School program. Punctuation is ...

The word "punctuation" came to us from the Latin language. Literally punctum is the "dot". Punctuation is a system that studies punctuation and the conditions for their placement in sentences. Is it really necessary to use it? Is there really little knowledge of the alphabet and writing skills to understand and transmit information?

punctuation is

General information

From letters that mean sounds, words are formed. Through them, people communicate. But to understand what is heard is sometimes not enough pronunciation of words in a certain sequence. When speaking, a person uses various intonations, either increasing or decreasing the tone. Thus, he focuses the listener on what has been said. Between words or their individual groups, gaps of different lengths can be used. All these points cannot be dispensed with, because it is they who give the proposal a certain semantic connotation. Speaker with the help of voice, pauses can correctly convey information to the interlocutor. And how to do all this to someone who writes, for example, a message? How to correctly write in writing your attitude to what is being said? How to show and express your emotions? This will help punctuation. This is exactly the tool that helps highlight the intonation on the letter.

Russian punctuation


Along with spelling, punctuation is a necessary part of the graphic system of any language. Knowing the correct setting of different punctuation marks is just as necessary as competent spelling. Without this, there will be no accuracy and completeness in the content of the text. What is needed to ensure that all readers correctly evaluate and understand the information presented? For this, a set of punctuation rules established within the national language is required. In a letter of different nationalities, they can have the same graphic image, but differ in their meaning and, therefore, the condition of use. But this is not the main thing. It is important that representatives of one language equally understand the meaning and designation of a punctuation mark.

punctuation grade 8


Russian punctuation can be considered in a narrow and broad sense. In the first case, we are talking about the main punctuation marks. Everyone knows that at the end of any sentence, a period is put. To convey interrogative intonation, expressions of emotional coloring, you will need interrogative or exclamation marks, ellipses. These are signs of the end of a sentence. Sometimes parts of the syntactic structure are separated from each other with a comma, semicolon, dash, colon. They are called “mid-sentence” signs. You can highlight parts of complex syntactic constructions using double elements (commas or dashes), brackets, and quotation marks. These are paired highlight marks. There are twelve in all. For proper writing and correct understanding, students need to know about the condition for staging each of them.

In a broad sense, punctuation is a way of spatial organization of the text. Here you can talk about paragraph divisions, spaces, asterisks and other signs. During the educational process, they also need to introduce students. This is necessary for a complete understanding of the rules of design and construction of the text. In the most complete and detailed way, the rules for setting punctuation marks are introduced to children after grade 7. Prior to this, they received only scattered principles, which includes punctuation. Grade 8 provides for a more in-depth study of the punctuation system. There is an understanding that through graphic elements the text is split into parts, a structural feature of the syntactic unit and its intonation are written in writing.

Punctuation test

Using special computer tasks, you can check the level of your knowledge in this area. Testing will show the most common errors, indicate their causes. Recommendations that will be offered after completion and verification of the assignment will help to avoid shortcomings in the future. This system can be used by high school students, applicants and teachers of the Russian language, as well as people whose occupation is associated with the growth of their own literacy and checking it with others.

punctuation test

From the history

The formation of Russian punctuation occurred at the beginning of the 19th century. In general terms, it was similar to the rules for punctuation in other European languages. But the punctuation of past centuries is different from modern. In Ancient Russia, words and sentences were not separated from each other. Scribes in their work used such signs as a dot, a cross, a wavy line. After some time, the colon, brackets, and a question mark begin to appear in writing. The further development of the system was influenced by the introduction of printing. Only by the beginning of the 19th century, when the modern Russian literary language was formed, the basic concepts of the correct and uniform use of punctuation marks for all were strengthened . At the same time, the well-known representative of grammatical science M.V. Lomonosov begins his monumental work: he creates "Russian Grammar" (1755). It was this man in his work that gave rise to Russian punctuation as a science.

Russian punctuation rules

Proceedings of scientists

Lomonosov’s case was continued by his student, professor at Moscow University, A. A. Barsov. He clearly, accurately and clearly stated the rules of Russian punctuation in his scientific work. But his "Grammar" reached us only in handwritten form. The most ordered and systematic information on punctuation was provided by Academician Y. K. Grot in his book Russian Spelling. For many years, the history and formation of the language and its individual sections has been studied. This book is the first in our country code of spelling and punctuation rules. The work of the Grotto is so famous that until 1917 it has withstood twenty editions.


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