Pancreatitis treatment with folk remedies: how to defeat the disease

Pancreatitis is a disease that results in inflammation in the pancreas. Often this occurs simultaneously with cholelithiasis. In many cases, pancreatic inflammation occurs as a result of prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives, as well as due to overload of the body with alcohol.

In an acute attack, there is a feeling of heaviness and sharp pain, these symptoms are accompanied by vomiting (reverse peristalsis) and flatulence.

In chronic cases, patients have complaints of scanty oily stools with a fetid odor, weight loss and signs of vitamin deficiency on the face.

If pancreatitis is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies is appropriate to carry out as an addition to the doctor's prescriptions. It is necessary to start taking medications in the early stages of the disease under the supervision of physicians in order to prevent the development of a chronic form. Indeed, as a result of an advanced disease, the pancreatic tissue decomposes, which in severe cases can lead to death.

To get rid of pancreatitis in modern medicine and using folk remedies, some dietary restrictions should be observed.

When acute pancreatitis arose , treatment with folk remedies should be combined with a diet. It is necessary to completely exclude fried, fatty dishes, gas-containing and alcoholic drinks, coffee and strong tea. It is most preferable to switch to dairy and vegetable foods, boiled, steam and baked dishes. Instead of coffee, it is better to drink a drink from chicory roots, which has healing properties and will help the pancreas to function normally.

Great benefits will bring infusions and teas from medicinal herbs.

Pancreatitis Treatment with folk remedies - tool number 1

With the onset of symptoms of the disease, potato and carrot juice will help, which must be taken within a week half an hour before meals. Then you should interrupt for a week and repeat the procedure. For the disease to recede, three courses of juice treatment will be required. The tool is prepared as follows. You need to take three medium potatoes and two carrots. Vegetables should be washed thoroughly and dig out the eyes. Then they are passed through a juicer. It turns out about 200 grams of a glass of liquid, which you need to drink in three doses during the day.

Also, it helps to relieve chronic pancreatitis treatment with folk remedies based on sauerkraut juice. It is necessary to use this product in large quantities, because in acid cabbage there are only useful substances that have a positive effect, and there are no side effects unlike conventional drugs used in treatment.

Pancreatitis Treatment with folk remedies - means No. 2

An excellent way to get rid of the disease is the use of choleretic decoctions. For their manufacture, they take dandelion root, celandine fruits, anise, corn stigmas, bird of the mountaineer and tricolor violet. It is necessary to prepare 10 grams of each component. The resulting mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water, put on fire and, after boiling, is boiled for three minutes. Cooked broth should be cooled and filtered. Use three times before meals for a tablespoon. This remedy is treated for 2 weeks, after which it is required to switch to the use of the next broth.

Take 30 g of mint leaves and dill seeds, mix with 20 g of immortelle flowers and the same amount of hawthorn fruit. All mix and pour boiling water. For the described dose of herbs, half a liter of boiled water is needed. The broth is cooled, filtered and consumed after meals. The general course of taking the medicine is one month.

It is also useful to add to your diet seaweed, which contains cobalt, which normalizes the function of the pancreas.


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