Complicated sentences with subordinate circumstances: examples from the literature, table

In Russian, sentences are divided into simple and complex. Their difference lies in the fact that simple ones have one grammatical basis, in complex ones there can be two or more. In syntactic constructions consisting of several parts, one of three types of communication can be used: composing, non-union, or subordinate. Complicated sentences with subordinate circumstances (grade 9) - the most extensive topic due to the number of values ​​of the dependent part of the main.

The concept of a complex sentence

The syntactic construction, in which one part is dependent on the other, is called complex. It always has the main (from which the question is posed) and the subordinate part. Sentences that make up such a structure are joined by subordinate unions or allied words, for example:

  1. The boy understood (what?) That his fraud was revealed (the main part - the boy understood to which the subordinate clause is connected with the help of the subordinate union “what”).
  2. Rather than be the second in Rome, it is better to be the first in the province (under what condition?) (The main proposal - it is better to be the first in the province - is connected with the dependent union of "what").
  3. A wind blew from the north (what?), Which made everyone fasten their jackets (the main sentence - a wind blew from the north - is connected with the subordinate allied word “which”).

complex sentences with subordinate circumstances

Depending on how the parts of a complex sentence are connected, they are divided into 4 types:

  • with an explanatory clause with the help of unions so that what, how, whether ( I could hear the gate creaking );
  • with definitive clauses, joined by allied words which, which, whose, what, where and others ( I bought a car that I had long dreamed of );
  • with an adjunctive clause using allied words why, why, why and what ( In the evenings, my mother bathed her son, after which she necessarily read him a fairy tale );
  • complex sentences with subordinate circumstances ( We went up to the observation deck, from where the city was maximally visible ).

The last type of syntactic constructions are divided into types according to their meaning.

Types of adverbial circumstances

In complex sentences, the dependent part, answering questions inherent in the circumstances, is called that. Below are complex sentences with subordinate circumstances. The table briefly conveys all of their views:


as soon as the curtain rose, the orchestra began to play (when?)


they came home, where they were already waiting for a hot dinner and a warming grog (where?)


the children laughed (for what reason?), because the dog stood on its hind legs and curled its tail


if you find yourself nearby, please call to us (under what condition?)

the goals

I went to the store (for what purpose?) to buy bread for dinner


he was silent (contrary to what?), despite the fact that the insult to his friend was strong


something rattled outside the window (what?), like a distant thunderstorm

way of action

we all did it (how?), as indicated in the note

measures and degrees

the girl was so shy (to what extent?) that she would never have spoken to the stranger first

the consequences

over the summer, Yegor grew up, so now he took second place in the ranks (as a result of what?)

Complicated sentences with subordinate circumstances are combined by unions and allied words, depending on the meaning that they determine.

Adverbial image and degree of action

This type of complex sentences in its dependent part gives an explanation of how the action is performed or indicates the degree of quality of the attribute of the subject, which is discussed in the main.

In such syntactic constructions, the subordinate clause raises questions: “how?”, “How?”, “How much?”, “To what extent?” other. The dependent part relates:

  • with a verb with the word “so” in the main sentence ( did the Northern Lights shimmer (how?) as if someone had lit thousands of colored candles in the sky );

    compound sentence with an adverbial circumstantial example

  • with a full adjective with the word “such” (The evening was so wonderful (to what extent?) that no one wanted to return to stuffy rooms) ;
  • with a full adjective with a noun and the word “such” (It seemed so strange (to what extent?) that they had known each other for many years ).

A complex sentence with an adverbial circumstantial mode of action is always built so that the main part faces the dependent. If you swap them, then a different value is formed. For instance:

  1. The snow was so bright (to what extent?) That the eyes began to watery after a few minutes of being outside.
  2. His eyes began to water after a few minutes of being outside (for what reason?), Because the snow was so bright.

Extra time

When the dependent part in a complex syntactic structure indicates when the event occurred, then this is a complex sentence with an additional circumstantial time. Moreover, the dependent part does not refer to a separate concept, but to the entire main one, and gives answers to the questions “when?”, “How long?”, “Until when?”, “Since when?”

They are connected with the help of temporary alliances “when”, “as soon as”, “barely”, “bye”, “until”, “since” and others. In this case, the main sentence may contain words that have the meaning of time, for example, “then”, “after”, “until then”, etc. For example, complex sentences with relative clauses from the literature:

  1. On that day (when exactly?), When I made this decision, in the Criterion bar someone hit me on the shoulder (A. Conan Doyle).
  2. Now sit here for a little while (how long?) While I run off for a bite to eat (J. Simenon).

In such syntactic constructions, complex unions can be used, which are separated by a comma into two parts. Moreover, one of them is in the main sentence as an indicative word, and the second - in the subordinate clause in the form of a union ( 30 years have already passed since he left his hometown ).

In the event that the index word is missing, the dependent part can be both before and after the main part, but in two cases it is fixed:

  1. If complex sentences with subordinate circumstances use conjunctions “how”, “how suddenly”, then they are after the main one ( Lunch was already drawing to a close, when another guest arrived suddenly ).
  2. If double alliances are used, such as when when then, only as ... how, when. then. " In this case, the subordinate clause is in front of the main part, and the second fragment of the double union may be omitted ( When the first snow falls, the flock will move south ).

complex sentences with relative clauses from the literature

In other cases, the place of the subordinate clause can change without affecting the meaning of the sentence.

Accessory places

A complex sentence with an adverbial circumstance (examples below) may indicate the place of action or its direction. It answers the questions “where?”, “Where?”, “Where?” and refers to a specific word in the main part, which can be expressed in an adverb (there, there, from there, everywhere, everywhere and by others).

  1. Everywhere (where exactly?), Wherever you look, there was water.
  2. I come from there (where?), Where poverty has never been known.

The compound sentence is connected with the subordinate circumstance of the place by the allied words “where?”, “Where?”, “Where?” The dependent part in similar syntactic constructions stands after the defined word.


Complicated sentences with relative circumstances give an answer to the questions “under what condition?”, “In which case?” Similar syntactic constructions indicate the conditions under which the actions described in the main part are performed. In them, the dependent sentence can relate to both the main part and the individual predicate, and join using the unions “if”, “how” (in the definition of “if”), “if”, “stake” and “when” (in role "if").

compound sentence with an adverbial circumstantial mode of action

Complicated sentences with an adverbial circumstance (the examples below confirm this) conditions can be found both before the main and after it:

  1. If you want it to be this way (on what condition?).
  2. You can get a chance to win the lottery (in which case?) If you buy tickets regularly.
  3. If you buy tickets regularly, you can win the lottery (from the rearrangement, the content of the offer has not changed).

Often similar syntactic constructions use unions consisting of two parts: "if ... then", "if .... so "," if .... then ”( If it rains tomorrow, then we won’t go for mushrooms ).

Adverbial purpose

Complicated sentences with subordinate goals indicate for what purpose the action indicated in its main part is performed. They give answers to the questions “why?”, “For what purpose?”, “For what?”

Parts of such a syntactic construction are joined by the unions “so”, “so that”, “so that”, “if only”, “then to” and others, for example:

complex sentences with subordinate circumstances

  1. To reach faster, he accelerated his steps (for what purpose?).
  2. In order to be useful to people, you need to work hard on yourself (for what?).
  3. I said this in order (why?) To annoy my father.

Complex unions can be divided, then there is a comma between them. One part remains in the main sentence, and the “so” union is dependent.


Complicated sentences with subordinate circumstances indicate the basis of what is said in the main part. The dependent proposal is fully related to the main one and answers the questions “for what reason?”, “Why?”, “Why?” and joins the unions “because”, “good”, “since”, “for”, “because” and others, for example:

compound sentence with a secondary clause

  1. Due to the fact that we rallied, the rivals could not defeat us (for what reason?).
  2. She was sad (why?), Because autumn brought rains and cold.
  3. We decided to take a halt (why?), Because we walked for six hours in a row.

The relative clause in such syntactic constructions usually comes after the main one.

Subordinate consequence

In complex sentences with similar subordinate clauses, a conclusion is drawn that is drawn from the content of the main part. It answers the question "what happened because of this?" The dependent fragment joins the main union “so” and always comes after it, for example:

  1. The heat intensified (what happened because of this?), So I had to look for shelter.
  2. The girl cried (what happened because of this?), So she had to give in to her request.

This type of constructions should not be confused with subordinate degrees and measures in which the adverb “so” and the union “what” are used ( Over the summer, he was so tanned that his hair seemed white ).

Clause assignment

Complicated sentences with these subordinate clauses give explanations for events that occurred contrary to what was discussed in the main part.

compound sentence with an adverbial circumstantial time

They answer the questions “no matter what?”, “Contrary to what?” and join the main part:

  • the unions “though”, “even though ... but”, “in spite of what”, “let”, “let” (there were large puddles on the street, although it rained yesterday );
  • in allied words with the particle “neither” - “no matter how”, “no matter how much” “no matter what” ( No matter how much the grandfather made a rocking chair, it came out lopsided) .

Thus, subordinate concessions indicate why the action did not work.


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