blade does not fall off the bar, a width of 5 cm will be enough. This is the best tutorial on how to sharpen a knife to perfect sharpness.

It can be carried out sitting or standing, there is no special value. True, if you stand, select the appropriate table height. Place a sheet of rubber under the sharpener, position it accordingly. In general, make sure that all movements when sharpening are carried out correctly and from a position convenient for you.

The blade of the knife is laid flat on one end of the bar. The angle to its surface should be 23 degrees. When moving, gradually move the point of contact of the blade with the sharpener to the tip. Calculate so that when you reach the end of the bar, this point is exactly on the edge. In this case, the blade should remain on the surface of the sharpener.

The blade returns back in the same movement, as if scrolling backwards. This will help to avoid constantly setting the angle between the blade and the surface of the sharpener.

Perfect knife sharpening
Do not count on quick results. Sharpening a knife to perfect sharpness is an action somewhat comparable to meditation. It can be reached in half an hour, and in an hour, and in three. Some craftsmen spend at least 30 hours on the grinding process! But the result ...

Remember how the cinematic Shurik in the novel “Companions”, preparing to “cut” out Fedya wrapped in wallpaper, sharpened a knife and checked it, cutting his own hair on the fly? If you think this is a joke, then in vain. Perfectly sharpened blade is checked this way.

When sharpening, you will put more pressure on the sharpener - accelerate the process to a minimum and wear the bar to the maximum. Yes, and clog steel particles stripped from the blade.

Use at work another tried-and-true omen: "Patience and labor will rub everything." In our case, they will sharpen the blade of the knife so that it’s both expensive to see and take advantage.


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