Whiskey: health benefits and harms

Many fans of this drink are unaware of the benefits of whiskey to the body. But once it was used for medicinal purposes. Like any other alcoholic drink, whiskey is dangerous in large quantities - regular use leads to alcoholism. But if you drink infrequently, little by little and only real scotch tape or bourbon, there will be no harm to the body. But does whiskey really have healing qualities?

Whiskey based cocktail

Water of life

If you understand the origin of the name of this alcoholic drink, you would think that the benefits of whiskey are much greater than harm. The word whiskey has Celtic roots and can be translated as "water of life".

More details about the benefits and harms of whiskey are described below. First, it’s worth bringing some interesting facts from the history of one of the most popular alcoholic drinks.

Cooking whiskey

Homeland of whiskey

This drink was invented in Scotland. Or Ireland ... For many years, the inhabitants of these countries have been arguing about which of them is the creator of a strong alcoholic drink. There are no winners in the dispute.

Whiskey was first mentioned in Scottish documents of the late 15th century. Nevertheless, the Irish insist that their great-great-grandfathers had previously consumed this alcohol in huge quantities, without thinking about its benefits and harm to health.

Whiskey is sometimes referred to in the Scottish manner as scotch tape. Most fans of this alcoholic drink believe that he appeared in the edge of heather fields. This point of view is not proven, but in Scotland the production of whiskey is put on a grand scale.

Distillery scotland

Skotch whiskey

Speaking about the benefits of whiskey, it is worth remembering: a drink bought in an ordinary Russian chain store may have little to do with real scotch tape.

Its production technology was invented by monks in the Middle Ages. They were engaged in the preparation of various drinks, including medicinal ones. Once, one of the monks took the sprouted barley grain, dried it, ground it, poured water and left it in the barrel for five years. Thus was created whiskey, about the benefits of which, as well as about the healing qualities of any other alcoholic drink, there are many myths.

Oak barrel with whiskey

Production technology

There are many nuances in preparing scotch tape. It is not aged in any barrels, but only in oak. Water is added, not some, but thawed. True Scots can talk about the health benefits of whiskey endlessly. They relate to a national drink almost with religious reverence. Some researchers claim that it does contain beneficial substances.

Later, the technology of making whiskey underwent many changes. They began to produce it not only from barley, but also from corn, wheat, rye. By the 17th century, whiskey was highly developed in Scotland. Doctors actively talked about the benefits of whiskey. Little was known about its harm, as well as about the harmful effects of any other alcoholic beverage .

Scotch whiskey production


And today, in the 21st century, a tourist who has arrived in Scotland can suddenly see intricate houses made of mossy stone against the background of a gray heather landscape. This is a distillery. Here the mystery of the birth of a national drink takes place.

Once, some Chivas brothers organized their distillery. Things went well with them, as every connoisseur of elite alcohol knows. One of the most popular brands of whiskey today is Chivas Regal.

The Chivas brothers were not limited to a certain variety. They mixed different types of whiskey, placed them in barrels where cognac, madeira, sherry and other alcoholic beverages were previously stored. This gave the tape an unusual delicate aroma.

Employees of the company today keep the recipes of their illustrious brothers in the strictest confidence. No one has managed to create a drink that would not be inferior to Chivas Regal whiskey. Moreover, recipes are far from known to all employees - only to distillery masters, of whom there are no more than twelve.

Scotch whiskey

Healing Myths

The benefits of whiskey for the human body can not be clearly stated. In the Middle Ages it was used as a medicine. But 500-600 years ago, quite dubious methods were used in the treatment of diseases.

Everyone knows how an alcoholic drink affects the state of mind. It makes a person happy or aggressive. Whiskey in a moderate amount warms, soothes, gives a feeling of warmth. In the old days, the Scots used this drink as a sedative. But they did not believe the myths about the benefits of whiskey for long. Soon he moved from the category of drugs to the category of alcoholic beverages.

Is it worth it to dilute whiskey

There are many whiskey recipes. The simplest is whiskey with cola. There is no need to talk about the benefits and harms of this cocktail for a long time. Everyone knows what effect Coca-Cola has on the body. Frequent use of this drink not only leads to the appearance of excess weight, but also contributes to the development of such a terrible disease as diabetes. And to drink real scotch tape diluted with Coca-Cola is, in the opinion of true connoisseurs of whiskey, a bad taste.

Whiskey with cola


At the beginning of the 19th century, Americans thought about the production of whiskey. Their drink both in taste and in strength is significantly different from Scottish or Irish. It was the Americans who were the first to breed alcoholic soda.

The first American whiskey was prepared in a village in Kentucky. This place is called Bourbon. Hence the name of American whiskey. Today, oddly enough, the largest producer of this alcoholic beverage is not Scotland, but the United States.

The US government once levied exorbitant taxes on whiskey producers. But they staged a rebellion. The rebellion entailed a series of events that ultimately had a positive effect on the production of bourbon.

American whiskey has wound healing, cauterizing, antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Alcohol, which is part of it, warms, has an analgesic effect, tones, accelerates the heartbeat.

Bourbon, like any other alcoholic beverage, is not used in folk medicine. However, medicinal potions are prepared on the basis of whiskey. For example, tincture of walnuts. The basis of this drug is poured with alcohol and insisted for 30 days. Tincture is used in the treatment of tonsillitis.

Japanese whiskey

Once this drink managed to cross the ocean in a westerly direction. It is not surprising that later whiskey made a trip to the East.

The Japanese are an original people, which does not prevent them from mastering everything foreign. Americans brought whiskey to the Land of the Rising Sun. This drink was originally made by the Japanese in small quantities, with sake added to it, which, thanks to the vast rice plantations, was always abundant.

Japanese whiskey, like scotch and bourbon, reduces the risk of blood clots. Occasionally, it is worth consuming in order to prevent a stroke and a heart attack. Antioxidants stop the clogging of arteries. Whiskey kindles blood and prevents the development of coronary disease.

The benefits of whiskey

Any alcoholic drink with healing properties is harmful if you drink it in an unlimited volume. The following describes the benefits of whiskey. But it is worth remembering: the permissible norm of a strong alcoholic drink is no more than 50 g per day.

Whiskey is low in carbohydrates, and therefore it can be consumed by people with diabetes. But it is better to drink it in its pure form.

The use of whiskey leads to the stimulation of brain neurons. This drink has a good effect on the work of the heart muscle. There is even an opinion that it cleanses the body and removes cholesterol, and it should be used in small portions with the expansion of veins and thrombosis.

Whiskey contains antioxidants needed by the body. It is believed that this drink can be considered as a prophylactic of cardiovascular ailments. High-quality whiskey contains iodine, various salts, and therefore it improves the thyroid gland. And, of course, the drink relieves stress, tension.

It's rather strange to talk about the benefits of whiskey or any other alcoholic drink. However, this topic is often indulged with a special passion. It is said that the use of bourbon or scotch tape cures of terrible ailments, including cancer. There is a misconception that its regular use will prevent from Alzheimer's disease.

Of cancer, whiskey, of course, can not be cured. However, drinks containing antioxidants, including scotch, can be considered as a prophylactic. Some researchers argue that single malt whiskey is more useful than red wine and should be consumed by those who are undergoing chemotherapy.

Antioxidants improve brain function. The complex of substances contained in whiskey strengthens the memory. A small portion of the drink relaxes, the flow of blood to the digestive organs stabilizes. Thus, adhesive tape and bourbon prevent the development of gastric diseases.

Whiskey is not a drug or prophylactic. If you plan to use it for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor. The doctor is likely to dispel misconceptions and recommend a specific drug or lifestyle change.

The benefits and harms of whiskey for men are as follows: it improves the cardiovascular system, while the excessive use of this drink can cause a heart attack. Safe dose is 30 grams per day. Only in such portions can it be useful. But you can hardly find a man, an avid whiskey lover who is able to limit himself to 30 grams of scotch tape.


The detrimental effect of any alcohol is obvious. The liver, kidneys, and nervous system suffer from it. And low-quality cheap alcohol contains, in addition, chemical compounds.

Even real, expensive whiskey bought in an elite alcohol store is addictive. Doctors argue about when easy drinking ends and addiction begins, but they will not come to a common opinion. One thing is clear: you can drink even a high-quality alcoholic drink in small doses and as little as possible.

However, the Irish and Scots drink their favorite whiskey quite often, and not only in pure form. They add his tea and coffee. Such a drink tones, warms on cold winter evenings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46091/

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