Products from cedar: unusual souvenirs, bath utensils, wooden utensils, jewelry, wood species, production and sale

Man began to make all kinds of household items from wood back in ancient times. Today, furniture, unfortunately, is made mainly from various kinds of wood-shaving materials. However, wood interior items are still popular today. For example, all kinds of cedar products are in great demand among consumers. Such wood is used today for the manufacture of not only furniture or, for example, finishing building materials, but also all kinds of decorative crafts designed to decorate homes, talismans and charms.

Cedar: Pros and Cons

The main advantages of such wood are ease of processing and resistance to decay. Also, the advantages of cedar include:

  • a high degree of strength (some varieties in this regard can even be compared with metal);

  • porous structure, and therefore light weight.

And of course, the unconditional advantage of this wood is its beautiful texture and color. Cedar belongs to sound rocks and has a wide sapwood of a light, slightly yellowish hue. Its wood texture is very similar to pine. However, the lines of the cedar pattern are somewhat more pronounced. Accordingly, it looks more attractive.

Cedar sculpture

One of the features of the cedar, among other things, is that its bark often grows into wood. This can be a little difficult to process. However, due to this feature, cedar is considered a very suitable material for the manufacture of various kinds of decorative spectacular and unusual crafts.

There are practically no drawbacks to this wood species. The disadvantages of this material can be attributed mainly to the fact that it contains a large amount of essential oils. In principle, such substances are considered therapeutic and very useful for the human body. But for some people, coniferous aroma, unfortunately, may be contraindicated.

Also, the disadvantage of cedar is, of course, and its rather high cost. The price of such material is in any case higher than that of pine. The cost of cedar is comparable to the highest quality hardwood species.

Main varieties

In the wild, cedar grows in many countries of the world. This tree can be found in the forests of both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. All kinds of interior items and decorative crafts can be made, for example, from cedar:

  • Siberian;

  • Lebanese;

  • Himalayan

  • Canadian

  • Far Eastern;

  • European;

  • Korean.

All these varieties are distinguished by a beautiful texture, durability and ease of processing. But in our country, Siberian, Canadian and Lebanese cedars are still the most popular. Products from Altai cedar, which is the same Siberian but grown in special conditions, are also very much appreciated in Russia.

Cedar records

What do they produce

In addition to interior items and decorative souvenir crafts, the wood of this species is considered very suitable for manufacture:

  • veneer;

  • pencils;

  • plywood;

  • hives;

  • musical instruments;

  • kitchen utensils;

  • barrels, etc.

Of course, houses are built from such wood, and they also produce facing building materials, in particular lining and a blockhouse. In addition, fillets, platbands, parquet, massive board, etc. are made from such lumber.

It is believed that such wood is very well suited for the manufacture of outdoor garden furniture. Joinery made of cedar of this variety can actually last a very long time. The fact is that in such wood quite a lot of antiseptic resin is contained. And therefore, cedar easily tolerates high humidity. Such wood is almost never damaged by pests.

Cedar Chair

They make, of course, cedar and bath products. These are all kinds of buckets, tubs, buckets of different sizes. Washbasins made from such material, barrels, plate mats, etc., are very beautiful.

Crafts from Siberian cedar

It is this variety in our country that is currently the most popular. One of the main distinguishing features of Siberian cedar is a light shade. Also, such wood is characterized by softness and is considered very easy to process.

Siberian cedar is considered the national pride of Russia and a healer tree. Therefore, in addition to furniture and decor items, it is often used for the manufacture, for example, of medical utensils. If you wish, today you can purchase such unusual products from Siberian cedar as:

  • antibacterial cutting boards;

  • "Health spoons";

  • supports for hot dishes, from which, when used directly, a healing aroma comes;

  • mugs, barrels and bowls.

Shavings of such wood are sometimes even used for stuffing pillows. Such products, of course, are also considered medicinal. Are made from healing Siberian cedar and combs and scallops. It is believed that the use of such accessories has a positive effect on the scalp and hair.

Cedar bowl

Souvenirs from Altai cedar

This variety is very often used for building houses and manufacturing finishing materials. In Altai, Siberian cedar grows in the mountains on poor soils. Trees in such conditions are forced to literally survive. Accordingly, their wood also becomes more durable and durable.

Of course, Altai cedar is also used for the manufacture of furniture, kitchen and bath utensils. Also on sale today you can find very beautiful and unusual decorative crafts made of such wood. Such products from cedar are made in the ancient style of the peoples living in Altai from time immemorial, and are considered talismans. For example, if you wish, you can purchase carved from such wood:

  • the mascot "Father with children";

  • the amulet "Mother and Child".

Souvenirs from the Altai cedar β€œYin and Yang” are also very popular among consumers. This is the name of the special charms-talismans designed for families and couples in love. Also on sale today are beads and necklaces-charms from Altai cedar, candlesticks in the form of goddesses-patrons of the hearth, etc.

Yin and Yang from Cedar

Lebanese Cedar Products

Mention of this giant tree is also found in the Bible. Lebanese cedar is characterized by slow growth and belongs to the group of relict conifers. The trunk diameter of such trees can reach 2.5 m.

Lebanese cedar wood has a pleasant reddish hue. Like the Siberian variety, it is soft and easy to process. In ancient times, Lebanese cedar wood was often used to build ships. Today it is widely used in the construction and manufacture of furniture.

Like Siberian, Lebanese cedar, among other things, often make various kinds of medical items. For example, plates of such wood can be sewn on bandages designed to treat lower back pain. Also, Lebanese cedar is used to make insoles for shoes, bracelets, key rings, and candle holders. You can find on sale and, for example, children's mattress covers, hemmed with thin strips of this healing wood.

In the wild, such a cedar, as one can already judge by its name, grows mainly in Lebanon. Unfortunately, there are very few natural groves of this tree. Therefore, for the manufacture of decoration materials, various kinds of medical crafts and furniture, today they mainly use Lebanese cedar grown in artificial plantings.

Cedar Crafts

This variety differs from Lebanese and Siberian in higher density. The wood of the Canadian cedar is quite tough and a little worse than processing. The color material of this species is slightly reddish. In addition to building houses, Canadian cedar is often used for the construction of saunas.

Cedar bathing utensils

Very beautiful and comfortable products made of Canadian cedar are all kinds of bath accessories. It is for the purpose of making such utensils that the wood of this variety is used in our country most often. Also, doors and window frames are often made from Canadian cedar.

Product manufacturing features

As already mentioned, working, according to the masters, with cedars of any kind is very easy. The unconditional advantages of such wood include the fact that it:

  • it is well planed and polished;

  • dries quickly and does not crack;

  • It is perfectly processed in all directions.

Also, such wood is well cut and does not crease. Relate to the advantages of this material and the absence of wormholes. Under varnish, cedar becomes very bright and attractive.

Where can I buy products?

Today, many sawmills in Russia are engaged in the production of lining materials from cedar. Today, you can buy a lining or blockhouse of such wood in almost any building supermarket, including in the steppe regions of Russia.

All sorts of utensils, kitchen or bath, as well as decorative carvings, charms and talismans of such material in large cities can always be bought in large shopping centers or souvenir shops. For example, in Novosibirsk, products made of cedar are easy to purchase in the store "Ringing Cedars". Such products are brought, of course, to both Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Cedar Beehives

In small cities, souvenir shops specializing in the sale of crafts made of cedar are usually not. But residents of such settlements have the opportunity to order such goods online. Online stores that offer products from cedar, today on the Web there are also many.


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