Cognac Dagestan gained worldwide fame

A well-known factory operating in Dagestan produces truly original cognacs, popular all over the world. High-quality Dagestan cognac was first produced about 50 years ago and since then has occupied a leading position among similar products. A powerful, excellently equipped brandy factory was built in the city of Kizlyar, the manufactured goods received incredible recognition in other countries, including it earned special respect and reverence in Russia. The city of Kizlyar originates from the seventeenth century, full of mystery and incredible historical events. Residents of this area were actively involved in animal husbandry, in particular, sheep farming, their products were in great demand among visiting entrepreneurial merchants.

cognac Dagestan

Favorable climatic conditions, clean fresh air favored the cultivation of grapes and other fruits on fertile local lands. The first grape shoots quickly appeared on the surface of the earth and soon mastered land, rising high to the sun. The magnificent harvest prompted people to think about creating a delicious aromatic drink. Modern Dagestan cognac is produced according to the technology that was first developed in this region.

In Kizlyar winemaking rapidly developed. Here, interesting methods for the production of cognac were first developed. At the same time, the highest quality grape varieties were used and suitable clusters were selected. Peter the Great, like the emperors of other countries, was known for his passion for high-quality wines and cognacs, so the best drinks were also brought to Russia from Dagestan. From many other developed countries, winemakers too wished to make excellent cognacs and wines. So the best Dagestan cognac first appeared on the tables of noble nobles.

Dagestan cognac 5
An important point should be noted - the first steps in the production of high-quality gourmet drinks in Dagestan. Local winemakers first established their production in their country, after which visiting merchants bought goods and transported them to their countries. The predecessor of such a drink as Dagestan cognac was vodka made by special technology, infused in oak wood barrels. Later, a peculiar taste similar to cognac was noted.
Dagestan cognac Kizlyar

The founder of the Kizlyar plant should be considered David Sarajev, who in the nineteenth century (in 85) decided to create one large enterprise on the basis of several small distilleries. After some time, such an association was transformed into one of the largest cognac factories in the world. An incredible taste was obtained as a result of using a recipe that included the procedure for insisting cognac in oak barrels. Today Dagestan cognac "Kizlyar" belongs to the category of the most valuable and high-quality. Dark golden Dagestan cognac of 5 stars with an exposure of five years is popular all over the world. Refined, almost fantastic taste and aroma is attractive to all representatives of high society.


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