Mixed type of temperament: description, characteristics

Temperament is a stable set of psychophysiological personality traits that are associated not with the substantive aspects of activity, but with dynamic ones. It is he who is the basis for the formation and subsequent development of character. And now we should talk about the types of temperament - mixed and pure, as well as their features.

Briefly about the concept

First, some general information. Before talking about mixed and highly emotional types of temperament, it is necessary to explain what it depends on and how it is formed.

Well, a person has these characteristics from birth. They have a psychophysiological origin, and therefore are very stable. It is temperament that determines the dynamic characteristics of human states and the ongoing mental processes.

At the same time, this characteristic is not reflected in any way on moral qualities and cognitive abilities. However, temperament must be taken into account when choosing a field of activity for oneself. So, it will be difficult for people with slow reactions to control some mechanisms at high speeds. But with work that requires perseverance and concentration, they will do just fine.

mixed temperament melancholic phlegmatic


These are people with a strong, mobile, balanced nervous system. They are distinguished by such features:

  • Activity and sociability.
  • The ability to quickly adapt to new conditions.
  • Sociability.
  • The ability to quickly deal with people and easily establish relationships with them.
  • Optimism, cheerfulness, cheerfulness.
  • Expressive pantomime and facial expressions, emotionality.
  • Dependence on feelings and “impulses”.
  • The ability to survive troubles and solve problems without focusing on the negative.
  • Thirst for impressions and changes.

Sanguine people embark on new business with hunting, but they are productive only when they are covered by inspiration. If they are not interested, they will abandon their activities.

The same goes for personal relationships. Saturation is important to them in everything. This is a prerequisite for a happy life for people so full of inner energy.

mixed temperament types


Before studying mixed types of temperament, you need to briefly talk about the features inherent in people with this characteristic. Cholerices are unbalanced, strong, agile people in whom excitement prevails over inhibition. Here are their features:

  • Energy and perseverance.
  • The love of being in the spotlight.
  • Short temper, restraint, impatience.
  • Sharpness, excessive straightforwardness. But there is no hatred in their anger, this is important.
  • The rapid emergence of feelings and emotions, their equally rapid fading.
  • Expressive gestures and lively facial expressions.
  • The tendency to commit rash acts in finding a state of affect.
  • The ability to improve your results in a competitive environment.
  • Energy, initiative, ability to concentrate. But only if they are interested in business.

Also, choleric people have impressive organizational skills, as well as the ability to quickly form new skills and habits.


These individuals are distinguished by balance, strength and inertia. They are assiduous, not particularly active, restrained, moderately persistent. They manage to remain calm even in very difficult situations. Such qualities are inherent in them:

  • The ability to adequately respond to what is happening in the outside world.
  • Sociability, combined with low sociability.
  • Inability to quickly make the right decisions.
  • Slow formation of feelings. They arise gradually, but differ in depth and constancy.
  • Patience.
  • Affected by affects.
  • Poor facial expressions and gestures.
  • The ability to restrain and control your emotions.

To summarize, then phlegmatic people are slow people in all senses of the word and spheres of life. In all of them, inherent dimension and thoughtfulness.

sanguine melancholic mixed temperament


This temperament is inherent in people with an inert, unstable, weak nervous system. They have reduced activity and increased timidity. Melancholics are distinguished by such qualities:

  • Shyness.
  • Closure.
  • Timidity and indecision.
  • Impressiveness and vulnerability.
  • The tendency to deeply experience any life event.
  • Restraint in movements and speech.
  • Dispersion, inability to concentrate.

But melancholy can be productive. They work well in a familiar environment, and their interests are stable, they are not inclined to disperse and exchange for trifles.

Choleric sanguine

And now you can talk about mixed types of temperament. The most common sanguine choleric. You can recognize them by one specific feature - their emotions change quickly, but this happens a little more relaxed. They also go straight ahead to the goal, like pure choleric, however, the sanguine traits pacify emotionality, adding to the person’s fertility.

In addition, such people more competently build relationships with others. Individuals with a mixed type of temperament "sanguine-choleric" are not characterized by the principle "everything should be as I want."

From a sanguine person, the owner of this type of temperament gets the ability to implement plans. From choleric - the ability to organize and generate ideas. In many ways, such a character determines the success of such a person.

mixed temperament sanguine choleric

Melancholic choleric

A mixed type of temperament that is less common than the above. People who fit his characteristics are characterized by such features:

  • Regular experience of periods of apathy and impulsivity.
  • The combination of gustiness with an internal margin of safety.

And if due to the first feature these people can suffer emotionally, then the second only plays into their hands. Why? Because at one moment they strive with all their might towards the goal, trying to accomplish something large-scale, but after some time they suddenly become indifferent. What is the plus? The fact that it is during these periods that the melancholy choleric get an opportunity to look at the situation soberly.

That is why they manage to achieve impressive heights in any field. According to statistics, “pure” choleric is much less successful. Although the internal strength, it would seem, they have more.

mixed type of temperament sanguine phlegmatic

Melancholic phlegmatic

Mixed types of temperament, defined by psychology, were considered above. There are only two of them. But in modern science there is an opinion that there are neither “pure” temperaments, nor specifically mixed ones (that is, they can be combined in different ways).

If a person combines the traits of phlegmatic and melancholic, then others perceive him as a very detached, even strange person. Somehow it combines passivity and slowness with increased anxiety and excessive anxiety. That is, something will worry him very much in his soul, but he will not seek to correct the situation.

Also, this mixed type of temperament causes low human productivity. Its main problem will be a lack of initiative, even some alienation.

mixed temperament choleric melancholy

Sanguine phlegmatic

A very interesting combination. Sanguine phlegmatic - a mixed type of temperament, endowing its owner with emotionality and concentration. Also, there is positivity and sociability.

People with such a temperament overcome any difficulties. And it will seem to others that they do not even make any special efforts. Of course, this is not so, just the inherent strength of these people does not allow them to give up.

Often they have a large number of friends. But they manage to calmly prioritize, so they can always sacrifice personal things.

It is also worth noting that these people are also not characterized by distraction and irresponsibility. In the team they are loved, and the authorities appreciate them.

Sanguine melancholic

But this is a very paradoxical combination. A sanguine melancholic is a mixed type of temperament in which opposing, conflicting character traits are combined.

Often these contradictions also affect its owner. Temperament itself does not manifest itself quite normally: its owner can behave like a sanguine person in life, but if some kind of strong psychoemotional shock occurs in life, he will become a real melancholic.

These are those people who can be drastically unsettled by a negative event affecting the most important sphere of their life. After this, they can become melancholy for a long time. And those around them will completely cease to recognize in them the former positive and active person.

mixed highly emotional type of temperament

Phlegmatic choleric

And you need to talk about this combination, discussing the characteristics of mixed types of temperament. In fact, it is quite harmonious. Because both choleric and phlegmatic have common features. And in a person representing this type of temperament, they are reinforced.

In addition, periodically occurring choleric emotional outbreaks are mitigated - here the solidity inherent in phlegmatic works.

In general, such a person can be characterized as a calm and stable person, but not at all passive. He has a certain supply of internal strength, which constantly activates and spurs him. And sometimes even choleric traits prevail over phlegmatic ones. This happens if there is a keen interest in a particular business, kindling a spark in a person’s soul.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4603/

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