To whom and how is the pool useful?

The fashion for a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity leaves the choice of sports activities at the discretion of a person. For a modern city dweller, swimming is a very convenient option for maintaining excellent physical shape and mental balance. Moreover, nowadays, visiting the pool is available to most people, and the work schedule of fitness centers allows you to choose a convenient time in your schedule for visiting them. We will find out for whom and how the pool is useful, and also find out what troubles you may encounter when visiting it.

The effect of swimming on the body

Since all major muscle groups are involved during swimming, regular exercise with this type of physical activity has a positive effect on the overall muscle tone of the body. In turn, this allows you to follow the figure or work out the necessary muscle groups. Another striking property of swimming is a positive effect on the nervous system. With a calm and prolonged (from 30 minutes) swimming uniform breathing helps relieve stress and tension. The blood circulation of the brain improves.

what is the use of the pool

During even a calm swim, the circulatory system undergoes a significant load, which, in turn, leads to the strengthening of blood vessels. With deep breathing, when the chest is completely immersed in water, the lung volume is fully involved. This is a great alternative to professional breathing exercises. The difference in air and water temperatures allows you to work on strengthening the overall immunity of the human body.

Why should a woman swim in the pool?

Let’s find out why swimming in the pool is beneficial for women. It is no secret that the main motivating factor for physical activity in women is maintaining a slender figure and maintaining flexibility. These tasks are excellent for swimming in the pool.

High water resistance allows the muscles to work in intensive mode, which leads to their strengthening and tightening. At the same time, the weight of a body immersed in water is ten times less than in air, and the load on the musculoskeletal system and joints is minimal. This allows you to work to reduce even very large weight without causing additional health damage overload.

why swimming in the pool is good for women

Swimming also does a great job with the cellulite problem. Powerful streams of water, resisting the body during movement, improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat.

Pool during pregnancy

When asked about the benefits of swimming in a pool for women during pregnancy, medicine has long given its answer. Constant high loads on the lower back and legs while bearing the fetus can lead to serious health problems after childbirth. At this time, the pool helps out a tired body.

Relaxation, which delivers free swimming at a convenient pace, has a beneficial effect not only on the expectant mother, but also on the baby. Deep, measured breathing saturates the body with oxygen, and its constant delay of 20-30 seconds (between breaths) allows you to prepare the body for childbirth. Regular swimming helps to avoid stagnation in the legs and pelvic area.

what is the use of the pool for children

Currently, various complexes of aquatic training for pregnant women have been developed. In this case, you can choose a complex that will be suitable not only for experienced swimmers, but also for women who have never dealt with water.

So the question of whether it is useful for pregnant women to go to the pool, the question arises, which is useful, but only after the permission of the obstetrician-gynecologist, since some conditions during pregnancy (for example, the threat of interruption, nausea or bleeding) can be a serious contraindication for any physical exertion.

The pool and the body of a man

A visit to the pool by the strong half of humanity often takes place without realizing how useful the pool is for men. In turn, fitness instructors argue that knowing what benefits a particular load brings to the body significantly improves the end result.

what are the benefits of swimming in the pool

Pool workouts are a great alternative to the gym. Swimming significantly loads the muscles of the upper half of the body, which allows you to create the perfect male torso. Broad shoulders, a powerful chest - the result of swimming in the style of breaststroke or butterfly stroke. These are the most difficult styles in terms of execution. When choosing sports swimming in the pool, it is advisable to use special glasses. This will help protect your eyes from exposure to chlorine.

What is the use of the pool for children?

Regular swimming classes can significantly strengthen the child’s immunity. Many parents make a mistake by stopping taking their child to training after the first catarrhal illness. They believe the pool is to blame. In fact, at first, the child’s body adapts to unfamiliar loads, reagents, and a new environment. And at this time, children often fall ill. But after two months of constant trips to the pool, the baby’s immunity will get stronger, and the problem of respiratory diseases will disappear by itself.

These advantages for regular trips with the child to the pool are more than enough. Swimming is useful in cases of impaired baby. Such exercises help to solve the problems of both "little ones" and children who are overweight. Systematic training in the pool forms the right muscle corset of the child, accustom to physical activity. A deep night's sleep is restored. That's what a pool is for kids. Such an effect on a growing organism is exerted even by short classes (up to 40 minutes) two to three times a week.

Lose Weight With Swimming

Many useful activities in the pool and during intensive weight loss. The transition to proper nutrition often becomes stressful for a losing weight person. As noted above, swimming allows you to relax and restore the nervous system. Calories spent during a workout, together with the massage effect of water, can achieve visible results much faster.

What is useful for men

For effective weight loss using water procedures, it is advisable to observe the following rules:

  • Systematic. Training in the pool should take place at least 3 times a week.
  • Duration Classes in water should not be less than 45 minutes.
  • Activity. Swimming for weight loss is carried out with high intensity.

It is advisable to start training under the supervision of an instructor. A professional will help you organize the time you visit the pool (establish a regime of intense workload and relaxation), teach you how to properly perform exercises and conduct warm-ups and warm-ups. All this contributes to the speedy achievement of the cherished goal.

Disease control

Holding classes in the pool can significantly help in the treatment of various diseases. Doctors often come up with a question about whether a visit to the pool is useful for asthma. Optimum air temperature and humidity reduce asthma breathing discomfort. Medicine believes that regular swimming classes can significantly reduce the risk of seizures.

is it useful to visit the pool

It is useful to visit the pool and for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Reducing the load on the skeleton allows you to recover faster after injuries, as well as strengthen the muscle corset without additional injury to the affected areas.

The dangers of visiting the pool

A meaningful attitude to one’s own health implies not only understanding how useful the pool is, but also what dangers its visit entails. High humidity is an excellent factor for the reproduction of viruses and bacteria. Most of them no longer respond to the disinfectant that is used for cleaning in the pool.

To reduce the risk of getting a virus or fungal infection, choose a pool in which a certificate is required when you visit. Beware of going there during epidemics. Be sure to carefully shower after water procedures.

is it good to go to the pool

When swimming, use a quality cap so that your ears are tightly closed. It is advisable to use special ear plugs for the pool. These precautions will help protect yourself from otitis media, which often occur after water gets into your ears.

What to bring

When visiting the pool you will need:

  • Help from the medical institution.
  • Swimming trunks (swimsuit for women).
  • Slates.
  • Shampoo, shower gel, body sponge.
  • Quality swimming cap (optional - ear plugs).
  • Swimming glasses.
  • Towel or bathrobe.
  • Hair dryer (if not installed in the locker room).
  • Wet accessory bag.


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