The concept of speech culture, criteria and qualities of good speech. The main qualities of good speech

The culture of speech is a separate discipline in linguistics. Its main goal is not the accumulation of as much knowledge as possible, but the ability to apply them correctly. Speech is the identification of the character of a person and even society as a whole. The qualities of good speech are very multifaceted. They show how the communication style is appropriate for the situation. Speech must be successful both for the one who speaks and for the one to whom it is addressed. This is the basic principle that describes good speech and its qualities.


Speech is a tool that allows you to combine sounds with a specific meaning, as well as express the personality of a person, his thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Qualities of good speech

People have mastered speech since childhood. Over the course of their life, they polish and perfect this instrument of self-expression.

If speech meets all modern literary standards, it can be called correct. If there are no expressions and constructions alien to the literary model, such a means of communication is called pure.

Speech is rich when it uses stylistic techniques and methods. She's getting bright. Speech can also be logical or accurate, consistent with the specific style that the audience is tuned for.

But if this tool of self-expression is available to listeners, this is understandable speech. After all, it is very important that what is said affect the audience. The main qualities of good speech lie in the degree of its impact on the person.


Determining the main characteristics and qualities of good speech is not so simple. The concept of the culture of speech and its qualities change even for one people over time. Therefore, it cannot be perceived correctly, being non-modern.

The main qualities of good speech

The standard of good speech changes territorially and socially. Each generation has its own standards, the basic qualities of good speech.

It is also impossible to single out the same qualities that a good oral, written, monologic and dialogical style should possess.

Evaluation of the quality of good speech, even in a specific Russian language, is made from the position of form, style and functionality, the conditions for its implementation.

A culture of speech

The culture of speech implies such an organization of language tools and techniques that, subject to all the norms of communication, is capable in a certain situation of creating the maximum effect in achieving the task set for it.

The concept of speech culture is the quality of good speech

The culture of speech involves the possession of the rules and constructions of a literary language. Moreover, both in oral and written forms.

The ability to choose and properly organize the means of expression of thoughts is also included in the concept of "culture of speech." The qualities of good speech make it possible in a certain situation to achieve the task set for communication.

The culture of speech also implies observance of etiquette of communication. The main concepts of this issue are the literary language, its norms, style and standard, types and forms of speech.

Qualities of correct speech

The qualities of good communicative speech have a lot of signs. Correctness is the basis for such signs of good speech as wealth, purity, consistency, accuracy, clarity, relevance, euphony. This is a short list. It defines the qualities of good speech. Correctness is one of the main criteria.

Correct speech complies with existing language standards, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, stylistics, morphology, syntax.

The richness of speech is determined by the presence in it of a variety of linguistic means. Its purity lies in the absence of non-literary words.

Accuracy as a component of the correctness of speech implies the correspondence of words to their real meanings.

Logicity allows you to give clarity to speech. It must comply with the laws of logic, so as not to be confused.

Expressiveness evokes emotions, and clarity - an adequate understanding of what has been said. Simplicity will allow you to communicate naturally, and relevance will make communication relevant to the tasks of its implementation.

The quality of good speech is briefly described by all of these aspects.

Communicative qualities

Speech is always correlated with non-speech structures. These connections should be known to understand its qualities. Speech is primarily related to language. These are not similar concepts. Speech is built from language and obeys its laws. Language units gather in certain structures and form speech.

Communicative qualities of good speech

The communicative qualities of good speech are correlated with thinking. A thought is formed and expressed in speech. This gives the communication logic, accuracy. Speech is related to consciousness. It helps to see what is behind the words (imagery, expressiveness, relevance).

Speech is also related to reality. After all, communication describes objects, phenomena and events. It also refers to the addressee. Speech writer usually creates it for someone. It should make communication understandable to the listener.

Speech is related to the conditions of communication. It will be appropriate in some conditions, but not in others. This factor also plays an important role in understanding the criteria and qualities of good speech.


The main quality of good conversational, technical, legal, medical speech and its other styles is correctness. It can be accentological, semantic, formal, stylistic, etc. It is considered in the aspect of orthoepy and word formation.

Qualities of good speech correctness

Lexical correctness does not allow excessive pretentiousness of speech or its slang. Morphologically correct wording is determined by grammatical norms. Syntactic correctness concretizes concepts.

Stylistic correctness takes into account and selects those expressions, words and sounds that are characteristic of a particular communication. For example, the quality of a good legal speech will not be the same for a technical style.

Elite type of speech

Speech qualities should also be considered from the standpoint of its typology. The elite variety is the closest to the literary and ethical standards of communication.

Bearers of this verbal style of communication easily use their vocabulary properly. He is great thanks to the possession of the cultural, literary, scientific values โ€‹โ€‹of mankind. The bearer of this communication style thanks to his knowledge owns a large passive and active vocabulary.

The owner of an elitist type of communication has the ability to think, which is achieved thanks to the wide coverage of general cultural, fundamental texts. It is on them that such a person focuses in his speech.

A carrier of an elitist type of communication constantly replenishes its qualities of good speech in Russian based on authoritative texts, and not from newspapers, television.

Literary type

The majority of the inhabitants of our country are carriers of a medium literary type of communication. These are people who have received higher or secondary education. Such communication is the embodiment of a simplified culture.

A distinctive feature of this type of speech is the satisfaction of its owners with their own knowledge, unwillingness to improve their speech culture or to check the sources from which information comes.

The basic qualities of good speech by a medium of medium literary type of communication were acquired in educational institutions and then forgotten, not improved on their own. This leads to systemic speech errors. Sometimes such people are so confident in their innocence that they are even ready to defend their vision of the rules of speech, which often differs from the generally accepted standard. In the best case, when remarking on an error, the medium-medium type of communication person will not pay attention to it, but in the worst case they will take criticism aggressively.

Such people get basic information from statements in newspapers, in popular magazines, on radio or television. This knowledge is perceived as fundamental, equal to it.

This is an unfinished elitist type in which the criteria and qualities of good speech are respected, but not fully.

Conversational Type

The conversational type of communication as a separate subspecies began to develop in the 90s of the last century. It is divided into the literary and colloquial and colloquial colloquial type.

Criteria and qualities of good speech

The bearer of this communication style adheres to the conversational manner of communication in any environment, even official. They are characterized by decreased speech to a greater or lesser extent.

In the literary-colloquial type, communication predominates on โ€œyou,โ€ while in the colloquial-colloquial type rude statements are added.

Carriers of this manner of communication do not have a clue what qualities good speech should have. They are used to talking at the level that is observed in their entire environment. Entering a new environment for them, such people simply cannot change the way they express their thoughts. After all, they simply do not have another model of behavior.

Most often, such styles are spread by television, inviting people to their talk shows who prefer a conversational manner of communication.

Spelling and syntax standards

There is an opinion that spelling errors in checked and unverified words should be treated with different severity. In some cases, it is more advisable to change the rule.

Speech is also considered from the perspective of grading the severity of errors in it. There are norms that allow some deviations.

Carriers of an elitist type of communication practically do not make spelling and syntactic errors. Maybe only single, slight deviations. At the same time, the holders of the average literary style allow them much more, since they rarely look into the dictionary when writing texts, and do not replenish knowledge about the appropriateness of punctuation marks.

People who communicate only through conversational styles can make blunders in spelling and punctuation.

Orthoepic norms

Qualities of good speech in the field of orthoepy are found among carriers of an elitist type of communication.

What qualities good speech should have

If they use the accent in words not in accordance with the codified norm, then only because the normal pronunciation rules for a particular word are generally accepted. Over time, such standards become official.

Grosser errors are found in the speech of representatives of the medium literary type of communication. Such people can violate at the same time orthoepic and morphogenetic norms. And subsequently, such distorted expressions are transmitted by people to each other in communication.

Sometimes colloquial speech carriers have fewer such errors than the previous group of people.

Lexical and stylistic norms

It is difficult to determine the permissible boundaries for statements in terms of vocabulary and stylistics. This is due to the controversial feasibility of using, for example, expressive words.

The admissibility of the use of certain words should be determined from the standpoint of the style of the text and its genre.

For example, there is even a dictionary of slang expressions. However, the presence of such statements in speeches at official meetings will be unacceptable. Sometimes, in rare cases, such jargon is used for emotional coloring of speech. But this should be done with great care.

Given the quality of good speech, you can improve your communication style. It should be appropriate and take into account environmental conditions. The speech should be clear and effective both for the addressee and for the addressee. It forms a thought, a personโ€™s consciousness. Studying the fundamental sources of information, the achievements of world literature and art will help to improve the culture of communication. Do not take information from dubious, unverified sources. A person must improve. In the field of his speech, this is simply necessary.


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