How to make a Greek hairstyle for long hair: a photo

Romance and simplicity is inherent in Greek hairstyles. Beauty goddesses can be seen on the pages of many glossy magazines. The image of Aphrodite, Hera, Artemis attracts and seduces with its sensuality and elegance. Photos of Greek hairstyles for long hair prove that they are suitable for social occasions, formal dinners, walks with a loved one, and outdoor trips. An important attribute of many brides and graduates is styling in the antique style.

Many girls want to learn how to make Greek hairstyles for long hair with their own hands. This is quite affordable and possible, because there are many types of such styling. Aphrodite's hairstyle will surely win the hearts of others, if it is correctly combined with a dress and accessories. Such styling on long curls looks best. Get to know the different options, as well as photos of Greek hairstyles for long hair.

Angelina Jolie

Who will suit the image of Aphrodite

The antique style combines simplicity, romance and practicality. The image of a Greek woman is flowing, flowing outlines. Special efforts and skills to create such a styling are not needed. Finding the accessories used to create it will not take you much time. The hairstyle itself is as simple as the Greek woman. You can use a hoop, bandage, ribbon, hairpins. It all depends on the severity, density and length of your curls. After all, curly locks are the key to the ancient image. Girls with straight hair will have to curl them a little.

Any type of face is suitable for the image of Aphrodite. Owners of an oval shape can collect curls on the top of their heads or lift them up. The natural shape of a rectangular face will also brighten up this option. More carefully, you need to frame the outlines of the representatives of a round and triangular face. Girls with a triangular outline can stretch curls down in the form of a Greek tail. A small pile on the back of the head will bring femininity and highlight cheekbones.

tail in Greek fusion

Varieties of "Greek"

The basis of the Greek hairstyle for long hair with bangs or without bangs is curls collected from the back. They can be collected in a bunch, make a tail or braid a free braid. It can also be braided around the head. The whole highlight of styling in the frame of the face with light wavy locks. This foundation allows you to create many styling options. Use the following common methods:

  • the Greek knot, its variety - corymbos;
  • laying getters;
  • bow of Apollo and Cicada;
  • tail in antique style;
  • free scythe;
  • laying with a bandage or tape;
  • a haircut with a rim, diadem, scallop and other hair ornaments;
  • styling with a light pile and a little "lyrical mess".

To create different options for antique styling, many different accessories are produced. Stock up on hairspray in advance, curling little things for curls (stylers, curlers, curling iron). Photos of Greek-style hairstyles with long hair are simply mesmerizing, some options can be seen in the article.

Antique Styling Accessories

You cannot complete the original styling without hairpins, combs, headbands, headbands, flowers, beads, starfish. For special occasions, weddings, birthday, pick up special stylized accessories for precious metals or stones. Special jewelry in gold, silver, stones and rhinestones will make your look irresistible.

The bandage or rim is selected to match the color of the strands or outfit. The accessory should be slightly darker than the hair and stand out against their background. A little pigtail can serve as a rim. Sometimes they use not one, but several devices to create an antique styling. For example, first the hair is twisted on a hiratnik, and then fixed with hairpins with beads or pearls.

bandage hairstyle

Dressings for greek hairstyles

The easiest way to do it is a Greek hairstyle for long hair with a bandage. Back in the days of hippies, a special bandage came into fashion, which today helps to easily create the image of Aphrodite. Today, such a bandage is called a hiratnik. In minutes, this device helps turn a long hair into an elegant hairstyle. She is simple, but very feminine. In the photo below you can see the order of winding strands on such a bandage. Properly selected color and texture of the hiratnik helps create a pretty and delicate image. It is not necessary to choose catchy dressings. In stores you can choose dressing-gum, dressing-scarves, decorated with pearls or beads. Gum braids are very popular.

Under an elastic band or bandage, you can twist all the strands or several on the sides, and tighten the rest. There are no restrictions to create antique styling, just turn on your imagination.

wedding hairstyle

Wedding Greek hairstyle for long hair

The picture of antique styling is depicted in the dreams of many brides. After all, she is spectacular and beautiful for a wedding. An experienced master will make the bride charming and lovely, like Aphrodite. Greek wedding hairstyle is decorated with original free weaving, natural flowers, diadem, stones. The bride will feel like a real goddess. Long hair allows you to achieve a luxurious volume and the desired styling.

loose braid

Very often, brides choose a styling in which curls look loose, but at the same time they are fixed with varnish and invisibility. It turns out a kind of waterfalls on its side. The following types of antique hairstyles are also suitable for weddings:

  • laying loose loose curls in the original weave;
  • careless, braid gathered below;
  • curls collected using flowers and ribbon;
  • smooth high beam;
  • long cushion on the back of the head.

Options with bangs

It is quite appropriate to perform such an antique styling. In this case, the bang does not need to be removed, it will cover the bandage or elastic band. The bangs can be straight, oblique or elongated, in the form of a curl. If you wind thin strands at your temples, fasten with varnish and bangs, and curls, you will get a very cute image for a holiday or graduation party. The Greek hairstyle for long hair with bangs is an exquisite romantic image of the goddess, but with a fresh, modern touch. A magnificent bundle or free flagellum in this version will look very charming. The bang makes the classic version more fresh. It can be romantically twisted or woven into a braid. You can put on a bandage over the bangs, just so that it does not look too static, pressed to the forehead.

greek style bundle

Do-it-yourself Greek hairstyle for long hair

The easiest way to create the image of Aphrodite is to divide the strands with a straight parting and put on a bandage (hairatnik) on the curls. A few curls can be wrapped under a bandage, and let the rest flow down the back.

The first thing they start to do antique styling with is curls. Further we suggest you to get acquainted with how to make a Greek hairstyle for long hair with a scarf. Each girl at home will find several nylon or chiffon scarves, scarves. They are very colorful and suitable for creating a spring or summer look. The scarf is used in the same way as the bandage-gum. First, comb the curls, divide them into several strands. Tie a scarf around your head. Then wrap each strand behind a scarf, starting from the face. This method does not even require additional fastening.

You can also do antique style styling with a scarf on loose hair. First, wind the locks on the curling iron, comb them with your fingers. Then tie a scarf around your head. Separate a few thin strands and braid the braids. Then wrap them around the scarf.

greek laying with a scarf

It is very original in the summer to make Greek styling on a bright stylish bandage to match the dress. Classic-style retro fans use pea-print bandages. Often they are with a bow on their side. Materials for dressings can be different - ordinary stretching fabric and exquisite lace. So that the bandage, scarf or shawl does not slip on the head, they can be fixed with invisibility. An unusual option will be laying with a bandage chain. For a more festive occasion, buy a bandage in the store with metal jewelry, flowers, beads, wooden beads, lace inserts.

Greek knots

Romantic beauties are very fond of a beautiful and sensual hairstyle of a getter in the form of a knot. It is simple but effective and does not require much effort to complete. Bunches in the antique style attract the views of others. Sometimes the volume knot assembled on the back of the head is covered with a special mesh - stephane. Often it is made of golden threads, decorated with fresh flowers and beads.

Another interesting option for long curls is considered a tight tall knot in the form of a cone called "corymbos". It can be decorated with ribbons, circular rims, lacing. Greek styling should not be smooth, so form knots with a pile, give them volume.

antique hairstyles

Greek braid

A popular antique styling is the Greek braid. It can be braided in various ways. You can braid a French pigtail from the temple and frame it with a head, decorate only one side of the face with an original spikelet or openwork weaving. A great assistant for such weaving will be long thick strands. Owners of thin hair can stretch the braid links a little to the sides to get a voluminous and free appearance. Greek braid can be decorated with an original crown, diadem, fresh flowers, complemented with long earrings.

curls on the side

Tenderness in feminine curls

Greek girls had healthy thick hair, so they often loosened them in the form of curls. Loose hair needs to be lifted or collected in the side tail or the original "malvina". With romantic curls you will be comfortable and convenient, because you will remove part of the hair from the face with hairpins or a bandage. You do not have to be a hairdresser to complete a simple hairstyle with feminine curls. You can lift the wound curls, make a small pile at the roots, tie a careless, slightly disheveled tail.


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