How to make a YouTube channel and make money on it?

Own channel on YouTube today has become one of the opportunities to earn money in your favorite pastime. That is why the question "how to make a channel" is increasingly being heard. However, not everything is so simple: before you reap the benefits of popularity, you have to go a long and difficult way to promote the channel. Much depends on successful topics, as well as on the quality of the content.

How to decide on a subject?

Even before asking the question “how to make a channel on the most popular video hosting” and proceeding with the instructions, you should decide on the future topics and goals of creation. Not only the name, but also the design of the video channel, development and promotion strategy depend on these plans.

If further monetization of the video is expected, it is advisable to adhere to a common theme. How to make a channel is not so important if it contains “motley” videos or just collects the content you like and watch — such channels do not require special design or a good name. It is enough to register on the social network Google+ or create an e-mail on the platform of the same name, and the YouTube channel will be a “free application” to other services of the information giant.

how to make a channel

The situation is completely different when the future owner of the channel is going to seriously engage in its promotion, and subsequently monetization, that is, to earn on the YouTube channel. Popular topics: humor, let's play (walkthrough), instructional videos (step-by-step instructions, complex scientific phenomena and concepts in an interesting presentation, life hacks), politics and society. Any video can become popular, so it’s better to choose a theme that is close to the creator of the channel - so the lesson will not get bored quickly, and the videos will be interesting and “juicy”.

Why do you need your own channel?

Someone asks the question “how to create your own channel” in order to find such a dimensionless online repository for your favorite videos, some users sincerely pursue educational goals and want to share something useful or are fond of shooting video content and seeks to show their creations to the world. Often, you create your own channel in order to monetize videos, i.e., earn money on YouTube. With this approach, the question of “how to make a channel” is very helpful.

how to create your own channel

You can really make money on YouTube, and a lot. However, no one promises the golden mountains to the newcomer - popularity is preceded by a long development, improving the quality of content and guessing the wishes of the audience. Even getting on the first lines of the rating in a certain category, staying in the lead is not so simple.

How to create a YouTube channel?

How to create your own channel? Actually, this is the simplest thing to be done, hoping for an interesting and at first glance easy way to earn money. You need to create a Google account and go to the notorious video hosting. A user icon will appear in the upper left corner, there is a link to your own channel in the same place or on the right. The first step in the instructions “how to make a channel and make money on it” has been completed, then you should design a page, shoot a video and do promotion.

channel caps

Channel design

The design should be in the style of the theme of the channel. You can not create a "corporate style" and adhere to one color scheme and design, but you should not overdo it with motley. It’s important to find a middle ground in everything, and then it will be possible to satisfy the needs of most viewers, but it’s impossible to seem good for everyone (this is not worth striving for - an extra waste of time and effort), because, as you know, they don’t argue about tastes.

How to make a channel heading? The easiest way is to make a stylish hat for your own channel in Photoshop. Those who do not own the program, at first, can do with ready-made images. The size of the image for the header according to the recommendations of YouTube itself should be 2560 x 1440 pixels. Such a huge resolution is desirable for the correct display of all the design elements on widescreen TVs, but no one forbids using a smaller image.

how to make a hat

There are also online services that will help to make the header using drag-and-drop technology (literally “drag and drop,” that is, dragging and dropping objects). There, as a rule, you can find ready-made caps for the channel with the correct resolution, but even a large assortment may not satisfy the needs of a highly specialized channel. Among these “helpers” you can list the services,, or The services are English-speaking, but the intuitive interface allows you to quickly understand all the details.

YouTube Channel Promotion

Of course, the creation and design of the channel does not end there. To achieve popularity and begin to receive any substantial income, you will have to make a lot of effort. To interest the audience, the videos should be high-quality, vibrant, specific and informative, it is advisable to upload new releases regularly at the same time. It is always important to “feel the wave” - to know current trends and high-profile news. An interesting video, released on time, can bring unprecedented popularity to the channel, but sometimes videos become hits, which, it would seem, did not claim to be on the first lines of ratings.

Channel promotion is a huge work, and one of the keys to success in this field is quality content.


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