Brainstorming, method: description, technology and reviews

Brain attack is a method that is incredibly popular today. With its help, you can find alternative ways to solve complex problems. In addition, it allows the individual to reveal his inner potential. This method is used most often in large teams at meetings when it is required to come to some specific decision.

brainstorming method

Brainstorming is a method that implies that all participants in a process will show marked activity. The situation, when the employees of one enterprise take turns expressing their individual opinions, allows everyone not to stand aside and be heard. In today's reality, when the boss often does not have the opportunity to devote time to each employee, this method is just a godsend.

History and Description

The method of brainstorming (brainstorming) first appeared in 1930, and it was described much later - in 1953. The author of this concept is an American researcher Alex Osborne. At one time, this scientist came out in defense of free expression and recommended his method mainly for the proper planning of any entrepreneurial activity. Brain attack is still used by leading businessmen to organize and conduct business. Its usefulness is noted: labor productivity is growing, profit is increasing, new ideas appear as if by themselves.

brain attack techniques

The essence of the brainstorming method is as follows: leaders and employees gather in the meeting room. The general task that should be solved during the meeting is voiced. Each of the participants has the opportunity to openly express their point of view, challenge the concept of a partner, discuss the results, build additional assumptions. From the side it seems that colleagues deliberately contrast each other with different concepts in order to reach a new understanding of the essence of things.

Direct brainstorming

This is the most common option that allows you to quickly solve a pressing problem. A direct brainstorming implies that during the process the most significant and relevant issues will be discussed regarding the implementation of certain projects, development of activities, etc. Not many modern leaders are aware that regular meetings, planning meetings and various gatherings can be held, using a creative approach. As soon as you add a little variety to the boring flow of professional everyday life, as employees begin to generate stunning ideas themselves. The leader can only wonder where all this potential has been hiding so far. The use of this method allows you to improve relationships in an established team, to overcome various psychological barriers and barriers.

Reverse brainstorming

It is used when a certain concept has turned out to be unprofitable for some reason, has reached a dead end, and it is urgently required to develop a new one. It is understood that the participants in the process will actively challenge each other's thoughts. Disputes and entry into polemics are permissible here. The reverse brainstorming method is useful when there are insoluble contradictions at the enterprise that require radical intervention.

brainstorming method

Employees can express everything that they really think, their freedom is not limited by anything. One can hardly find something so effective and efficient than the reverse brain attack method. A description of the problem, a focused attention to the details of several people at once will allow to approach the issue on time and from the best side.

Individual Brainstorming

It can be applied when a person urgently needs to reach a specific result, but for some reason he has experienced a professional crisis. Brainstorming is a method that a creative person can use in moments of temporary loss of productivity. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it effectively acts even on one person who is alone with his own thoughts. You can arrange internal dialogues with yourself and come to bold, unexpected decisions. The result of such actions will soon surprise you. All that is required is to allow yourself to think in a limited time period (say, lasting several minutes), having a specific, clearly formulated task in front of you. Unfortunately, many people from childhood get used to think with common stereotypes. Brain attack methods allow you to overcome the stereotyped perception of the world and reach a higher level of worldview.


This concept includes three main periods. They should be carried out sequentially and with great attention.

1. The formulation of ideas. At this stage, the goal is formulated, the necessary information is collected. Participants in the process should be aware of the kind of information they are being offered for consideration. All voiced ideas, as a rule, are recorded on paper so as not to miss anything important.

brainstorming technique grade 11 technology

2. Formation of the working group. Participants are divided into idea generators and experts. The first - people with a developed creative orientation, imagination. They offer innovative ways to solve the problem. Experts discover the value of each idea put forward, agree with it or not, motivating their choice.

3 . Analysis and selection of proposals. Criticism and active discussion of proposals are appropriate here. First, generators of ideas speak out, after which the word is given to experts. Proposals are selected based on inference and creativity. Any non-standard approach is welcome and therefore is considered with particular interest.

The leader must control the process, observe the discussion of the problem. In the event of controversial issues, he necessarily brings clarity, clarifies details, directs the further development of thought.

Additional terms

Despite the emerging desire of young and promising leaders to immediately start using this psychological tool, a competent approach is required here. You can not use it too often, otherwise it will lose the element of novelty and will be perceived by employees as something ordinary and everyday. One of the main conditions for carrying out is the suddenness of use. Participants should not specifically prepare for the meeting, think over the moves used.

essence of brainstorming

The leader needs to know the general direction of the conversation, but he will not be able to determine in what direction the discussion will go. Brain attack methods are wonderful in that they allow you to openly express your point of view. People may not be attached to the consequences of what was said.

Brainstorming Method: Reviews

Participants in this concept note that with its use any meetings are more interesting and productive. The method resembles the simultaneous inclusion of several โ€œbulbsโ€ that light up in the heads of different people at once. Brainstorming allows you to take into account not only the judgments of specialized experts, but also related to grow. In other words, it covers many spectra, helps to consider the same situation from different angles. In addition, the relations in the team after the introduction of the method become more open, trusting.

Process involvement

Usually at meetings and planning meetings there is a "one-man show". One boss says, and subordinates are forced to listen to long monotonous notations and agree with him. This is incredibly tiring and unnerving of the latter. The identity of employees is suppressed, it is squeezed into the tight framework of official duties. Sometimes, for one reason or another, employees prefer not to voice the ideas that arise in the head, do not strive for self-expression.

brainstorming method description

As a result, motivation to work โ€œwith a twinkleโ€ is lost, putting the soul into the process. The brainstorming method allows you to remove psychological clamps and barriers, makes it possible to manifest the individuality of employees. Being psychologically involved in the process, a person improves his productivity.


Agree, this concept can not be called everyday and often used. Most of all they resort to it when the issue requires some kind of ambiguous solution. The method was widely used in creative teams, where there is a need to move away from everyday life and immerse oneself in solving a creative problem. As a rule, a positive result is not long in coming.

brainstorming method

There are a large number of such concepts that mean different meanings. This is where the brain attack technique comes in handy.

Grade 11

The technology for introducing the concept of Alex Osbourne can be used to organize graduate classes. At the senior level, students are often offered tasks that contribute to the awakening of non-standard ideas. This is a very useful acquisition, as individual personality traits are taken into account, existing abilities develop, and necessary skills are strengthened. The more freedom will be provided for the realization of thoughts arising in the head, the more courageous the undertakings of young researchers will be. The method provides that students themselves will strive to achieve their goals. The feedback from the participants is purely positive, as adolescents appreciate the attentive attitude towards them.

Instead of a conclusion

Brain attack is a method that has gained fame relatively recently. More and more managers are choosing to use a non-standard approach in solving everyday issues.


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