Draft beer store: business plan

In today's world, many dream of doing their own thing. In fact, there is nothing to worry about. The most important thing is to evaluate your capabilities and abilities. It doesn’t work out only for the one who does nothing. Today, many are interested in a draft beer store as a business. Such a retail outlet will be in demand both in a small provincial city and in a large metropolis. In this review, we will look at how to start an activity, the proper execution of all necessary permits, and how to make a business grow and succeed.

Preliminary analysis

draft beer

Before you begin, you need to consider the general state of the market. Will a draft beer point be popular in your city? A business plan must take into account all the nuances, otherwise the idea will not turn out to be successful. Recently, taste preferences among Russians have changed significantly. Most now prefer to drink elite drinks instead of surrogates. Therefore, a draft beer store as a business can be a very profitable idea. Due to its high demand, such an enterprise will pay for itself in a short time.

However, the draft beer business has its drawbacks. Today, many liquor stores operate throughout the country, so competition can be quite high, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs. To attract customers, you have to come up with something interesting.

Many people today hear such a thing as “live beer”. It is believed that it has unique taste characteristics and differs significantly from products packaged in bottles. It is for this reason that we will consider how to open a draft beer store, a business plan and the main features of this business.

Key factors

shop room

Let's dwell on this in more detail. So, the product that you are going to sell (according to the business plan) is draft beer. How to open a point? The proposed course of action must necessarily include an assessment of the external and internal factors that influence the enterprise.

External factors include:

  1. Opportunities: the presence or absence of competition in the field of draft beer trade, the prospects for the development of a retail network in the territory of your village.
  2. Threats: a high level of competition, significant restrictions on the law (in violation of the rules and requirements of doing business, all profits can go to pay fines to supervisory authorities), the popularization of a healthy lifestyle among the population, the presence of nearby retail stores selling alcoholic beverages at lower prices, the need to comply with quality standards.

As for the internal factors that influence the development of the business, here you can highlight the strengths and weaknesses. The former include prices favorable to consumers, the availability of quality products, advertising opportunities to attract customers, a wide range of products, a high level of service, the availability of a discount system for regular customers, the availability of certificates confirming the quality of products sold.

Weaknesses of novice entrepreneurs can be manifested in the lack of experience in this field and a narrow range of products presented. Of course, opening a draft beer business will require serious work. To avoid large fines, a novice entrepreneur will definitely need to get acquainted with the basic norms of current legislation.

Opening hours

draft beer shop

One of the most important aspects that a draft beer business plan should take into account is the mode of operation. It should be borne in mind that the trade in alcohol from 23:00 to 8:00 is prohibited. However , this restriction does not apply to public catering . But here, special care should be taken. Indeed, in the territory of a particular region, its own restrictions may apply. So, for example, in St. Petersburg it is forbidden to sell alcohol from 22:00 to 11:00. In some places, retail is limited for certain days. The penalty for violation of these standards is quite serious - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. Also, by law, illegally traded products may be confiscated from you.

After you make a schedule, you can calculate the number of working hours. There will be about 98 of them per week.

If you want to open a round-the-clock establishment, then you will have to equip it with tables and chairs. Then it will begin to be considered a catering enterprise. In addition to beer, in this case, the assortment should also include various snacks. Namely: sandwiches, smoked fish, crackers and various snacks. The size of the room should be given special attention. Installations with draft beer according to standards should be placed in rooms of at least 50 square meters. For institutions located in rural areas, this value is halved.

The best time to open a draft beer store is late spring - early summer. Peak demand for a drink falls precisely on this time period and right up to the fall.

Legal Aspects

What are they? A draft beer business plan must determine the legal form of the enterprise. There is a choice: IP or LLC.

OKVED codes in this case can be the following:

  • 52.2 - retail trade in food products, including alcoholic beverages and tobacco;
  • 52.25.12 - retail trade in beer.

When choosing a tax system, it is recommended to choose UTII, if possible. It is also possible to use OSNO and STS. The advantage of UTII is the possibility of not using KKT. In other cases, its use will be mandatory. At UTII, an entrepreneur is required to ensure that his customers receive strict reporting forms.

What else should I take care of before opening a draft beer point? Business can only be conducted with the appropriate permits from the fire inspection, SES and Rospotrebnadzor. If in the process of work you plan to use CCP, then you need to pre-register it with the tax authority. To be able to accept payment by bank transfer, it is also recommended to open a current account.

Ensure compliance with fire safety requirements. The room must be equipped with an alarm system and fire extinguishing equipment. As finishing materials, it is best to use non-toxic paint or ceramic tiles. In addition, make sure that all employees of the institution have sanitary books on hand and undergo examinations on time. Since 2016, a mandatory requirement is the maintenance of an alcohol declaration.

This is not all the requirements that need to be considered if you decide to open a draft beer store. How to arrange a business correctly, what instructions, GOSTs and SNiPs you need to follow - you have to thoroughly understand these issues.

Marketing and advertising

draft beer shop

This aspect should be emphasized. How to open a draft beer store? A business plan must necessarily include the issue of registration of the institution. Many believe that this is a secondary point. But this is completely wrong. Your attendance will depend on how your establishment looks. Be sure to carry out at least a small cosmetic repair. The atmosphere should be pleasant, having to skip a glass of beer. Just arranging tables and chairs for this will not be enough. The interior can be supplemented with decorative elements that emphasize the mood of the institution.

Also consider designing your store’s sign. It should be large enough and attract attention. Of great importance is the name. It should be interesting and outstanding.

In terms of preparing a marketing campaign, the sale of draft beer is a rather specific type of business. Advertising the company in the media will be too expensive and inefficient. What then to do?

It is better to try the following types of advertising:

  1. Outdoor: one of the most effective species. It must be located in the area where the store is located. It also includes the design of signboards, the facade of the building. Think of a lighting system so that even in the dark, potential buyers can easily find their way to the right place.
  2. Carrying out various promotions, discounts on coupons. A similar advertising campaign can be carried out immediately before the opening. You can also give out various coupons when buying for a certain amount or think through a funded discount system.
  3. Try to negotiate with your product suppliers for additional advertising. Many provide such materials for free. It can be cup holders or ashtrays with the emblem of the corresponding brand.
  4. Organize an extra area, such as a summer veranda with benches and umbrellas.

Using the above types of advertising, you can easily “promote” your draft beer store.


One of the most important aspects that interest those who want to open a draft beer store is profit. This question is very controversial. Here, more and more depends on the brand of beer you have chosen. On average, the margin on domestic drinks is 100%. For imported products, this is approximately 30%. So, if you intend to sell mainly domestic beer, you can make a big profit.

Many are interested in the business plan of a draft beer store with calculations. Revenues with a daily mode of operation can be 450 thousand rubles per month. This is a real figure, even for a fairly small store. If you expand the product range with snacks, you can increase profits.

Production plan

The most important point to pay attention to is the equipment necessary for operation.

This list usually includes:

  1. Cooler: required to maintain the desired temperature of the drink.
  2. A stand designed for installation of taps.
  3. Counter.
  4. Kegs: designed to transport the drink from the supplier. In such containers, beer retains its quality well until opening.
  5. Beer column: helps in spilling beer and performs a decorative function.
  6. Drip tray.
  7. Beer tap: you can do without it if you do not plan to pour beer into glasses.
  8. Hose.
  9. Gas cylinders: necessary for pouring beer from kegs.
  10. Reducer: responsible for maintaining the required pressure level in the cylinder.
  11. Refrigerator: needed to store beer and other products.

As you can see for yourself, a lot of equipment will be needed to open a draft beer store. However, your costs will pay off pretty quickly. In some cases, the equipment may be provided directly by the suppliers of the foamy beverage.

Sample calculations

beer on tap

So, what amount will approximately be needed?

Next, we give an example business plan for draft beer with the calculations:

  1. The cost of registering an IP is 800 rubles.
  2. Cosmetic repair of the premises - 40 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost of purchasing chairs and tables is 15 thousand rubles.
  4. Signboard design - 30 thousand rubles.
  5. Advertising costs - 15 thousand rubles.
  6. Purchase of necessary equipment - 180 thousand rubles.
  7. Buying beer and snacks - 100 thousand rubles.

Total at the initial stage will have to spend about 380 800 rubles.

Consider what expenses await us in the future:

  1. Rental of premises - 25 thousand rubles.
  2. Salaries of employees - 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Raw materials - 225 thousand rubles.
  4. Advertising costs - 5 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses - 355 thousand rubles.

Profit before tax - 95 thousand rubles.

The amount of tax is 14,250 rubles.

Profit - 80,750 rubles.

Thus, the profitability of the business will be approximately 18%. Such an indicator is considered quite acceptable. Payback is: 380800/80750 = 4.71, that is, after about 5 months, the entrepreneur will be able to return the invested money and start making a profit.

The risks

Will there always be a successful establishment selling such goods as draft beer? A business always has a number of risks.

For an enterprise of this type, they will be as follows:

  • Seasonality: Demand for draft beer drops significantly in the cold season. In order to avoid significant profit fluctuations, it is necessary to add hot pastries, sandwiches, hot dogs and warming drinks to the assortment in winter.
  • Shelf life of drinks: live beer cannot be stored for a long time. Some varieties lose their original taste after 5 days. If you plan incorrectly, you risk losing half of all available raw materials. At first it is recommended to order beer in small batches. When you evaluate the level of demand and determine which varieties are most in demand, you can order the next batch.
  • Tight oversight by supervisors: Failure to comply with the requirements and standards for alcohol trading can result in significant fines. Try to conduct your business in full compliance with applicable law.

Staff recruitment

shop equipment

Another issue that you should work out if you want to open a draft beer business is staffing. For the store to work in full force, you will need a whole staff of employees. As a rule, it consists of two cashier sellers, a cleaning lady, a security guard and an accountant. The hardest thing in this business is finding honest sellers. Entrepreneurs who have some experience doing business in a beer shop are aware of the most common methods of cheating by staff.

These include:

  1. Underfilling: the owner in this case will receive his income from the sold barrel, but the scandal with the buyer who discovered underfilling may affect the reputation of the entire establishment.
  2. Lack of timely flushing of the system: if the seller agrees with the technician and draws up the flushing of the system only on paper, the drained beer will be written off and sold. As a result, the drink may acquire a sour taste, which will push customers away.
  3. Substitution: the seller at the spill changes the barrel with an expensive drink to a cheaper product.
  4. Podstavka: the seller sells beer from his barrel. All expenses are borne by the entrepreneur, and the profit goes to the store employee.
  5. Dilution: often sellers simply dilute beer with water, trying to increase the volume.

A few simple recommendations will help you avoid all these problems:

  1. Install a CCTV system in a draft beer store.
  2. When accepting goods, be sure to weigh them.
  3. At the end of each shift, take an inventory.
  4. Buy powerful chillers to prevent souring your drink.
  5. Install water samples. So customers will be able to independently control the volume of the drink they poured.
  6. Do not step away from doing business. Try to delve into all processes as actively as possible.

Ready business

Many today want to open their own business selling alcoholic beverages. Can I buy a ready-made business? A draft beer store is actually available in a functioning version. However, do not rush to make a deal. Perhaps they just want to trick you. Often in this way dishonest entrepreneurs simply try to get rid of a business that brought them income within 2-4 months of the warm season, and in the winter it became unprofitable.

There are many factors to consider. First, check if the place has the required cross. Secondly, specify what exactly is included in the price. Sometimes a ready-made draft beer business simply involves the transfer of documents for conducting activities and getting to know the owners of the premises. Equipment for such a bar can simply be provided free of charge by the supplier of products.

Before deciding to buy a ready-made draft beer business, be sure to evaluate all the factors. Perhaps starting a company from scratch will be much easier and more profitable.


Is it worth it to start a draft beer business? Feedback from entrepreneurs will help you decide on this issue. If you correctly draw up a business plan, think over the main points and correctly calculate the possible profit, in the end you can get a completely profitable enterprise. At the initial stage, many beginning businessmen have difficulty completing all the necessary documents. However, today there are many companies specializing in the legal support of small enterprises. For a fee, they will help you draw up all the necessary documents correctly. You can also entrust bookkeeping to a third-party organization. This will greatly simplify the business.


beer is poured into a glass

Selling draft beer today is a fairly common type of business. However, as in any other business, there are pros and cons. The advantages include high profitability and quick payback. The disadvantage of this business is seasonality. In addition, any institution specializing in the sale of alcoholic beverages is always of particular interest to supervisory authorities. This is definitely worth considering if you decide to start selling such a specific product.

Many people believe that all difficulties can be avoided if you buy a ready-made business - a draft beer store. Sale of the outlet could be related to its loss. Therefore, before considering this option, be sure to evaluate all the factors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46095/

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