Foam for hair: review, selection, methods of application, reviews

Creating a stable and effective styling is not so simple. On sale there are various means to achieve this goal. Foam for hair is one of the most effective products for creating hairstyles. Numerous reviews confirm the excellent effect of this tool. The main thing is to choose high-quality foam and use it correctly. The types and rules of application will be discussed in the article.


The main purpose of this cosmetic product is the creation and natural fixation of any kind of hairstyle. Foam for hair perfectly performs its tasks due to the light and weightless texture, unique features.

Foam Syoss

Judging by the reviews, many confuse this remedy with mousse. But this opinion is erroneous. These tools have various properties and purposes.


Compared with other hair styling products, the foam has:

  1. Weightlessness. Styling looks easy, of course, it does not weigh curls.
  2. Long durability. This is due to the unique composition. There are various types of products on sale that can last up to 10 hours depending on intensity.
  3. Safe composition. In addition to the chemical components of hair foam, it also includes a number of useful substances, for example, panthenol and vitamins.
  4. The ability to use on different types of hair. For each type - its own remedy.
  5. A rich assortment. Foams can be fixing, tonic, modeling, firming, creating the effect of wet hair.
  6. Function to increase the volume of strands. Often, a remedy is required for density. Any type of hair becomes more voluminous.
  7. Low cost. Each manufacturer has a different price, but the difference is not significant. Products from the supermarket cost 120-350 rubles, professional tools are more expensive. The cost for 1 unit can reach up to 900 rubles.
  8. Different forms of release. Previously, hair foam was produced in the form of mousse, but now there is also a spray with a foam function.
styling products

According to reviews, foams are used to fix styling, not only for the holiday, but also for the daily look. Any hairstyle with her looks attractive.

Difference from mousse

To determine the difference between these products, you should familiarize yourself with the functions of the mousse. It is created to give volume to thin and rare strands. It should not be used for thick and moderately voluminous hair. Mousse will not be able to simulate the hairstyle and keep it for a long time.

The foam is designed to create a hairstyle, not only voluminous, but also with the effect of wet hair, to fix it. It may have the function of coloring hair.

The main difference between the products is the effect of exposure, as well as the purpose for a specific type of strands. Foam is considered a more universal remedy. As the reviews confirm, it is her most often chosen for fixing hairstyles.

What does it consist of?

Each type of hair styling product includes different components. But some substances are present in every foam:

  1. Hydrogenated protein, thanks to which there is no weighting of strands.
  2. Butane. It is considered a mandatory component of this tool. It gives lightness to the foam. Butane has a slight drying effect. Propane may be used instead.
  3. Preservatives They allow you to save the product for a certain time and prevent it from negative external influences. The more these components, the longer the tool is stored.
  4. Polymers Needed to fix, increase the volume of hairstyles. May be natural or synthetic. The former act more gently on the strands, and in the latter case, the product will have a strong fixation.
  5. Aromatic additives. Give a pleasant scent to the foam. The more of them, the more pronounced will be the smell of the product.
  6. Vitamin supplements. These include vitamin and mineral complexes, aqueous solutions of oils, panthenol and other natural components that nourish and protect the strands from the harmful effects of synthetic components.
fixing foam

To get a beautiful styling without harm, you need to choose products with fewer parabens and preservatives and more vitamin supplements. Judging by the reviews, natural remedies, in which a minimum of harmful components, are more expensive, but they have a better effect.

Shelf life

No matter how natural and effective products are, they have an expiration date. The manufacturer indicates it on the bottle. After this period, it is undesirable to use the product. There is a likelihood that there will be no expected effect, in addition there is a risk of hair damage.

The maximum shelf life is 3 years. But it is advisable to choose the products that are stored for no more than 2 years. It should be borne in mind that after opening and the first procedure, the shelf life is reduced by 3-6 months. Customer reviews say that only if you use the product within the prescribed period, you get a qualitatively fixed hairstyle.

how to use foam

If it is indicated that the expiration date is more than 36 months, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. In this foam there will be many preservatives and parabens, which harms the hair. Shelf life also depends on temperature, humidity and frequency of use of the product. For maximum effect, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.


There are many types of products that differ in purpose. It is important to choose a tool for specific purposes. Currently in stores you can find the following products:

  1. For hair volume. Foam of this kind can create either a basal volume or a volume along the entire length. Means can be universal, which are used both for the roots and for the entire length.
  2. With thermal protection. Such products contain a complex of vitamins and panthenol. It allows you to create a protective film on the hair from severe damage with frequent applications of curling, hair dryer, ironing.
  3. For curls. If the hair is curly and curly, there are special foams for them. With them, the curls will be more obedient, slightly elongated or highlighted. After using such products, a neat hairstyle is obtained.
  4. To create the effect of wet hair. Foam of this type allows you to perform styling quickly and efficiently. Although this effect is obtained with all other means.
  5. For fixing hair. Foam of this type gives the strands a shape. She gives the hair shine.
  6. Moisturizer It is chosen for thin and dry curls. In addition to the volume, the strands receive nutrition and hydration.
  7. To seal. If the strands are porous and weightless, such a tool will be most suitable. With it, the structure of the hair is compacted, they become thick, obedient.
  8. Toning foam. Creates a beautiful styling, and also dyes curls in the desired tone.
  9. A caring procedure gives additional volume to the strands, nourishes and moisturizes them. In such products there are many useful components, minerals and vitamins.


Foam for hair, correctly selected for specific purposes, copes with its functions perfectly. Means for the degree of resistance can be as follows:

  1. Weak fixation.
  2. Strong
  3. Medium.
for wet hair effect

According to experts, it is necessary to choose a tool that is suitable for the type of hair, their condition and the desired result. Only then will the original styling be obtained, and the appearance of the hair will delight.

Popular brands

Almost all manufacturers of hair care products produce foams. They may differ in composition, effect and price. How to choose the best hair foam? To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the most popular brands. Among them:

  1. "Londa." Foam for hair of this type is considered professional. However, it has a low price and a fairly stable effect. Judging by the reviews, Londa hair foam does not stick together strands and does not make them heavier. Another plus is the lack of stickiness and economical consumption.
  2. "Clean line". The product has a pleasant herbal aroma. It has a light texture that gives curls a pronounced volume without gluing. It is considered one of the inexpensive means.
  3. Taft. It has a strong fixation, gives the hair an excellent volume. Perfectly protects curls from exposure to elevated temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Wella. A well-known brand produces Wellaflex foam, which perfectly fixes styling, adds volume, gives strands shine and radiance.
  5. Igora. This company produces a range of tinting foams that support the color of the strands, as well as add density and shine.
  6. Estel. It has a strong fixation, is economically consumed and is more suitable for obtaining basal volume.
  7. Kapous. Suitable for curls of different lengths and thicknesses. Creates a hairstyle for a long period.
  8. Schwarzkopf. Products can be used to create hairstyles for hair of different lengths.
  9. Loreal. The tool takes great care of the hair.
  10. Pantene. Ultralight products are needed for volume, shine, hair nutrition.

According to reviews, even if the hair foam is professional, you should not use it often. Even the best remedies can damage your hair.

The choice

Numerous user reviews confirm that it is necessary to carefully select products for styling. Only then there will be no disappointments as a result. The following must be considered:

  1. Buy products that match your hair type. If they are straight, then the foam for curly hair is not suitable.
  2. It is advisable to choose products from trusted manufacturers.
  3. Check the expiration date and integrity of the packaging.

These simple tips allow you to make the right choice, which further guarantees the quality of styling and healthy hair.

Terms of use

How to use hair foam? First you need to learn how to dose it. A portion of tangerine-sized foam is required on short strands, an apple size on medium strands, and the entire palm of the remedy on long strands.

hair foam wella

Products are applied only to hair. You should not treat the scalp, as this can cause such an unpleasant disease as seborrhea.

Styling curls

Typically, manufacturers indicate that the product is applied to dry or wet hair. But keep in mind that evenly applied to dry is difficult. And then the volume will look unnatural.

To create a volume of curls, you need to distribute the foam along the entire length and apply a little more to the roots. Then the head is lowered down and the strands are slightly dried with a hairdryer. After a few minutes, you can raise your head up and you can model your hair with a round comb and a hairdryer. If the foam is applied on a square, then it is allowed to dry the curls completely with the head down. Then the basal volume will be strong.

If the tool is used to seal and straighten hair, then it is distributed evenly, and then the curls are combed. You can do the styling with a hairdryer as follows: the air is sent to the strands, and they are pulled with a comb from top to bottom.

To obtain wavy curls, the products are distributed along the entire length, the hair must be combed, and then wound on curlers. Then they are removed, and the strands are combed with your fingers, after which you can fix it with varnish.

To get the effect of wet hair, foam is applied to wet hair and blow dry with a diffuser nozzle. An ordinary hair dryer will do, you only need to compress the strands in a fist. Wavy strands are quite attractive.

Harmful or helpful?

Although the composition of the product includes vitamin complexes, nutritious, moisturizing components, but with frequent use of the foam adversely affects the condition of the curls. That's exactly what hairdressers and trichologists think. The presence of parabens, polymers and preservatives leads to flaking of the scalp. Frequent use of the product causes split ends, dryness or greasy strands.

professional series

It is advisable to use foam no more than 3-4 times a week. If you want to use it every day, you need additional nutrition with the help of masks, balms. It is useful to rinse with decoctions of herbs. Rational use with additional care will not be harmful to the hair.


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