Openwork braids for long and medium hair

Openwork braids are extremely popular hairstyles that are constantly in trend. The whole charm of these braids lies in the comfort of wearing, uniqueness, as well as versatility: they are suitable both for going out and for everyday wear. By learning the weaving technique yourself, you can constantly surprise others with a spectacular hairstyle. Work with openwork braids in itself is quite simple and does not require any special skills. In order to understand the weaving pattern, it is enough to be able to braid a simple spikelet.

Openwork braid

Lace braid instruction

The entire hair length must be combed carefully, then we begin to weave a classic pigtail. Next, grab and tighten the outermost strands so that the pigtail looks like lace and bulk. The size of the lace depends on the number of elongated strands. We continue to repeat this step to the end, at the end we fix the tip with a rubber band. Openwork braid is ready. This type of weaving is considered standard and affordable even for a beginner. Having mastered the initial technique of weaving openwork braids from hair, you can move on to the following, more complex schemes.


The effectiveness of the hairstyle also depends on the length of the hair, the longer they are, the more options you can try. There are many options for openwork braids for long hair: French braids, classic braids, fish tail. The chic volume and splendor of the hairstyle can be added with locks elongated in the shape of rings.

Fish tail

The technique of weaving braids of medium length

Weaving of openwork braids on long hair is practically no different from weaving on medium-length hair. In order for the strands to look denser and more voluminous, dry your hair with a hot hairdryer, head down. The use of curlers, curls, curling irons will allow you to better keep the shape of the final hairstyle, and also add density. Such braids with the use of the corrugation effect will look extremely attractive, which gives the hairstyle an original appearance. Below are photos of openwork braids on medium hair.

Openwork braids for medium hair

Variety of weaving patterns

A standard pigtail is spikelet weaving, in which locks in the form of rings are pulled.

Sea knot - weaving braids from four strands.

Caterpillar - the shape of the rings in the hairstyle is oval, similar to a chain from an anchor.

Hairstyle caterpillar

Pigtail-loop - this type is one of the most popular hairstyles, often used to create flowers from hair, various patterns based on openwork braids.

Waterfall - this hairstyle is very rich, unusual and quite original looks on long thick hair. It can be braided not only for girls, but also for schoolgirls and girls for a holiday in the kindergarten. Due to the simplicity of weaving, the hairstyle will not take you much time, about 20 minutes, and also it is available even to an inexperienced person. To begin, select the three strands near the face and do the binding three times, as in a classic pigtail. Weave to the ear, then leave the top lock free, replacing it with hair on the top of the head. Thus, perform this step to the next ear, fixing the end of the braid with an elastic band. Make a lace from the resulting braid, stretching the rings of strands along the edges, this will give the hairstyle an extraordinary charm. The remaining hair can be made in waves using a curling iron.

The main nuances of weaving

If you have long and thick hair, then start weaving a braid from the temples, gradually pulling the locks into a common pigtail on the back of the head. Asymmetric braid falling down looks amazing on long hair. A trendy option is a wreath or flower, which is laid out from a braided braid and fixed by invisibility. Using this type of weaving, pull the rings on only one side of the braid. The Greek style also looks very original and gives a highlight to the hairstyle. To do this, spin the braid around the head in a circle.

Possible options for weaving openwork braids for children

Spikelet French style is one of the most common ways to create hairstyles. This weaving begins with the top of the hair from three strands. Continue to weave the braid according to the classical braid scheme, while adding strands to it located on the sides of the head, fasten the end with an elastic band. It turns out a beautiful spikelet. To add lace, pull thin links out of the braid, an openwork spike comes out.

Flagella are a universal option suitable for primary school girls. The advantages of this technique are the simplicity of its implementation. The first thing to do is to wet your hair with water to make it easier to work with. Also, if the hair is fluffy, you can apply a little mousse along the entire length. Next, divide them into three parts. Divide the first part again into two sections, from which you need to twist the flagella and combine them into one. Similar steps should be taken with the remaining hair. Ultimately, you need to collect all the resulting harnesses and fix them with an elastic band. The resulting hairstyle can be diluted with various decorations.

A snake is a unique weekend hairstyle. Creating a snake is a simple process, and if you add patterns, accessories to the end result, stretch the links into an openwork braid, then the hairstyle will look very luxurious. The weaving starts from the temporal zone. We select a part of the hair in this area and divide it into three locks, as in the scheme with a standard braid. Weaving will occur from temple to temple, but the movement will follow the type of "snake". When weaving a braid, lead it in the opposite direction, adding a new strand of hair each time. The result should be a winding line that is fixed at the end with an elastic band.

Pigtail - a snake

Today, there is a great variety of weaving openwork braids that are available for home use. Additional decorations that are included in the hairstyle will allow you to create a unique image and stand out among others. Openwork braids can weave on any length of hair, which is a great advantage. Moreover, on short hair, such a hairstyle looks very voluminous and original, which allows you to safely experiment regardless of length. Understand in detail the technique of making lace braids, and you will have the opportunity to delight yourself daily in a beautiful original way.


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