The difference between Irish whiskey and Scotch: features of production, taste, degrees, similarity and difference of whiskey, rules of use

Whiskey - a drink with a long history, the most popular varieties of which are produced in Ireland and Scotland. They are distinguished by a characteristic aroma and aftertaste, are sold in alcoholic stores around the world and are especially revered among connoisseurs of their taste. In the article, we will consider what is the difference between Irish whiskey and Scotch, and how to serve drinks.

Scotch Whiskey Production History

Of course, over the entire existence of the drink, its production technology has undergone a number of changes. The difference between Irish and Scottish whiskey is the period of the appearance of the drink.

There are no exact dates for the invention of Scotch whiskey, but the first mention of the Braga, which was undergoing the distillation process, appeared in the time of the Celts. The strong infusion was called uisge beatha, which means “water of life”, and not in vain, since it was used for medicinal purposes.

According to surviving records, in 1494 one of the monks received about 1.5 tons of malt for the production of “water of life”, which confirms the fact that the drink was produced in large quantities.

Later, whiskey begins to be produced in personal subsidiary farms according to its own recipe. The Shivas brothers were especially famous for this, and in 1801 founded their own business, which flourishes to this day under the name Chivas Regal.

The difference between Irish whiskey and Scotch

History of Irish Whiskey

The difference between Irish and Scotch whiskey is that the history of its creation mentions much later dates.

According to some reports, the history of Irish alcohol begins in the 5th century; clergy made it in order to treat many ailments of the time, including smallpox. The secret of the drink was kept until the beginning of the 16th century, from that moment its popularity increased tremendously, and it began to be made almost everywhere.

Scotch tape production

The difference between Scotch whiskey and Irish whiskey is that the Scottish look is made only in Scotland from malt, dried by a special method on local peat. Thanks to this, it acquires an unusual aroma that persists for years. Peat imported from other regions cannot convey the fullness and durability of the aroma.

Dried malt is ground in flour and infused in hot water for 12 hours. Then fermentation products, sugar and yeast are added. After fermentation is completed, it is distilled strictly 2 times and poured into oak barrels for at least 3 years, where the drink acquires its own unique aroma.

The difference between Irish and Scottish whiskey

Irish Whiskey Production

Buyers often ask which whiskey is softer: Irish or Scottish? Whiskey produced in Ireland has a mild, less tart taste in contrast to Scotch. All because of the peculiarities of the sweep, which, according to the regulations, should be carried out at least 3 times, as a result of which the drink acquires a velvety taste.

The mass is also stored in oak barrels for at least 3 years.

Types of Scotch Whiskey

When considering the difference between Scotch whiskey and Irish, it should be noted that each type has its own technology and product names.

Scotch tape can be divided into 5 main categories, depending on the method of preparation:

  • Single Malt - a single malt drink. It is made from water and malt, distilled in copper cubes, exclusively within the country.
  • Single Grain - grain tape. It is made from water with the addition of malted or unmalted crops.
  • Blended - blended whiskey. All ingredients are made in different distilleries, the drink can be from grain and malt tape or from several grain and malt species.
  • Malt Blended - Blended Malt Tape. It consists of single malt whiskeys of different varieties from different industries.
  • Blended Grain - Blended Grain. It is made from several varieties of grain whiskey.

Some of the most popular blends of Scottish alcohol:

  • Jura Superstition - Scotch whiskey with a deep golden saffron color. It has a delicate fruity aroma with notes of honey and marzipan. Taste superiority of chocolate, spices, needles and cinnamon.
  • Monkey Shoulder is one of Scotland's most popular blends. It is characterized by a muted amber hue and a rich honey finish with an admixture of menthol and citrus. On the palate you can catch the sweet notes of banana, malt, marmalade and cream.
What is the difference between Scotch whiskey and Irish

Production and brands of scotch whiskey

The production of Irish and Scottish whiskey takes place in different countries, equipment and raw materials are also different.

Each Scotland region involved in the production of adhesive tape conveys its distinctive taste:

  • Campbeltown occupies the southern part of the peninsula, there are only a few distilleries here. Distinctive tasting qualities of whiskey made in this region: balance of bitter, salty and honey flavors.
  • Isla Island. The drink from this part of the country has a distinct smoky aftertaste.
  • Lowland is famous for its whiskey with a mild fruity taste and subtle floral notes.
  • The Speysad is located in the north of Scotland, there are distilleries of the most famous brands. As a rule, this is a tape with a smoky aftertaste or honey-floral.
  • Highland - the southwestern region, characterized by the widest palette of tastes. It can be a whiskey with a nutty flavor, smoky or sweet aftertaste. Due to the distinctive weather conditions, the adhesive tape produced here has a peculiar saturation of bitterness, sweetness and other tastes.

If we talk about brands, it is impossible to single out one, of course, it all depends on personal preferences. However, there is a rating of the most popular whiskey varieties in the world:

  1. Johnnie Walker The name of this brand is well known to all admirers of Scotch whiskey. Since the mid-19th century, the company has been producing affordable and expensive varieties of scotch tape.
  2. Chivas Regal is appreciated for its mild flavor and unique aroma. The founders of the brand worked for a long time to invent their own special taste.
  3. White Horse. Whiskey, released in 1887, on New Year's Eve, immediately fell in love with the Scots. Today it is another popular brand with a worldwide reputation. Its special taste is 30% malt and 70% grain tape.
  4. Cardhu - a drink with a pleasant mild taste. The idea of ​​creating such a “female” whiskey belongs to the wife of one famous distillery holder of his time.
Which whiskey is softer: Irish or Scottish?

Varieties of Irish drink

The correct production order of Scotch and Irish whiskey allowed them to enter the international level of sales and win a regular audience.

Whiskey produced in Ireland can be divided into 4 grades:

  • Single malt - it includes barley malt. The drink is an elite whiskey.
  • Single grain is rarely used in its pure form, it is usually used in blends.
  • “Pure Whiskey” is a special variety from Ireland. The recipe is based on a mixture of malted and unmalted grains.
  • Blended whiskey is made from several aged varieties.
    Irish or Scotch whiskey

Stamps of Irish Whiskey

When choosing which whiskey is better: Scottish or Irish, you should know that these drinks have different tastes.

Irish whiskey is produced in numerous large and small distilleries. Most of the oldest founding plants have not survived, but some are only gaining their positions in the world market.

Some of the most famous manufacturers:

  1. Old Bushmills Distillery - the company was founded at the beginning of the XVII century and is one of the oldest in the country.
  2. New Midletone Distillery is a concern that produces such well-known brands of whiskey as Jameson, Midletone, Powers.
  3. The Echlinville Distillery is a brand of Irish whiskey with more than a century of history.
  4. Cooley Distillery produces the most popular brands of this drink in Ireland: St. Patrick, Knappogue, Finnegan.
Which whiskey is better: scotch or irish?

The difference between Irish whiskey and Scotch

The difference in taste between drinks can be fully appreciated and felt only by a connoisseur and connoisseur of whiskey. It is difficult for the average consumer to distinguish between the producer region.


  • Color is not a distinctive indicator of whiskey of a particular country of origin. It depends on the recipe, aging and strength of the drink.
  • The aroma. Scottish scotch tape has a richer flavor - it's all about driving. Since Irish whiskey undergoes three times distillation, it loses the expressiveness of the smell inherent in the drink. In addition, the peat malt drying method gives the adhesive tape a distinctive sharp aroma.
  • Taste. Each manufacturer tries to give the drink distinctive tasting qualities. Some formulations have been stored for centuries, others are created through numerous experiments. It all depends on personal preferences: whether it will be a rich bouquet of scotch tape or a soft muffled taste of Irish whiskey.

How to distinguish an original from a fake?

To appreciate the Irish or Scottish whiskey, it is important to be able to distinguish a quality product from a fake. Due to the great demand for this alcoholic drink, even in a specialized store there is a chance to purchase a fake. To avoid this, you should pay attention to some details:

  • Bottle. Manufacturers themselves lose huge amounts of profit due to dishonest dealers, so they try to protect their products with distinctive signs. This primarily concerns the original bottle. Therefore, before buying, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the details of the original packaging by looking for information on the websites of specific manufacturers.
  • Decor. High-quality design of the product is a business card of the company, therefore, the original bottle cannot have sloppy labels, scuffs or chips.
  • Product purity. High-quality whiskey is made from the best raw materials, undergoes a thorough sweep, which eliminates the likelihood of sediment and guarantees its transparency.
  • Oiliness. Regardless of the country of manufacture, this whiskey is aged in barrels for at least 3 years, during which time the density of the drink increases. You can see this effect by turning the bottle over, if the remainder of the drink slowly flows down its walls, then the product is of good quality.
Scotch Whiskey and Irish Whiskey: The Difference

How to serve and drink whiskey

When serving the drink on the table, there is no difference between Irish whiskey and Scotch.

To properly submit it, you need to consider a few simple rules:

  • the drink should be cooled to a temperature of 18-20 ° C;
  • served in specially designed glasses made of thin glass;
  • in addition to the drink, water and ice are offered.

They drink it in its pure form, diluting it with water or ice. In order to fully experience the subtleties of taste differences between scotch tape and Irish whiskey, it is recommended to try these products in cocktails.


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