What is a request: definition, types, features and pattern

What is a request? In short, this is a form of business writing. It can be sent to almost anyone, even to government agencies. Such a letter, as a rule, contains a request for the provision of any information or for an explanation of something. You can request not only information, but also items, for example, samples of goods before concluding a supply contract.

what is a request

Document structure

The sample request should contain all the standard details inherent in business papers.

If the document is compiled from a legal entity, then it must be on the corresponding form with the indicated date of compilation, and also have an outgoing number.

What should be indicated? Sample request:

  • To the head or director.
  • His position and name of the addressee.
  • The short name of the document. For example, on the provision of clarification regarding (title of the document).
  • Essence of the question. For example: “Our enterprise has an act of permanent use of the land plot dated (date). The Tax Code was amended according to which the procedure for calculating land tax has changed. Based on the foregoing, I ask you to explain how to apply in practice part of the article (number) of the Tax Code.
  • Gratitude or expression of hope for further cooperation.
  • The position of the person who is applying, signature, full name

sample request

Rules for writing the essence of the request

Knowing why the request is being compiled and what it is, it’s still not worth starting with the requirement to clarify or provide something. It is better to start with a brief description of the situation. It is also worth explaining why you had to make a request.

If we are talking about partners, then the letter can start with the phrase: “Based on previously reached agreements between our companies ...” or “Based on the clause of the agreement (number) dated (date), please ...”.

When a request is made to provide information to government bodies, it is better to refer to specific paragraphs of regulatory acts that need to be clarified or which give the right to receive information.

The main thing is that the recipient of the request does not have any questions about why this or that information is being requested.

An explanation of the reasons is not required if the request is created in a certain established form. For example, when requesting a monetary value of land.

It is not recommended to address several topics in one letter. If the company has questions regarding the payment of land tax and property tax, then these should be 2 separate requests.

At the end of the letter, it is recommended to indicate a convenient way to receive a response: by mail or by mail, by email. If the time for providing an answer is not regulated at the level of legislation, but you need it urgently, you can indicate this. At the end, you can indicate that you will be extremely grateful if you can pick up the answer in 10 days.

request for proposals

Request for information manager

Current legislation on access to public information interprets what a request is. But that is not all. It also gives the opportunity to any legal entity or individual to receive information. Moreover, the request may touch upon a topic that concerns not only the applicant personally, but also other citizens. In this case, it is not necessary to explain the reasons that prompted you to write the request.

Such letters can be composed individually or collectively and transferred to the information manager in any convenient way. The text of the letter is drawn up in any form. An example of such a request may be a petition for a decision of local authorities to increase transport tariffs this year, explaining the reasons that made deputies vote.

Request for Proposals

Many legal entities often ask what a request for proposal is. This is a fairly new term that appeared in connection with the adoption of the law on the contract system. The concept means that state and municipal bodies have the right to send a request for proposals to an unlimited circle of people. What does it give? The newsletter is done in order to conclude contracts that allow satisfying the needs of the state and municipalities in goods and services, or rather, to receive from suppliers and contractors the best offer both in terms of quality and price characteristics. Request for proposals is placed in a unified notification system.

request for grant

Request for Proposal Structure

The document should contain the following information:

  • Name, full description of the subject of procurement.
  • The initial and maximum price and its justification.
  • Requirements for applications for persons participating in the competition without any unnecessary requirements for their filling, which may become a reason for restricting competition.
  • Description of the customer’s rights to change the quantity of purchased products or the volume of services provided after the conclusion of the contract.
  • How, in what time period the application can be withdrawn.
  • What criteria will determine the winner.
  • Conditions for concluding a contract, terms, who will sign, the possibility or absence of a unilateral refusal from the transaction.

The organizer of the tender does not have the opportunity to cancel the procedure for conducting a request for proposals or change the conditions at the opening stage.

document request

Archive request

It often happens that you need to request documents in the archive, about seniority or about your relationship. To get information, you should make a request, the approximate content of which may be as follows:

  • The addressee is registered in the header of the document.
  • Name and address of the archive.
  • The details of the applicant are written below.
  • Name, address and contact details.
  • The request may have a subject.
  • Brief chronology of the request.
  • At the end of the request, you should indicate the data for communication and a possible method of transmitting a response.
  • Name of applicant, signature, date of compilation.

The request is in free form. From the text, the connection between the applicant and the information that he requests should be clearly understood. If there are details of a document, for example, a decision or an order, then you need to specify them in order to maximally facilitate the tasks of the archive specialist in finding the necessary documents.

If earlier the applicant applied to other organizations on the same issue, then this should be mentioned.

Based on the results of the consideration of the request, the archive may issue:

  • archival certificate, which may be submitted in court;
  • archival copy, a document that verbatim reproduces the tex of the original document;
  • archive statement;
  • information letter containing information that the archive contains specific documents.

There are a number of papers that the archive can issue. All these documents have legal force and can act as evidence in any proceedings, even in judicial, criminal.

Using the sample request to any government agency or partners, you can use your rights, request the necessary information, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46077/

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