Is there a fee for foster parents?

Is there a fee for foster parents? This question is of interest to many potential adoptive parents. After all, it is far from always so simple to decide on the education of someone else’s baby. He, like his own children, needs to be fed, watered, dressed. For all this, it is necessary to spend certain money. In the case of adoption, I would like to receive some material support from the state. After all, in fact, it is she who is engaged in the care and guardianship of orphans. Which means it contains minors. Can foster parents rely on this or that money?

remuneration to foster parents

Adoptive parents

The first thing you should pay attention to is that adoption issues are a personal decision of every citizen. No one forces families to adopt or adopt children.

Also, during foster care, foster parents receive all the powers to educate and care for a minor. So, the child will become like a native. And remuneration to foster parents is not required by law.

Foster family

But there are exceptions. Indeed, in Russia there is still such a thing as a foster family. Do not confuse it with ordinary adoption. The thing is that the law on remuneration to foster parents in the country exists. And he begins to act only at certain points.

Which ones? If during adoption the documents indicate precisely the "foster family", then the money will still be paid. So, the remuneration to foster parents is laid. It is in the concluded contract that the period of stay of the child in one or another cell of the company is prescribed, as well as the amount of money paid.

Who can become a foster family?

Not everyone is able to become a foster family. Therefore, it should be understood who has such a right in Russia. Otherwise, the payment of remuneration to foster parents simply will not take place.

At the moment, the following categories of citizens can act as foster families in the country:

  • adult citizens with sufficient income to support an orphan;
  • single people or couples with an officially registered relationship;
  • in a civil marriage, couples can take custody of not one child, but only two.

In fact, the above conditions give the right to become foster parents and to register as a foster family. In the second case, the contract is signed with the state. It will be she who will transfer funds for the maintenance of the child.

raising remuneration to foster parents

Fixed payout

But in what sizes? This issue is also of interest to most foster families. One always wants to know what kind of support from the state one can count on in one case or another. It is already clear that if remuneration to foster parents is not allowed. But for families - quite. Moreover, as was said earlier, all the features and amounts of payments are prescribed in the contract.

At present, in Russia the amount of remuneration to foster parents is fixed. And all foster families will receive this or that money. But in what specific sizes?

The fixed lump sum payment is 14 704 rubles. This is money that foster families receive only once at the time of execution of all documents. We can say the analogue of the payment at birth. But that is far from all.


The thing is that remuneration to foster parents is due when guardianship is issued. In this situation, money will be paid monthly. Almost like a pension or any other allowance.

remuneration to foster parents

Most often, custody is taken by blood relatives. Guardians are single people, couples, and full-fledged families. In order to increase the welfare of a citizen who has assumed the responsibility of raising a child other than his own, monthly rewards are due to foster parents. It is paid, it is not difficult to guess, until the ward comes of age.

From health

By the way, the amount of remuneration that will be issued monthly to the foster family is not fixed at the legislative level. Each region sets its own amounts due. Therefore, you should find out the exact information on this issue in your city.

But there are generally accepted rules that affect the amount of remuneration. Foster funds are paid to foster parents depending on the state of health of the child. So, for example, citizens receive more money for care and guardianship of a disabled minor. And for the fact that the family adopted a healthy baby, less.

On the example of Moscow

It is already clear that remuneration to foster parents in the subjects of the Russian Federation is paid diverse. It all depends on the internal rules of the region. What, for example, can residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region count on?

Currently, the monthly payment, which is issued to one of the parents in the foster family, is 16,700 rubles. This payment is only for a healthy child. But for the care of a disabled minor , Moscow residents will receive 28,390 rubles. If we talk about the upbringing of not your child in the Moscow region, then payments will decrease slightly. But they will depend on the minor's health group.

payment of remuneration to foster parents

So, for example, remuneration to foster parents for caring not for their baby, which belongs to group 1-2, is allocated 12,650 rubles (up to 3 years of age) or 9,200 (over 36 months). For all other health groups, a monthly remuneration of foster parents in the amount of 25,000 is expected. But this is only for residents of the Moscow region. How much money do foster families pay in a given city? This information should be obtained from the city administration.

Another point - usually these payments are relied only to one of the parents. But there are exceptions. If there are 3 or more adoptive children in the adoptive family, then we can hope that the monthly payments will be made to both the new mother and the new father.

Almost like a native

The next point worth paying attention to is that from the moment a child is placed in a foster family, the minor actually becomes on a par with the native children in the cell of society. What does it mean?

Now, remuneration to foster parents will be issued not only for guardianship or guardianship. The family will receive some benefits, as well as generally accepted benefits, which are supposed to be large. After all, even adopted children are considered to be relatives when processing documents.

The only point is that the child care allowance will not be paid. Instead, citizens are already given a monthly fee. Foster parents are not required to quit their job if they are employed. The required funds will be paid precisely for the status of a foster family.

foster parents remuneration law

Also, families are not entitled to generally accepted payments for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for the birth of a child. But after adoption, parents can start making more important and larger payments.

Maternity capital and remuneration

What exactly is it about? Childcare allowances are not paid to foster parents. Instead, the family, as already mentioned, has separate monthly payments. Their size and terms of payment are established at the regional level. And the increase in remuneration to foster parents depends on the health status of the ward.

But the family from the moment of execution of all documents has the right to benefits and allowances that are given for the presence of several children. Perhaps the largest is the so-called maternal capital. This payment in 2016 is 453,026 rubles. It is issued only once. Funds can be spent either directly on the child, who allowed to receive capital, or to improve housing conditions.

Large families

Now it’s clear that the remuneration to foster parents relies. The question is different - what exactly is considered for these payments. Only in some cases are payments for the status of adoptive parents relied. But this is not the only reward. It is already clear that the foster family will also have the right to maternity capital. But only if a total of 2 children are raised in the cell of the society (including the adopted minor).

monthly remuneration to foster parents

Adoption also helps to obtain the status of a large family. Then parents will receive all the benefits and payments that are due in a particular case. For this, the family must have 3 or more minor children. And it doesn’t matter whether adopted or not.

For a fee, you can consider providing the opportunity to receive land at no cost for the construction of a house. Or a free apartment as part of a housing improvement program. All large families claim for these payments. But foster families should know that having a non-native child does not preclude the possibility of participating in targeted programs for large families.


The amount of remuneration to foster parents is set at the regional level. But here the design rules are the same everywhere. What is required to receive a lump sum payment, as well as a monthly allowance for an adopted baby?

First, find out where to go with the package of documents. It is recommended to pay visits to multifunctional centers. There, all benefits are issued as soon as possible and without any problems.

Secondly, it is required to collect a certain package of documents. The foster family writes an application for a one-time adoption allowance , as well as monthly payments for their acquired status. The following documents are attached:

  • parental identity cards;
  • documents of the child;
  • adoption contract.

remuneration to foster parents

After that, within a month, citizens will begin to pay a monetary reward. Foster parents who have 2 or more children are advised to look into the Pension Fund and apply for matkapital there. For this are provided:

  • passports of parents;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • SNILs of minors;
  • adoption documents;
  • application for the issue of maternity capital.

Nothing more is needed. From now on, it is clear that remuneration to foster families is issued. But not all and not always. Everything is purely individual. And this should be remembered. The exact information about benefits and payments for adoption is recommended to find out in a particular region of residence.


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