Herbs for bronchitis: types, list, recipes, brewing, preparation of tinctures, rules for admission, dosage and advice from doctors

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi is called bronchitis. Among the symptoms, experts note a dry or wet cough, weakness, fever, malfunction of the respiratory rhythm. A wet cough is accompanied by abundant sputum production, which is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the disease. In this case, the bronchi are also released from germs. With a dry cough, sputum is absent, but it is much more unpleasant than wet, because sputum does not separate, the bronchi are very inflamed.

For many years, doctors have recommended accompanying the traditional treatment of bronchitis with herbs. What herbs and fees should be drunk is described in this article.

Treatment according to form

Bronchitis can be divided into two types: acute and chronic. Acute causes the virus, with it on the mucous membrane of the bronchi the pathogenic microflora is activated. Often this disease is accompanied by inflammation of the trachea or laryngitis. The duration of the acute form is often up to 3 weeks. In the early days, the disease accompanies a dry cough, after which it turns into a wet cough, sputum begins to stand out.

Chronic bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the bronchi, which appears from time to time. The patient has shortness of breath, a dull cough appears. Sputum begins to separate, sometimes mixed with pus. Chronic bronchitis can also be divided into four types: obstructive and non-obstructive, purulent and catarrhal.

Herbal Bronchitis Treatment

Experts recommend treating acute bronchitis with the same methods as ordinary colds. You will need to observe bed rest, diet, consume a large amount of vitamins and fluids. In addition, you will need to do inhalation and apply various expectorants, including herbs for bronchitis and cough. In chronic, it is necessary to prevent exacerbations or reduce their number. In periods of remission, it is also necessary to use various folk remedies.

Features of herbal medicine

Doctors say that antibiotics can undermine human immunity. Herbal treatment of bronchitis is a safer way. It also helps to maintain health and acts as a prophylaxis of respiratory diseases.

It should be noted that in the treatment of this disease, the choice of herbs depends on the symptoms. For example, with a dry cough, it is necessary to choose an herbal expectorant. Among the most effective folk healers note elecampane root, leaves of plantain and coltsfoot, oregano, Ipecacuanu, and thermopsis.

Benefits of Herbal Treatment

Specialists have proven the effectiveness of herbal medicine a long time ago. This treatment method has many advantages. For example, a rich selection of healing plants with a variety of properties can be noted. Valerian and cloudberry have an antispasmodic effect, angelica and crypt are white. Among the antibacterial herbs that perfectly help with bronchitis, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, coltsfoot and sage should be noted.

Herbs for bronchitis and cough: coltsfoot

Among the best anti-inflammatory plants are rosemary and ginger, licorice and cinnamon. An expectorant effect can be obtained by eating lemon balm, licorice or marshmallow root, motherwort and elderberry. Do not forget that with the disease you will definitely need immunostimulating plants. Among them can be identified rose hips, echinacea, chamomile and Rhodiola rosea. With a dry cough, you should definitely use the infusion of calendula, mint, chamomile and oregano - they will enhance expectoration.

Among the advantages of herbal medicine, one should note the softness of the effect. The fact is that when treating bronchitis with herbs, complications and side effects appear much less often than when treating this disease with various medications. It is also worth noting accessibility. The fact is that all the necessary medicines to cure bronchitis literally grow under your feet. Various phyto-collections can be purchased at pharmacies, all of which are inexpensive and affordable.


When using herbs for bronchitis, it is important to know that this method of treatment has several negative points. For example, some medicinal plants cause allergic reactions, far from everything can be combined with various medicines. In the event that the raw materials were collected illiterate, in a place with poor ecology, you can simply poison your body.

Another disadvantage is the difficulty in calculating the exact dose of herbal remedies. In the event that you decide to treat bronchitis with herbs, be sure to consult with specialists.

We treat bronchitis with herbs

The best herbal recipes are described below, which will be very effective in treating such an unpleasant disease as bronchitis.

Antiseptic collection

What herbs from bronchitis have an antiseptic effect? These are sage, plantain and pine buds. It is necessary to add licorice root and elderberry flowers to them. All ingredients of this collection must be taken in equal proportions, mix well. Two tablespoons of the mixture will need one full glass of boiled water. Herbs must be poured with water, cover and leave for 15 minutes. After that, it is recommended to cook them in a water bath - half an hour is enough for this. Be sure to filter the broth, add water so that you get one glass of the product. Take an antiseptic collection every 2 hours, one tablespoon. Please note: per day, this tool can be used only 10 times.

Pine buds, plantain and sage, black elderberry flowers and licorice root have antiseptic properties. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions, 20 grams of the resulting mixture must be brewed with boiling water - two hundred milliliters is enough. After 15 minutes, this composition must be steamed in a water bath. After this, the product will need to be filtered and water added to make a full glass. Take an antiseptic collection every half hour, one tablespoon. The maximum daily dose is 10 tablespoons.

Inhalation prepared on the basis of eucalyptus, pine buds and Kalanchoe will cope with the destruction of harmful microflora.

herbs to the rescue

How to improve bronchial patency

In order to relax the muscles of the bronchi and get rid of swelling of the mucosa, you will need one part of coltsfoot and oregano, two parts of licorice root and ledum. They must be poured with boiling water (for two tablespoons one glass of water is enough). Leave the collection to infuse until the water has cooled to room temperature, and take the same as the previous one. This collection of herbs for bronchitis will ensure airway patency.

Among the best bronchodilators are coltsfoot, oregano, ledum, licorice root. The first two ingredients need to be taken in an amount of 10 grams, the second - twenty. Fill the grass collection with hot water. You will need 200 milliliters. Bring the composition to a boil and remove from heat. Take this herbal remedy in a warm form. Every two hours you need to drink 10 milliliters.

Bronchodilating properties are possessed by the herbal collection, prepared from taken in equal proportions of Lungwort, oregano and chamomile. Two tablespoons of this mixture will need 400 ml of boiling water. After the remedy is infused for 2 hours, take it in 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

Cough collection

What kind of grass should I drink with bronchitis, especially with bouts of dry, angry cough? If the cough is painful, you need to take flax seed (you need three tablespoons), chop it well and pour it with a liter of hot water. After 10 minutes, it is necessary to filter this composition, add to it 50 grams of licorice root and 30 grams of anise. Then you need to mix the mixture thoroughly, add honey to it (traditional healers recommend lime) - 400 grams is enough. Boil the mass over a fire, while stirring pretty. After the agent has cooled, it will need to be filtered, and then taken 5 times a day before meals. A single dose is half a glass.

Herbs for bronchitis and cough: anise

Expectorant fees

To two parts of oregano, add elecampane root, marshmallow and birch buds - one each. Three tablespoons need to pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew, carefully strain. Drinking herbs for bronchitis should be every 2 hours in a tablespoon.

Another expectorant can be prepared on the basis of dried marsh ledum. For one and a half liters of boiling water, you will need 5 grams of this plant. Let it brew for 60 minutes, take it three times a day. A single serving is 100 ml.

An expectoration of sputum from the bronchi will be facilitated by a decoction prepared from 16 grams of elecampane root (necessarily ground) and a glass of water. After you bring the composition to a boil, it must be boiled for 15 minutes. After this, leave the broth for 4 hours, take herbal medicine on an empty stomach, one tablespoon three times a day.

What kind of grass to drink with bronchitis

The use of angelica rhizome, which must be crushed and filled with alcohol or vodka, will help free the lungs from accumulated sputum. The composition should be poured into a glass jar or bottle and left for two weeks. After this, the medicine can be taken orally, the daily dose is 20 drops.

Herbs from bronchitis can not only be insisted, but used for inhalation. Any herbal collection must be steamed with boiling water, after which the patient should be covered with a towel and inhale the hot healing air for no more than 20 minutes. For 15 grams of herb you will need a liter and a half boiling water.

Treatment of acute bronchitis

In the event that the acute form of bronchitis is accompanied by a difficult withdrawal of sputum from the lungs, herbs should be used that will help thin the mucus. Among the best doctors note the following:

  • 10 g of motherwort, anise and yarrow, 5 g of elecampane;
  • leaves and dry raspberries, buds of birch;
  • horsetail, sage, hawthorn flowers.

How to treat bronchitis with herbs? Any of the above fees must be poured with a glass of hot water. On it you will need literally a couple of tablespoons of herbs. Bring the medicine to a boil and keep it on fire for another 15 minutes. It is necessary to use the collection three times a day, a single dose is 15 milliliters. Honey will help improve the taste.

add honey

Chronical bronchitis

If the disease has become chronic, accompanied by shortness of breath and severe swelling in the area of ​​the respiratory tract, needles, nettle and Althea flowers, elecampane root will come to the rescue. For example, needles of pine or spruce in the amount of 4-5 teaspoons must be poured with two glasses of hot water and left for 3 hours. After this, the drug must be filtered and 300 g of sugar added to it. The resulting mass must be boiled until thickened. As a result, you will get spruce molasses, which must be taken five times a day, one tablespoon each.

In the treatment of chronic bronchitis, you can take nettle flowers: 15 g will need half a liter of boiling water. Leave the dried flowers to infuse for 1-2 hours and take 4 times a day. Marshmallow inflorescences can also be steamed with boiling water and insisted, then drink one sip every hour.

Another excellent remedy can be prepared from the root of elecampane. 10 g of chopped roots must be poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse overnight. The next morning, the composition should be filtered and taken every hour, one sip.

daily dose

Recovery of power

With bronchitis in adults, herbs will not only help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also restore strength. In order to protect the respiratory system from the effects of pathogenic microflora, you will need plants with an antioxidant effect. For example, you can combine in equal proportions alder cones, blackcurrant leaves, hawthorn fruits (both fresh and dry), immortelle, plantain leaves, tricolor violet and fossil mountaineer. To 10 g of such a collection, you need to add 300 milliliters of boiling water and simmer for a quarter of an hour on very low heat. The broth will need to be cooled, filtered and taken 100 ml three times a day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46028/

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