Dual is an ideal partner that psychologically complements you. How to find your soul mate

People at all times were puzzled by the search for their soulmate, but despite the apparent choice (there are more than seven billion people on the planet), not everyone manages to find their ideal partner, with whom you can go through all life’s tests and grow up in them, becoming a harmonious and happy person. In search of personal happiness, we go to fortune-tellers, psychotherapists and psychics, not realizing that each of us has a different person from birth. Here are just a little difficult to see it at times. You ask what is it? We will answer you - dual. This is a special term in socionics that describes who is your soul mate. Moreover, there can be several such people, because duality is due to the personality type. This means that such people are at least several million on the entire planet. Interested in? Then we will tell you how to find the same person and find family happiness.

dual is

Who is the dual?

This term is not so often found in books on psychology and even less so in journalistic literature intended for mass sale. Duality is the cornerstone of socionics, the significance of which is still debated in the scientific community. Most often, this science is considered part of psychology, but in recent years there has been talk of the need to isolate it in a separate area of ​​knowledge that requires closer study.

If you rely on the basic concepts of socionics, then the dual is a partner that suits you in all respects and complements you. The founder of sociology argued that a person needs not ephemeral love that causes a storm of emotions, but a certain combination of reactions and manifestations of feelings that are understandable and satisfying the needs of a partner. In this case, the relationship develops easily and naturally, and also have serious chances to last a lifetime. If this happens, then you can be sure that your partner is a dual. This is noticeable to everyone around them who consider the pair to be ideal.

A few words about socionics

Partner compatibility is determined by a complex set of factors. Among them are:

  • education;
  • life experience;
  • social status;
  • personality type.

Socionics considers the last factor to be the most important and essential, because it is the main one in determining the dual. This is the basis of this science, created in the seventies of the last century by Ausra Augustinavichute. Developing his theory, the author took as a basis Jung's work on typology. As a result, a scientific discipline was born, dividing all personalities into sixteen sociotypes, forming eight harmonious pairs.

No matter how many people would like otherwise, happiness can only be achieved in a dual relationship. Therefore, if you are not an ideal personality type option for your partner, then do not even hope that you will have long-term relationships in which you can grow, develop and raise children.

At the moment, socionics is perceived as an application to sociology and psychology, but you can use the knowledge given by this science in absolutely different areas of life. For example, many managers of large enterprises select their employees based on the typology developed by Augustinavichute. This allows all members of the team to work fruitfully and to avoid unnecessary conflicts for nothing. But since we are interested in the question of how to find your soul mate, we will consider duality in relation to the relationship of man and woman.

how to find your soul mate

Personality types: general characteristic

As we have already mentioned, an ideal partner can only be a dual. But it is rather difficult to determine your sociotype and your potential half without special knowledge. For this it is necessary to have at least a superficial understanding of what personality types are and how they are formed.

Carl Jung found that when we talk about typology, first of all, it is necessary to take into account some personality characteristics that form it. Based on them, psychological types are formed:

  • mental
  • sensual;
  • sensing;
  • intuitive.

It is also necessary to take into account the perception of the world, that is, introversion or extraversion. The first ones all experience within themselves and rarely show true feelings and emotions in people. But the latter are extremely emotional, they are also spoken about "soul wide open".

Of course, this is far from a complete description of Jung's characteristics, but for a person who does not plan to seriously engage in psychology, this information is quite enough. Ausra Augustinavichiute went further than Jung and suggested that the typology of personality gives a person the opportunity to perceive life and all the events occurring in it on one side only. This causes a number of difficulties and problems, therefore, to create a family, a complementary person is needed, who also needs what his partner has. As a result, there is such a thing as an “ideal partner”, which allows talking about promising family relationships. Moreover, many experts argue that duality is the main condition for a successful marriage. Of course, it is not the only one, but the compatibility of partners is determined by eighty percent of this characteristic.

socionic test

Dualism Partnership

Since we say that the dual is the one who is actually our half, then there is confidence that for each individual on the planet there will be a person who loves, understands and accepts him for who he really is. And indeed it is.

In a pair of duals there is no pressure, argument or struggle for leadership. Each partner clearly understands how strong he is and what his beloved manages to do better. Therefore, the authority of the leader, depending on the situation, is delegated to each other. This flexibility eliminates quarrels and conflicts. Of course, strife in dual relationships does happen, but they are fleeting and rarely turn into something serious.

It is interesting that dual couples are most difficult to survive the beginning of a relationship. During this period, partners may experience a certain misunderstanding caused by the difference in upbringing, interests and attitudes. Indeed, when we talk about dual relationships, we do not exclude the possibility that in a couple everyone has their own tasks, goals, abilities and ambitions. They are most often not identical, but different. This helps complement each other, but the view on life and the value scale of duals coincide, creating the basis for perfect compatibility. Let's try to give a more detailed description of such relations.

Characteristic of dual relationships

Such is the nature of man that we are in dire need of duality. Each of us needs a person with whom we could not pretend to be real. This is how you can behave in a dual relationship - they inspire, make us more relaxed and inspire a sense of security.

The dual gives and receives a feeling of comfort, the couple naturally exchanges feelings, emotions and words. Moreover, they are all served in a form that is perceived by the partner and is necessary for him. A person becomes happier, more self-confident and begins to actively develop in society, building a successful career or realizing in a creative way. Fears, complexes and phobias disappear, and due to their absence, psychological comfort reigns within the couple, which is so necessary when we talk about the psychology of relations between husband and wife.

partner compatibility

The meeting with the dual: how it happens

From the previous sections, it becomes clear that everyone who is concerned about how to find your soul mate should think about meeting with the dual. How difficult is it to see it in a crowd of other people or among your friends? What can you feel while meeting your ideal? You will be surprised, but ... nothing. It is rare for anyone to be able to understand at first glance that his soulmate is in front of him, because communication takes place very easily and naturally. It seems that the person nearby is very simple, and there is no mystery in him, so you do not need to try to be better and seek a partner.

It is this contradiction that makes it impossible to notice your ideal and move with it to a different level of relations. Very often people get so used to the presence of this person nearby that they don’t even understand where the sensation of happiness and comfort comes from, considering it natural. And only having lost, they acutely realize how much they need that very partner, without which life loses its colors and meaning.

To determine your type of personality and dual, with which you can form a strong harmonious pair, the socionic test will help.


At the moment, several types of socionic test with a different number of questions have been developed. They can be found on the Internet, and all of them provide fairly reliable information to accurately identify personality types.

Tests are based on a list of questions or statements, among which you must choose the most suitable for the test person. A special program analyzes your answers and on this basis produces a result. It contains a characterization of personality and dual, with which an ideal union is formed. We will briefly talk about all sixteen socionic types and pairs formed by them.

psychology of relations between husband and wife

Don Quixote and Dumas

About this pair, we can say that this is an option when opposites are attracted. Extrovert Don Quixote is constantly generating ideas and is responsible for the emotional climate in the family. But the restrained introvert Dumas is ready to create home coziness and comfort. Both partners like to have fun and conduct evening intimate conversations, they share common life values ​​and goals.

Robespierre and Hugo

Robespierre is a logician, he constantly exposes everything to analysis and criticism. He thinks a lot and is able to find a way out of any difficult situation. But Hugo can be safely called a holiday man. He creates material and emotional comfort, nourishing his partner with much-needed energy. Hugo is also ready to create home comfort and provide his dual with delicious food, which Robespierre really appreciates. Both love to talk about the future, opportunities and science.

Hamlet and Maxim Gorky

Hamlet is a bright, emotional and slightly reckless person who needs to be controlled and instructed. That is exactly what Maxim Gorky is, ready to criticize, prompt and constantly teach. In such a pair, partners come to the conclusion that Hamlet becomes calmer and more responsible, and Maxim Gorky - more open and “alive”.

dual relationship

Zhukov and Yesenin

Here, partners are also attracted by the opposite of characters. Zhukov is a strong personality, able to cope with any troubles. At the same time, it was practically created in order to protect the weak and support them. This delights and conquers the weak Yesenin, who is almost unable to exist alone. But it is he who has a very developed intuition and helps Zhukov predict situations, and also inspires him to new achievements.

Caesar and Balzac

Balzac can be called a skeptic and thinker; he captures the very essence of phenomena, which delights Caesar's sudden, reckless and unpredictable. He takes full care of comfort and does all the housework, while Balzac makes money and does it extremely well. Caesar refers to very sexual types, which positively affects the dual, charging it with good emotions and a positive outlook on life.

Jack London and Dreiser

If you see these people, you will think that they have no common ground. But in fact, they complement each other perfectly. They have a lot of common values ​​and one view of life:

  • ability to work to achieve a goal regardless of obstacles;
  • respect for time;
  • the pursuit of material comfort and the like.

Such people successfully work together, as they are aimed at making money. London and Dreiser can open a family business, each of them will be responsible for its own field, so they will be stunning success in a very short period of time.

Stirlitz and Dostoevsky

Both partners are rational, this is their strength. Stirlitz becomes a "parent" and takes full responsibility for the family. He works hard, brings all the money to the family and provides home comfort. Dostoevsky is patient and ready to endure all household inconveniences, but he knows how to revive the love of life in a dual and show that in addition to working in the world, there are many interesting and fascinating things.

Huxley and Gabin

Huxley is the emotional component of a pair. He is talented and ready to embrace the immense, as well as create the necessary emotional state for Gaben for unprecedented accomplishments. He, in turn, is able to solve any applied problem, loves physical labor and can find the optimal solution to any problem. Huxley needs soft leadership and a man who will tolerate his mood swings. And Gabin needs a dual capable of approving his undertakings and predicting their success. This is the softest and most vulnerable pair, where dualization is the smoothest of all.

perfect partner

The psychology of the relationship between husband and wife is a very complex matter, which is woven from many components. Dualization is its indispensable component, but far from the only one. Psychologists say that not every dual can become your ideal partner, because an addition is possible only when both partners have the same age, educational conditions and life goals. In this case, you will find your other half, next to which you will always be warm and comfortable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46027/

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