Socio-psychological climate: interesting facts and techniques for creating a friendly working team

One of the amazing socio-psychological phenomena is the atmosphere in the team. A special branch of psychological knowledge devoted a whole section to interesting information about the climate in the team and their practical application, i.e. on the personnel wealth of organizations.

Socio-psychological climate is a situation in a team with a certain (positive or negative) emotional background. From here they emit a favorable and unfavorable atmosphere.

The socio-psychological climate has a huge impact on the ability to work of each individual employee, on their “loyalty” to the organization, on the quality of work and productivity. Therefore, one of the areas of activity of specialists in the personnel department is the concern for a favorable atmosphere in working groups.

How to achieve well-coordinated work of the team is the main question that interests managers at various levels (from a personnel manager to the head of an enterprise). And social psychologists have an answer to it. Only by strengthening the relations between employees, conducting competent placement or rearrangement of personnel, encouraging positive manifestations of group work (for example, mutual assistance) and suppressing negative ones (for example, “squealing”) can we create a positive socio-psychological climate in the team, and, therefore, get able-bodied and employees happy with their work.

Corporate evenings and team traditions help to rally the team: to spend a “fly” over a cup of tea, get together on holidays, travel together to the base on summer vacation, visit museums and theaters. And compliance with unshakable rules, such as: never forget about the birthdays of your employees, and if the team is large, you can only award anniversaries with a cash prize.

It is necessary to introduce more group forms of work: “brainstorming”, “flying”, meetings, meetings. If only they did not turn into a place where they outweigh the responsibilities and point at each other with a finger. Sometimes it is worth changing the duties: one to give part of the task, another to the second part, and to the third the same task only at the completion stage. This way of working allows employees to see that everyone is part of something more, and yet this is one of the basic needs of a person - to feel needed and in demand.

The socio-psychological climate of the team is also formed at the expense of small but pleasant trifles: a board of honor (and a competitive element is present and the opportunity to prove oneself), delivery of certificates for certain merits (and the more “nominations” are thought up, the better, the main thing is that the certificate could get any employee).

And, of course, do not underestimate the role of psychological training, business games and seminars. Thanks to them, employees are self-improving, including in the name of their favorite organization. And also a favorable socio-psychological climate is being formed among all those who periodically undergo such corporate training.

For a favorable climate, it is important to minimize gossip, instead openly discuss issues and support each other. Instead of “behind the scenes games,” introduce opportunities for everyone’s growth: whoever wants to can climb the career ladder, there really can’t be any jealousy or resentment.

Nobody wants to quit the team with a positive atmosphere, and if such a need arises, then leaving people, they maintain warm relations, break up “in a friendly way” and spread positive reviews about the organization throughout the city, which is important for the image of the enterprise as an employer.

Creating a socio-psychological climate is beneficial for both the leader, manager, and the employees themselves. One has only to offer the head to organize one joint trip to the recreation center and everything will change for the better.


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