Why conflicts arise between parents and children - reasons

The family is the stronghold of human civilization. The culture and life position of each person is often laid precisely by relatives and close people. Unfortunately, not a single association of people, including the family, can do without conflicts and quarrels. Mutual resentment can accumulate in people's memory for years, leading to indifference or even hatred between family members.

To understand why conflicts arise between parents and children, you need to take an impartial look at this problem. The first and most important step in solving problems between family members is to stop the flow of negative emotions, soberly assess the situation, listen to the child or spouse. Only a joint solution to the conflict can bring satisfaction to both of its parties.

Conflicts between parents and children. Causes

The most burning issue for most families is the relationship between parents and their offspring. Quarrels and confrontations between adults and children are inevitable, but, often, the wrong methods of resolving them form a strong hostility between people, which can last for decades. Is the satisfaction of your ego worth it?

Conflicts between parents and children are inevitable, but harm from them can be minimized by understanding the main reasons why they arise. For example, parents can in every possible way dominate their child.

why conflicts arise between parents and children
To force the child to obey them in everything, to impose his views on the world. Such relationships will certainly bring satisfaction to authoritarian parents, but over time, their offspring will begin to adopt the moral values ​​of adults and become a selfish tyrant himself, which will lead to unsolvable conflicts. However, a too soft attitude to raising a child can bear no less bitter results.

Excessive care

Some parents take care of their babies so much that they cause irreparable harm to their character. Such children are not able to take care of themselves on their own. Caring parents all their life instilled in them a sense of their own uniqueness, features. But when such a special child enters the world, it turns out that others are not ready to make concessions to him, causing a lot of negative emotions in the spoiled child.

Naturally, the negative received at school or on the street, a small favorite of the family will certainly bring home, which leads to inevitable quarrels and conflicts. Excessive custody is one of the reasons that causes quarrels between children and parents.

Conflict Resolution for Parents

When conflicts between parents and children arise, resolution options are usually either in favor of the children or in favor of the parents. Both options are erroneous, but let's consider the option when the parent says his weighty word, forcing the child to submit and do what is required of him.

conflicts between parents and children
Many adults mistakenly believe that such an attitude tempers the character of the child and accustoms him to responsibility. But, in fact, the child simply learns to resolve any conflict situations, based only on his desires, neglecting the desires of other people. Such a selfish attitude towards people sooner or later will make itself felt, because someday the child will repay his strict parents with the same coin.

With authoritarian methods of education, severe conflicts in the relationship between parents and children are inevitable. Moreover, cold and alienation can accompany the relationship between the babies and their parents throughout the rest of their lives. So, then you have to indulge children in everything and make concessions to them everywhere?

Conflict resolution in favor of the child

Many people wonder why conflicts arise between parents and children. But few are eager to learn how to properly resolve such issues. As we have already found out, some parents seek to resolve any conflicts with their children in their own favor.

conflicts between parents and children
There are also truths who are trying to do everything for their beloved baby, constantly sacrificing their interests in favor of the child.

Such an approach makes an unhappy child an egoist who is unable to understand other people and establish normal communication with them. Also, the victim of a good relationship will not be able to resolve conflicts outside her family, because people at school or on the street will not make concessions, which will lead a child spoiled by parental kindness into a depressed state.

Joint conflict resolution

Conflicts between parents and children have a huge impact on character development. The causes of quarrels, as well as methods for resolving them, leave an indelible imprint on the human soul. Unfortunately, parents are not used to reckoning with the opinions of their little favorites, preferring to decide everything for them.

why conflicts arise between parents and children
But joint conflict resolution is the only right decision! After talking with each other and trying to understand and accept the desires and interests of the conflicting parties, you can solve the conflict so that everyone is in the black. This will not only save your nerves and strengthen relationships, but also teach the child to correctly solve problems in the outside world.

Is it possible to avoid conflicts

Quite a normal phenomenon - conflicts between parents and children. The problem of solving such situations is that the conflicting parties do not want to listen to each other, which leads to a lack of mutual understanding between them. And you just need to talk heart to heart. It is much easier for many to guess why conflicts arise between parents and children than just ask about it.

conflicts of parents and children resolution options
Do not be afraid of a frank conversation, since it is precisely such moments that help create trusting relationships between representatives of different generations. Modern parents simply do not consider it necessary to perceive their children as equals, as a result of many of them expect a lonely old age.

In a close family circle it is impossible to avoid conflicts, because they are an integral part of the interaction between people. However, if you solve unpleasant moments together and constantly consult with each other, then the negative from conflict situations will quickly pass without leaving a trace.

At what age do conflicts arise most often

The most violent and ruthless quarrels begin when children reach adolescence. It was during this period that they most often sought to express their indignation, to leave parental control. Teenagers have new, strange tastes or crazy desires, imposed by fashion.

conflicts between parents and children problem solving
You should not scold your child for the desire to get a tattoo or piercing, it is better to start a conversation, find out what prompted him to take this step. Explain that upon reaching adulthood, the child will be able to do what he wants, because by this age the wave of teenage maximalism begins to subside and human tastes become less extreme. Why do conflicts arise between parents and children? Due to misunderstanding. Adolescence is exactly the time when children need understanding most of all, do not forget about it.

Why do conflicts arise between parents and children

Misunderstanding and unwillingness to consider each other's interests are often the main causes of conflicts in the family. As a result, a happy family life turns into a slow devouring of each other. All this can be avoided by building relationships on understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation. Most conflict situations can be resolved so that everyone is satisfied, you just need to stop being guided only by your desires and interests. Build a democratic and respectful relationship in your family now, and you can avoid conflicts in the future!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46014/

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