British - men's haircut. How to cut, who suits, photo

Retro style is finding an increasing number of adherents, therefore, the British - the men's haircut that was once so popular - is back in fashion. Modern design shows indicate its prevalence throughout the world. Most often, such a hairstyle is chosen by confident, young, promising and energetic guys.

Haircut History

For the first time, the British, men's haircut, so popular in our time, appeared in the 50s of the last century. The main thing that attracts in this hairstyle is the appropriate combination of rebellious spirit and elegance. Appearance at the same time is created careless, but not losing its aristocracy.

The British, men's haircut, which initially conquered the UK, quickly became popular in America and Western Europe. She was considered a breakthrough in the fashion of men's hairstyles. It was an integral part of the dandy image.

British, men's haircut. How to cut

The rules for haircuts are quite simple. Do it when the hair has reached medium length. On the back of the head, the hair is cut very short, the length of the bangs is not removed. To create a British woman use shears for thinning.

On the back of the head and temples there is a smooth transition of a length of 3 to 9 mm.

Depending on the type of appearance and wishes, you can either do it or not do parting.

british men's haircut

Men's haircut is British. Who is suitable for

Not so long ago, this hairstyle was referred more often to the youth style, but after the appearance in the media of photos of celebrities who preferred a haircut, the British became a trend. After all, millions of fans of Justin Timberlake and Cristiano Ronaldo hastened to follow the example of their idols.

This hairstyle looks beautiful on tall men who have thick hair of medium length. The image that is created with its help will look romantic.

Many experts in the field of hairdressing and image creation say that the British, men's haircut, can easily apply to hairstyles, which can be called universal. It is suitable for people with different types of appearance and hair structure. The only condition: choose the type of styling in accordance with the characteristics of the exterior.

British men's haircut photo

How to style your hair

British men's haircut, a photo of which is presented in the article, requires daily styling. This is the only difficulty. The installation itself is quite simple in execution, it will not take more than 7-10 minutes, if you have experience.

In order to give the hair the right look, you will need styling products:

  • hair gel;
  • wax;
  • fixing effect varnish.

Every morning after washing your hair, a gel is applied to your still wet hair. After that, with the help of a thin comb, the bangs are given the necessary shape.

Those who do not have a lush mane do not need to despair: an interesting image, from which it will blow recklessly, can be obtained using a styler or diffuser.

Laying can be done in three ways, each of which will look different:

  • directing long hair and bangs up;
  • combing his hair to one side;
  • fixing hair towards the back of the head.

british haircut for men how to cut

Varieties of haircuts british

Depending on the type of hair, their volume and density, choose a haircut and styling option. Differ:

  • smooth;
  • with voluminous bangs.

In the first case, the bangs are combed to one side. The emphasis is on shortening hair length. Another new feature of the season is the use of special products for shine.

For owners of curls, the second option is more suitable: when styling, you need to give the bang a large amount. Previously, this required constant visits to hairdressing salons, but now the uneven length of the strands makes it possible for hairstyle owners to do their own styling, achieving the desired result.

What is the difference from haircut canada

British men's haircut, the photo of which is presented below, is very similar to Canada. These hairstyles differ in how they shorten their hair in the nape: when they make a Canadian, they cut their hair with a hair clipper, and a British woman with scissors.

british men's haircut

British haircut: how to color your hair

Those who want to not just have a stylish hairstyle, but also want to envy others with their extraordinary style, can try experimenting with color. Due to the fact that the hair is longer in the upper part of the head, this makes it possible to make them of various shades. Properly selected colors not only diversify the appearance, but also make the image more spectacular and harmonious.

It should be remembered that bright, flashy colors will not give the image of masculinity. While the choice of shades from one color scheme, which is close to the natural color of hair, favorably enliven the appearance.

British men's haircut

Disadvantages of choosing british hairstyles

Like any other hairstyle, this one has its drawbacks:

  1. Owners of short hair who decide to make such a haircut will have to wait until they grow to medium length.
  2. This is a hairstyle that means short-cut whiskey, which is not suitable for people who have a very thin face, as it will visually stretch it even more.
  3. Due to the fact that the hair of different lengths, hair contamination is much more noticeable, so it will be necessary to wash your hair no less than once every two days. Although experts recommend doing this daily so that the strands do not suffer from the influence of styling products.
  4. This type of image is not suitable for active people who are constantly on the move and spend a lot of time playing sports.
  5. It is not recommended to choose a British woman for those who are constantly late and suffer from a lack of time in the morning, since the hairstyle requires daily styling.

The British man’s haircut is so beloved because it suits both the business style and the cheerful sloppy look, which is especially important for harmoniously developed personalities. This allows you to look different depending on the situation.

According to experts, the British (men's haircut) will be at the peak of popularity for several more years and even after this time will not lose its adherents.


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