Effective exercises in the gym on the back - overview, features and recommendations

We use back muscles every day. Regardless of whether we take our purchases up the stairs, or squat, or bend down to lift something off the floor, the back muscles are involved in performing complex and simple everyday tasks. The back is literally involved in every movement.

It consists of approximately 140 muscles, which can be conditionally divided into three groups: superficial, intermediate and deep, most of which we do not fully use, sitting at the desk all day. To make matters worse, stress and excitement also manifest as tension in the neck and back before spreading to other parts of the body.

Back muscles

If you want to reduce pain, improve your athletic performance or just look better, working out your back muscles is a very important factor in solving these problems. From this article you will learn which back exercises in the gym are most effective and will help transform the figure in a short time.


Most back exercises are a variation of rowing (deadlift or weight to the body) or pull-ups (pushing your own weight up and over the bar). These basic techniques will enable all back muscles (large and small) to be included in the work to ensure full functional and sports development.

What back exercises in the gym should be performed by representatives of the weaker and stronger sex? There is no significant difference. Exercises on the back in the gym for girls and men will not differ significantly. The main difference will be in the number of sets, reps and the working weights. Below are the best exercises for the back in the gym that everyone can do.


Technically, this is more than an exercise for the back - it also involves the entire back of the thighs and buttocks. Deadlift is one of the best basic exercises for back muscles in the gym, as well as for the overall development of the back of the body. However, it is quite heavy and traumatic, always remember the safety precautions. When performing this exercise on your back in the gym, it is very important to work out the correct technique, after which you can progress on the scales.


If you are going to work with large weights (less than 6 reps in the set), do deadlift at the beginning of the workout when you have the strength. If you do more reps, you can move the exercise to the middle of your session.

Execution technique

  1. Lower the bar to the floor and stand so that it is located in the center of your legs. Put your feet hips wide. Bend down, grab the bar with a variable grip at shoulder width, climb up.
  2. As you inhale, begin to lean forward until your lower legs touch the barbell. While moving, look forward, your knees are slightly bent.
  3. Keep your chest and back curved, start moving with your heels off the floor to move the weight up.
  4. Perform the required number of times.

Belt pull

This exercise works equally well on large muscle groups of the upper and lower back, which makes it very versatile. Like deadlift, it is important to perform it with the right technique and feel the target muscles. This is one of the best exercises for the back in the gym for men. Be careful with the selection of working scales - in case of doubt, use fewer pancakes.

tilt draft

This type of traction gives a significant load on the lower back, for this reason it is best to do it at the very beginning of the workout so as not to injure the lower back. The pull can also be performed in Smith's simulator - it fixes you in a vertical plane, but your body should be in the correct position relative to the neck.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight, holding the bar with a reverse grip (palms pointing up).
  2. Bend your knees and tilt your torso forward, keeping your back straight. Look in front of you. The bar should be located right in front of you, arms perpendicular to the floor and torso. This is your starting position.
  3. Keeping your body still, as you exhale, lift the barbell, keeping your elbows close to your body. The forearms are involved only in holding weights. At the top, squeeze your back muscles and hold for a second.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower the bar down.
  5. Perform the required number of times.

Wide grip pull-ups

This type of pull-ups is great in order to develop the top of the latissimus dorsi. A narrow grip allows a greater range of motion, but does not provide the full work of the target muscles, transferring the load to the biceps of the hands.

If it’s still difficult for you to do pull-ups with your own body weight, you can always use a simulator called a gravitron or auxiliary gum. If you pull yourself well with the weight of your own body, you can attach a weight to the belt to complicate the task. Do not neglect the pull-ups, because this exercise for the back muscles in the gym is one of the best.

wide pull-ups

It is best to do pull-ups at the beginning of your workout to ensure the correct position of the shoulder joint. It is also important to warm up before doing pull-ups. For muscle growth, preference is given to 8-12 repetitions in the approach.

Execution technique

  1. Grasp the bar with outstretched arms. This will be your starting position.
  2. Pull yourself up, bending your elbows and not relaxing your shoulders. Do not swing or use momentum to complete the movement. Try to raise your chin above your palms.
  3. Pause at the top of the movement before descending to its original position.
  4. Do the required number of repetitions.

Traction in the lower block

A traction simulator is found in almost every gym, so it is not difficult to complete this exercise. It is very effective for working out the rhomboid and trapezius muscles of the back and will allow you to form a beautiful silhouette. Narrow grip allows you to work in a wider range of motion and increase time under stress, which is great for muscle growth. Be sure to include traction in the lower block in your set of exercises for the back in the gym.

Traction in the lower block

Cable simulator exercises are best done at the end of your workout. Set a weight that will allow you to do no more than 12 repetitions in one approach.

Execution technique

  1. To complete this exercise, you will need a V-shaped handle. She will allow to work with a neutral grip. Set the operating weight in advance and attach the handle in the simulator.
  2. Sit in the simulator and place your feet on the platform. Knees slightly bent. Lean forward while keeping your back in a natural position and grab the handle.
  3. With arms outstretched, lean back until your torso is at a 90 degree angle to your legs. The back should be slightly curved and the chest directed forward. This is the starting position of the exercise.
  4. As you exhale, keeping your torso still, pull the handle back toward the body, keeping your hands close to it until you touch the abdomen. Hold this squeeze for a second and as you inhale, gradually return to the starting position.
  5. Do the required number of repetitions. Avoid swinging your torso back and forth, as you can easily injure your lower back.

Link in the top block

An excellent basic exercise for working out the latissimus dorsi. The thrust in the upper block allows you to build muscle, expand your back and give it a V-shape. Through the use of a wide grip in this exercise, the entire load is directed to the target muscles, and not to the biceps and forearms. In the gym for men, this exercise is one of the most affordable and can be easily performed by beginners.

traction of the upper block

This exercise can be done as a warm-up at the beginning of a workout, however, to build mass it is better to perform it closer to the end of the workout for 8-12 reps in the approach.

Execution technique

  1. Sit in the simulator and make sure that you adjust the knee cushion to suit your height. The pillow acts as a resistance that will not allow you to lift.
  2. Hold the handle with your palms forward. For a wide grip, the arms should be shoulder width apart. For a medium grip - at a distance equal to the width of the shoulders, and for a narrow grip at a distance less than the width of the shoulders.
  3. Holding the handle with the selected grip width, tilt the body back 30 degrees, creating a slight deflection in the lower back and leading the chest forward. This is your starting position.
  4. As you exhale, start pulling the handle until it reaches the top of your chest. The shoulders and shoulder blades should be pulled down and back. Focus on tightening your back muscles when you reach full peak. The torso should remain motionless, only hands should move. The forearms should not do any other work than holding the handle.
  5. After a second while inhaling, squeezing the shoulder blades together, slowly return the handle back to its original position. The arms are fully extended and the latissimus dorsi muscles are stretched.
  6. Perform this movement the required number of times.

One-handed dumbbell pull

This is an excellent one-way exercise - each side works independently, which allows you to lift a fairly large weight. When you train parts of the back one at a time, you get a greater range of motion. You can also better support your lower back when you put one hand on a bench. Under the condition of a small degree of rotation of the body, during the exercise, the core muscles are also involved in the work.

This back exercise in the gym for both girls and men is very effective.

Dumbbell Deadlift

This exercise mainly focuses on the lower part of the latissimus dorsi. Do it in the middle or end of your workout for 10-12 reps per set.

Execution technique

  1. To complete the exercise you will need a flat bench and a pair of dumbbells.
  2. Place your right foot on the edge of the bench, lean forward, your upper body should be parallel to the floor, place your right hand on the other end of the bench for support.
  3. With your left hand, lift the dumbbell from the floor while keeping your back straight. The palm should be turned towards the body. This will be your starting position.
  4. As you exhale, pull the weight up toward the chest, keeping your torso motionless. Focus on tightening your back muscles when you reach a peak point. In addition, make sure that traction is performed by the muscles of the back, not the arms.
  5. On inspiration, return the dumbbell down to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the movement as many times as necessary. Then change side.


So, above we examined the best exercises for back in the gym. For a good workout of the muscles, alternate all the exercises and do not focus on the same thing. In order to maximize the benefits of back training, it is important to consider not only what you do in the gym, but also what you do outside of it. This includes sleep, stretching, diet, and stress relief. When you are doing hard workouts, you need to keep track of adequate protein and calorie intake. Make sure you eat enough to help your muscles grow and recover.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46060/

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